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LAP-BAND Patients
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About ZoeB963

  • Rank
    Intermediate Member
  • Birthday 01/26/1970

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  1. Happy 43rd Birthday ZoeB963!

  2. Happy 42nd Birthday ZoeB963!

  3. Well ,I figured the smoking would be an issue .Well then I will quit tommorow !That way I can tell my Dr "Look ,I even quit Smoking" ,might just be on the 3rd day when I see her but I want this more than smoking ! LOL ,guess I should warn the Hub's ...LOLOLOL ...
  4. I'm a smoker is that going to make a difference ?I just thought about that ...
  5. I'm sure I'll be the same way .I have mulled this over for years in my head ,just never actually uttered a word publically till now . I guess I just saw it as a cop out ,now I understand the Cop Out is acting as if I can do it on my own or ignoring that I am powerless without the proper tools and in my case that tool ,means the band !I'm taking control back and it feels good ! Honestly I thought I was alone ,nobody would understand ...I now know I was wrong .I got all excited about something else besides my FaceBook account today ,the something else is here on this thread !I cant say it enough how much inspiration I've found here .
  6. I wonder if theres anyway I could get lead put in the soles of my shoes prior to my orientation for the first weigh in ...LOL ?
  7. Heather ,Welcome to you ,you found a great place .I just got here 2 days ago as well !Stick around these Ladies are so AWESOME it's not even funny !Well nice to meet you =) . AudsMom -Thanks ,the eating what u want till you no longer can seems to be the consensus around here so I'm taking the advice =) . meandmyweightloss --I just made the appointment for a referal !I think I'm leaning towards the band .For many of the same reasons stated .I just think it'd be the better fit for me .It's the weigh in accountability with the band though that leans me in its direction ,well other then the whole "Re-model" of my insides as you say !!!
  8. Well Good Afternoon Ladies ! I dont have alot of time but I just wanted to stop in and say I bit the bullet this morning and made the appointment for my "Refferal" .This Tuesday at 4:45 pm I will see my PCP ,and I will walk out with a refferal ...LOL !Or their dragging me out ! I had a heart to heart with my husband and he's on board for whatever I want to do .That in itself is a big deal to me ,but he says it's my body and if that's what it take's he's all for it !!!I just love that man =) .We sat down and went over the website info y'all had posted and will go over it again more in depth this weekend . I was wondering if any of you would mind me showing him the "Support System" you all have made on here as I'm sure it's going to be a lifeline for me now .I think he may understand a little bit more ,not that he doesn't already .I know he could look at it anonamously but I'd rather you all know and have a say .Does that make sense ? I can't tell you how glad I am to have found you all !I hope I can make you all as proud of me as I am by all your inspiring stories .If I had'nt of come here I'd still be wondering "What if ?" & "Should I do it?" now I am just doing it !Time for me to be MY priority for once ,and I'll tell ya what It feels DANG good ! My head is kinda spinning at the moment ...I was shaking just making the appointment ,is that normal ?I guess everyones "Normal" is different .
  9. :wink2:I haven't even made the appt for my referral as of yet .Actually was going to make it this morning but we forgot to put the phone on the charger last night and it was completely dead .:eek:Takes 12 hours to fully charge and I didn't want it to die while talking to Kaiser .So I'll be making that appointment tommorow . Actually my Dr asked me to do the 1200 cals .and see the nutritionist about 3 months ago .The nutritionist was intimidating ,couldn't of been no bigger than my pinky I swear .
  10. Reggie ,Swishbc ,swrktp ,you ladies are amazing =) . Swishbc --Thanks for the link ,gonna check it out in a bit . swrktp--See I'm afraid that's what my Dr is going to do .She is a great Dr dont get me wrong but she's more the Hard work and perseverance .I have worked hard and have persevered ...LOL .But she's surprised me before .She did send me to the diet dr before ,I just wasn't ready for that step I guess and declined .So I guess she probably would do a referall after all .I'd actually forgotten about that appt till I was just now typing . I'm copying the # NOW !.I'm sure I'll be calling you very soon .Just need to get my chickens in a row first =) . Well I gotta get dinner going for the Hubby and Mom .I'll be back tommorow to chat more . Is it possible to be in love with all you wonderful ladies ?Because I think I am LOL ...Your all so warm and inviting .I love that =) ...well ttyl .
  11. So this "Fill" I keep hearing about ...you have to continueously fill it ?And just curious but does it (lap band) stay in forever ?
  12. Hi Reggie ,I'm in Vallejo . Sheesh ,firstly I'm crying reading your post .I too am having problems "Keeping it off" .I have done the meridia ,which helped me drop about 60 lbs or so .Actually 74 ,but I gained 13 back last Summer due to being ordered off my feet for a wound that wouldn't heal .Thankfully it did and I got to keep my foot !LOL ... I did the xenical as well but am hypersensitive to it so I ended up in the ER many a night to be poked and prodded and shot up with morphine only to be told they didn't know what the problem was then send me home .Thankfully my Dr figured it out .I was the 6 % of 14 % of people to get "Ovarian Cancer like" effects from it !Quit taking it and the pain passed in a few weeks ! Anyways after gaining the 13 back I have'nt gained but I can't seem to lose this time around .Honestly I think I need this surgery .I half heartedly have been doing the 1200 cals a day .I guess because I see no means to an end so why limit myself if all I ever do is fight my weight ?Not that I'm going overboard but I do still have fries and such twice a week or so .Not good ,I know .But in my defense McDonalds is 5000 ft away from my front door =/ . So I'm just really trying to figure out a game plan .I honestly think I've made my decision and thats why I'm here . Sorry it's taking so long to reply I failed typing in HS ...LOL !I tap type with one finger ...ugh ...
  13. Also ,exactly how do I edit my profile ?LOL ,I'm computer illiterate basically =) ,can't figure it out ?
  14. Good Evening Ladies !Thank you all for the warm welcome .Yes ,I am a Kaiser Member in NoCal .I am really trying to figure out if this is the right decision for me .I have always been the big girl ,which seriously I had no problem with .Now though at 335 I do have a problem . I'm just wondering though If I ask my Dr for the refferal can she say no ?LOL ,that'd seriously suck if she did .Also ,I know there are risks ,but honestly other than being in pain and of course making it through the surgery itself ,what is the process ? I gotta be honest the psych evauluation kinda freaks me out ?Is it just me ?Also the pre op testing like for apnea ?I know I can look all that up but I'd feel better if I could hear it from people who've actually been through it ,not just text online or in a book ?Ya know ?
  15. Sorry I dont mean to intrude but I think you all are the best ones to ask my questions to =) . Hi all .My name is Zoe ,I am curious ...I heard Kaiser requires a 24 week course prior to accepting you for Surgery ?Is this true ?Also does Kaiser cover the Surgery or is there out of pocket expense as well ? I weigh 335 and am 5' 11" ...BMI of 45 or 46 last I checked .I am doing the 1200 cals a day ,but something isn't right as I'm not losing ? *whew ,telling my weight is sort of liberating ?=) ,feels good ...*

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