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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by amysjourney

  1. amysjourney

    No nonsense approach to weight loss

    I agree Mindy! I bookmarked your blog so I am hoping it gives me the inspiration I need to start loosing
  2. amysjourney

    No nonsense approach to weight loss

    So I know this post is from awhile back but I am so glad it was brought up to the top! THISis exactly what I have needed. I posted a thread below about looking for a mentor (see this for all my problems). Thank you guys for giving me a new way to look at my band and my new "non-Diet" lifestyle!
  3. amysjourney

    Looking for support

    Hi guys, I am Amy, I am 28 years old from Southern Cal. I am getting married in May and I need to loose about 135 lbs. (not by then but hopefully some!) I was banded in Sep 06 and lost about 33 lbs in about 5 months. I had my fills done regularly and it got harder and harder to eat. In March of 07 I had a fill that put me over the top. I wasn't able to take pills and water would come back up. The next day the Doc said we should totally empty it and let the swelling go down if there was any... I never went back. That night I ate something and couldn't believe how good it felt to eat and not throw up. I think I ate a smart one, I am not talking a buffet here. Just the feeling of no pain while eating was so nice! Of course since that day I have gained 30 of the 33 lbs back. For awhile I decided I wasn't going back for a fill ever again. But I am feeling now that I wasted all the time and fear I had about the surgery and I NEED to loose this weight. I made a dr appt with a new doc for a fill in June 08. This doc is much more aggressive with fills,I have a 10 band and she put in 1.5 for my 1st fill. She says most people with my band go to 3 or 3.3 so I am almost at half of what I will have! She also ordered an upper GI and everything looks good so no slip! :thumbup: I am really hoping the 2nd time around is better. I think part of this surgery that no one talks about it that it is uncomfortable to eat after you have had it, I never knew this would be the case. Even with no fill at all I cant eat some things. I guess in the end its better that way. Anyways I am looking for a buddy! THANKS!
  4. amysjourney

    Looking for support

    Hi, Tell me about yourself! Amy

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