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LAP-BAND Patients
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About Crash220

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  • Birthday 04/11/1965
  1. Happy 48th Birthday Crash220!

  2. Happy 47th Birthday Crash220!

  3. Hello everyone, I am a 44 yr old guy, T2 diabetic, with sleep apnea. I am 6'4" now 300lbs, my highest weight ever. I blame my most recent increase, (it's never my fault) on two shoulder surgeries, and a knee surgery, and a recent severe accident in which I was involved, but not at fault. I recently attended a seminar, and have an appointment with the doc this month. Anyway, I have been battling weight my entire life. Some good results, but usually gain it back. I know of two women who have had Lapband, one with fantastic success, the other with good success. I have a few concerns, one of my crutches in life is caffeine, I can't drink coffee, so I get mine through Diet Coke. I have read you can't drive ANY carbonated drinks with a GB. True or false? Also read of problems with pills. I work outside, so in the summer, I drink a lot of Water, can I still drink water in large quantities? It would seem to be OK as water should not be effected by the band. True or false? Any other things I am over looking? Thanks, Tom

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