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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by TracyinKS

  1. TracyinKS

    Hi from Kansas

    WELCOME MACHELE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats for just going with the Self Pay option! I'm from the KC area too, and going with Dr. Malley, but if I had to go self pay I would definately go the same route as you. Keep us posted!!!
  2. TracyinKS

    February 2007 bandsters!

    WOW this thread is starting to hop! I edited the very first message I posted (Post #2) with the complete updated list... I plan on keeping this list up to date for all the newbies who want to sign in or any of us pending folks that get a real date.
  3. TracyinKS

    March 2007 Bandsters

    HELLO!!!!!!! I started the feb thread when I thought I would FOR SURE be banded in February.. NOT SO... I still don't have a date, but I know that the hospital I need to go to is alredy booked through March 8th.... Add me to the list please! I've had my psych eval and my nutrition assement, now I'm waiting on letters from them to my docs office so that they can submit to insurance.
  4. TracyinKS

    Strike 2 and I am out!

    Call your 401K provider..... like others have said... YOUR money that YOU put in is yours. You may not be able to take out the money your company has matched or funded unless you are 100% vested....... Again... call your 401k and ask for an EMERGENCY distribution... give them some sad story why you need the money... (do not say elective surgery) or else they will just think you want new boobs or something. I've had two employees call and get an emergency distribution (this is NOT a loan) you will have to pay fees and taxes.
  5. TracyinKS

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I got everyone updated! I've done all my evals.. now its just a matter of waiting..... I'm so excited for all of you starting your pre op diets and getting ready..... My day will come, just not as early as all of you lucky ducks.
  6. TracyinKS

    February 2007 bandsters!

    well I'm back from the nutritionist......... she was really nice... BUT she and I didn't agree on some things... she was skinny as a rail and probably would slit her wrists if she ever hit 150...... but she was very nice, and she IS ok'ng me for surgery!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH! Now i just have to wait for her letter and the shrinks letter.......... HURRY UP, HURRY UP!
  7. TracyinKS

    Any Younger Bansters Here?

    YOU ARE NOT GIVING UP! You are taking charge of YOUR life, and although your sis and mom love you.. they have NO idea what it is like for YOU to live in your own skin..... My sis is also thin... but you know what... she has also been a lot sicker in her life than me..... she is so excited for me, but she has no clue what its like. Keep on with your plan.. I applaud you for getting it together at such a young age! (not that your a baby on this board) you are just at a place so many of us Middle aged (geesh I guess I AM middle aged at 37)... anway.. so many of us wished we hadnt waited so long.
  8. TracyinKS

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I have my nutritionist meeting today...... I'm excited, I just wish it was over..... I remembered to take my vitiman today.......... DID YOU?
  9. TracyinKS

    Went to the gym today....

    CONGRATS on making it to the gym!
  10. Yvonne... I will be like you.. I will have to eat LowCarb (atkins) to lose the weight..... it's just my body.. what the band will help ME with is the portion sizes...... you'll get past this stage!
  11. TracyinKS

    Today is the Day

    CONGRATS and be sure to post when you get back home and feel up to it! as for saying goodbye to your friend/enemy.......... it is scarey.. you will still have your friend, just in lower doses....... so that it will no longer be your enemy! (this is what I'm telling myself) GOODLUCK!
  12. TracyinKS

    February 2007 bandsters!

    I think I need to start a diet... my farewell to food tour is so out of hand! my fattest jeans are now getting to tight. We got 6.5 inches of snow last night and this morning we went outside and built a snowman... I was sweating like a pig.. and I felt like one too... next winter.... I'll be HOT!
  13. its funny because the cysts do come and go... that is why they keep you from ovulating... (they stunt the growth of your follicles so that you can never pop out a mature egg).........
  14. this is so true, I was diagnosed by my fertility doctor at age 22.... 15 years ago.... he was the director of reproductive medicine... he didn't diagnose me until I had a vaginal sonogram and he saw all the cysts on my ovaries... my general PCP had never even heard of it.... either had the endocrinologist.... even though the fertility doctor knew enough to diagnose at the time there wasn't any cure, help or advice he could give me.. he just told me that it was just my body type...... my point is.. more and more docs are learning about it.. but those that don't read up on NEW finding or allow themselves to believe new fangled theories.... are just left in the dark.. because although they are doctors they are merely human.
  15. TracyinKS

    February 2007 bandsters!

    Happy Saturday! I think I got everyone updated... man oh man I hope I can get my date this week. We are waiting for snow here in Kansas.. they say 4-6", but we shall see.
  16. I have PCOS and my biggest symptom is period irregularity and infertility (I even underwent fertility treatment in my early 20's) charting, pills, shots... double and triple amounts of pergonal) NOTHING worked.... until I found low carbing in 1999......... if I eat at induction levels my periods will straighten right up... I had 3 misscarriages in 99-2001, then I went into depression.... then i got a divorce.... then I met the rebound guy.. then I started low carbing again.. then I got pregnant again... and now I have a 3.5 year old son... and thank god the rebound guy is gone I bleach my upper lip hair, but I've never had any problem with other areas.
  17. TracyinKS

    Diagnosis code...

    sorry guys.. I tried to space all of this out, but it didn't work
  18. TracyinKS

    Diagnosis code...

    diagnosis for what??? the lap band CPT code is 43770 This is from the info pack from my doc… (I'm cutting and pasting.. so I hope it doesn't come out garbled) LAGB SURGERY 43770 Morbid Obesity 278.01 BAND ADJUSTMENT 90779 BMI 34.0-34.9 V85.34 REPLACE PORT 49999 BMI 35.0-35.9 V85.35 BAND REMOVAL 43774 BMI 36.0-36.9 V85.36 UNSPECIFIED FLUORO 76496 BMI 37.0-37.9 V85.3 OTHER BMI 38.0-38.9 V85.38 Patient Responsibility BMI 39.0-39.9 V85.39 NP VISIT $ 150.00 BMI 40 and over V85.4 NP VISIT & FILL $ 250.00 Hypertension 401.0 ESTAB PT VISIT $ 50.00 Diabetes 250.0 FILL $ 100.00 sleep Apnea 780.57 LAGB SURGERY $ 5,150.00 Low Back Pain 724.2 UNFILL $ 100.00 Joint Pain 719.4 FLUORO $ 100.00 GERD 530.81 REPLACE PORT HyperCholesterol 272.0 BAND REMOVAL Depression 311.
  19. I too have heard the horror stories of people missing an appointment and then having to restart the entire program........... DON'T MISS!
  20. The bariatric coordinator at my doc office was his very first LB patient, she says she's keeps her band pretty loose now that she is at goal.... I think she is 3 or 4 years out.
  21. as a prebanded person.. LBT has been a HUGE help to me.... I found my doc by first hearing his name (and others) and then doing my own research... had I not.. I might of just went with the guy who is plastering my tv with his commercials.......... I've gained information, motivation, networked a little, and have learned that by far.. everyone is different... and that post op check list is posted on my fridge...... I will be the first banded person in my cirlce of RL friends and family... so it helps to just pop on here and talk to vetrans and other pre-bandsters.
  22. TracyinKS

    February 2007 bandsters!

    ROFLMAO!!!!!!!!! I can sooooo relate! I'll get everyone added in a sec... (my boss just got here)
  23. I am so :angry ! I started checking into a band for my mom...... I helped her set up a profile, and then I downloaded her Health Certificate... guess what is on EXCLUSION #33? You guessed it.. 33. For bariatric surgery, regardless of the purpose it is proposed or performed. This includes but is not limited to Roux-en-Y (RNY), Laparoscopic gastric bypass surgery or other gastric bypass surgery (surgical procedures that reduce stomach capacity and divert partially digested food from the duodenum to the jejunum, the section of the small intestine extending from the duodenum), or Gastroplasty, (surgical Certificate procedures that decrease the size of the stomach), or gastric banding procedures. Complications that result in an Inpatient stay or an extended Inpatient stay for the bariatric surgery are not covered Dang it, she needs it so... and now she is so depressed........ I swear.. If I had the money I would fly her ass to Mexico and get it done, OR Denver, but Mexico would be warmer...
  24. TracyinKS

    How often do you weigh yourself?

    When I'm on plan I weigh everyday,,,,, but when off I hide from the scale... since I am NOT banded yet I have not been on the scales....

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
