Hi folks!!!
been awhile. well im happy to report that i am now 33.1/2 weeks and doing well. i havent been on for awhile as i been getting a bit tired at night and just havent managed to get in here and have an update!
A few weeks ago I was put through the gestational diabeties training because the docs were unable to get an accurate reading with the glucose challenge test. (it was wayyyyy too much sugar so i lost both attempts) the docs wanted me to track my blood sugar levels just incase so it just made sence to get me in the programe. well it turned out that in all the testing i have come up with some low readings with a few hints of hypoglycima. After seeing some specialists at our big mothers hospital, i was quickly reasured that the low readings i was getting were pretty normal and expected. most women experience some low readings at times. well i have to admit that i was told to start eating more, and as my low readings were comming in i was actually eating more, (feeling sick from eating all the extra morning/afternoon teas all over the place) but it was doable. i just had to keep my carb intake up.... OH and NOT give up the coffee milk!!! (go figure!!! been trying to kick that one for ages!)
I was a bit scared to tell you the truth, but i was reasured that the baby will take what it needs, i just have to worry about looking after myself. it turns out that the docs were just making sure they were not missing anything by putting me in the progie.
I am told i should have a normal 8Lbs baby this time (first baby was 9 14 so i was very happy hearing THAT) and that i am doing very well. I feel better than i have in years even at this later stage of pregnancy. im still up and down the stairs with no major issues and have only just last week stopped my exercise class, doctors orders.
Its amazing how physically better off i have been this time around in comparision to the last pregnancy. im doing soooo much more this time around and copeing 500% better with movement and life in general. its nice to still have a spring in my step when i go into the maternity clinic and hardly even look pregnant against some of the girls that have that HUGE bump and gummy leg/hip. my weight has been up and down a little like 1 lbs up 1 down.....1 up....... 2lbs down.... so overall i have still lost weight, even managing to crack the 50Kg for those of you who follow the Kg measurements <grins>
ohhhh 1 excelent thing to mention, i have had NO itchiness of the skin. i have been shrinking and growning at the same time which also means no 'extra' stretch marks lolol happy days. some of my skinny friends have got 1 inch wide streachies from child bearing and im truely happy to report this isnt the case for those of us with/previously had, a generous beam.
till soon everyone.