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LAP-BAND Patients
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About sarahstarjd

  • Rank
    Surgery date June 2!!!
  • Birthday 05/17/1981

About Me

  • Biography
    Mom of two, Professional Yo-Yo Dieter
  • Interests
    cake decorating,
  • Occupation
    self employed
  • City
    Near Oklahoma City
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  1. My doctor told me that they liquid diet helps your liver shrink so that he can get his laproscropic tools around your liver to be able to attach the lapband to your stomach. I mean not eating or dinking the night before sounds much easier. But I am not taking any chances. Because my Dr said if i don't follow the liquid diet he will be able to tell but not until he goes in to do the surgery and if my liver isn't small enough then he will cancel my surgery. And I don't want to go through all that just to have it cancelled. I would just double check with your Dr. maybe he is doing it a different way. Good Luck and let me know how you make out. Hope i didn't scare you thats just what he said. I can't wait to start my new wonderful life. :)

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