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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by LaDawnS

  1. I've been told by the nutritionist that if you are going on a cruise or vacation to come in and get the Fluid out of your band so you don't have the restriction. Does this mean that you can eat a little more than the 8 ounces without causing slippage? Wondering because...I had a larger band put in because of swelling in my stomache with the smaller band that wouldn't go away. Havn't had my first fill with this second band yet so I'm completely open! I haven't been this hungry since before my first band was placed 2 1/2 years ago! Thinking I can maybe eat a little more until my first fill to keep that hunger down, it's so bizzare feeling "hunger" again...Don't like it much!

  2. I had the same problem. Was sleeping sitting up and still was choking on stomach acid. Went to have band checked and found out that i had a huge bulge the size of a mandarin orange. Was completely unfilled and a month later (today) I went back to have it checked and thank god it had gone back to normal. Was scared to death that I would gain weight but with careful watching of what I ate and having only Soup for dinner i actually lost 4 lbs which I hadn't done since Dec. WooHoo!! If you continue to have a problem get a barium check and follow their directions carefully. Tip: sleeping on your left side helps too. :thumbup: Good luck and hang in there as it will work out.

    Hey Rangergirl,

    It sounds like we had exactly the same thing! Good to hear all is back to normal! Good job not gaining! That's what I'm afraid of! In fact I have gained a few pounds already but I figure, the food is actually staying down, so I was bound to gain a little. Haven't had that luxury in a while! LOL! The day they emptied my band, was the last day I had any acid reflux problems at all! And I can tell that the swelling has gone down and the blockage is clear because food is goin through now so I'm very happy! Hopefully I'll have the same results as you and be back to normal in a few weeks! :thumbup:

  3. Hey everyone! I have been having serious pain exactly where my port is for the past 2 days. I have been taking some left over pain medicine from a surgery that I had back in Jan. of this year but it's not seeming to help. I'm starting to wonder if something is going on with my port, like if it has slipped or even maybe has flipped or trying to? If it's not any better by tomorrow, I'm calling the doctors office. Just wondering if anyone out there in bandland has any suggestions as to what it could be. I had my surgery back in August of '08 by the way.



    I just posted a thread wondering if anyone was having this problem. Is it kind of a burning sensation? Not awful, just enough to be irritating? I'm 14 months post op , I though I was beyond things like this happening.:confused:

  4. I was just curious if anyone had this issue...

    I'm 14 months post op and for at least the last 7 months I've had burning at my port site off and on. Not terrible burning, just enough to be annoying. It feels like maybe something is irritating the area around the port. I haven't said anything to my surgeon because it isn't ever bothering when I actually go in to see him...of course, Murphy's Law. :confused:

  5. Vomiting. That's what my surgeon says. My LAP-BAND®® experience has been easy-peasy. I have lost 80 pounds in 14 months, then I started getting really uncomfortable after eating and began throwing up. This became more and more frequent over about 3 months until last week when it was happening several times per day. At the ER my surgeon said I had a slip (the ER docs had no clue.) He took all the Fluid out and told me to go back to fluid for four days (tomorrow) and then starting adding soft food slowly. He said his goal is for the slip to correct itself. Has anyone ever heard of this? I trust my surgeon completely and he is well-respected in our area....I am just praying he is right. I lost my job since being banded and can not afford to have it revised....it would probably just have to come out per my insurance.

    I kind of had a similar issue. Apparently my band was to tight. It caused severe acid reflux which in turn caused swelling in my stomache. My stomache ended up pushing up through the band and blocking the hole. I wasn't able to keep solid food down for quite a while, but when I started not being able to keep liquids down they had me come in for tests. My band had just slipped a little. They emptied my band and told me to come back in in 6 weeks for a refill. The doctor said it should heal itself in that time. It was like night and day...as soon as they emptied the band, I felt 100% better! This was about a week and a half ago and I am not having any reflux or acid issues at all! Even sleeping laying down! I've been having to sit up straight to sleep since before Christmas!

  6. I can't get too discouraged. I went shopping the other day and was able to get the next size down in clothing. The first time in a very long time!

    That is something that you'll notice...even though you don't seem to be loosing weight at times, you will loose in inches! So keep your chin up! Sounds like you're doing great!:thumbup:

  7. sleeping laying down? oh I cant wait! Glad that everything worked out for you without too much intervention or having to get your band removed. that is my fear. I will def call them after the holiday! I am 3lb from goal so if they emptied most of it I wouldnt be horribly worried. I have only had 3 fills and at the last one he said it was only half full so I have some space to play with.

    I'm glad you're going to call your doc! Hopefully it's the same as me and you just have your band a bit too tight. Simple fix!

    Congratulations on being only 3 pounds from your goal!!! That's awesome! I still have about 17 more pounds to go...but now that I'm actually loosing again, hopefully, I'll be there soon! Take Care!

  8. So its been 2 months since I posted and a lot has happend. My band was too tight (again) and I lost nothing. My Doctor laced into me about how slowly I'm losing, and that is about to change. On the advice of a fellow bandster I picked up the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred and am starting it tomorrow. Wish me luck. I have found it a lot easier to walk lately but with the humidity it slows me down again. I have a wedding to go to in 3 weeks and am determined to not be the 3rd of "matt's fat sisters". Hope everyone else is doing well.. I'll be popping up again next friday.

    have a good week

    Oh, I lost 2 lbs this week....

    It really annoys me when I hear about docs getting on their patients for loosing too slowly! If you are loosing...that's great! Especially when your band is too tight! I just went through the same thing, my band being too tight actually caused horrible reflux, slippage and blockage. Needless to say the weightloss was non existant! It's being fixed and I've started loosing again! I think I might try that Jillian 30 day Shred thing too! I've heard it's awesome! Good luck with everything! And congrats on the 2 pounds this week!!!!!

  9. I am going to start posting here and seeing if it will help me get on the stick. I have been on a plateau for a long time and it is time to get going again. I have lost only a few lbs in months. Wish me luck. I am going to try using most of the rules next week and if I feel I need it,will get a fill. I am glad to see people losing at all different rates.

    I'm right there with ya bmooney! I've been on a very long plateau myself and really need to get moving again! This group is great for keeping ya on track! I just had a complete unfill because I had horrible reflux from my band being too tight. It also caused some slippage and blockage. Once they unfilled me the reflux completely dissappeared! AND I actually started loosing again! Crazy, huh!? I was 172.5 this morning (that's 4 pounds since May 1, 2010! I had only lost 7 pounds in the last 6 months prior!). I'm hoping that when all of the swelling goes down and I don't have any restriction, I won't gain! I HAVE to be very good for the next 5 weeks until they re-fill my band again! Wish me luck guys! It's so good to be back! I've missed ya all!

  10. It's totally normal to go through this! Your body has just been through a traumatic experience. At about 2 weeks out for me I cried at everything! I also doubted whether or not I had made the right choice! Just got over emotional about the silliest things. But it only lasted for a couple of weeks then it was over and I was back to normal emotionally. Your band is definately worth going through this short emotional experience. You are right, It's not the easiest thing at times, but like I keep saying, "It's well worth the effort and experiences!" People WILL be talking about you...how wonderful, healthy and happy you look! The positive changes you will encounter because of it will be more worth it than you can imagine at this point!!! Good luck with everything! Try to stay positive!!!:tt1: Getting banded was the best thing I've ever done for myself!!!!!

  11. Hi Steph,

    If you are throwing up that frequently, I would talk to your bariatric doc! I was having the same problem! I was a year out May 1st. I got to the point that no solid food stayed down and my doc had me go in to get a swallow test, stomache x-ray. They found out that my band had been to tight, causing the acid reflux...which in turn caused my lower stomache to swell and go up my band causing a big blockage! I was to the point, two days before my tests that I couldn't even keep Water down! There was barely a trickle getting through my band! They emptied my band and want me to wait for 6 weeks and then I will go get it filled again. They said that it should all be healed by then. It took a few days for my stomache swelling to go down and allow me to eat solids again...BUT...the acid reflux that I had been suffering horribly from since Christmas was instantly gone the minute they emptied my band!!! I slept laying down instead of straight up and down on four pillows for the first time many months, that night!!! It's been wonderful!!!! And even though my band is empty, I've been loosing weight again, which I had not been doing much of since Christmas either! Hope this helps you! Good luck with everything!:tt1:

  12. I just went in to the Gastric center of the hospital my surgeon works at. They ex-rayed my band and found out that my lower stomache was actually going up through my band because of the inflamation from my acid reflux. They completely emptied my band and want me to come back in 6 weeks to get it re-filled. Man! It was like night and day! I haven't been able to keep food or beverages down very well the last couple of days and if I would've waited longer...it would not have been good! Don't let your reflux go to long!!!! Talk to your bariatric docs about it if it goes for very long at all!:smile:

  13. Yes, it definately sounds like you need a fill! I'll bet that will help ya! Hope so, I know this can be a frustrating journey at times...don't let it get ya down though...be persistant and it'll happen for you!:biggrin: I went in for my check ups every three months after my surgery and they gave me a fill every time and sometimes in between that! I felt like I was having them all the time! It sounds like your doc hasn't given you enough of them...

  14. YES!!! I've been having trouble off and on since Christmas. Doc unfilled me in Jan. and that helped for a little bit but it came back with a vengeance! Found out that I was eating all the wrong foods and when you have a tiny little pouch for your food, the wrong kinds can really hurt! Was told NO...chocolate, caffine, tea's unless they are herbal decaffinated, spicy, greasy, deep fried, acidy, citrusy, Tomato based, and strong spices like mint or cinnamon. All the foods I love basically, and ate a lot of! Also a big no-no is NSAID's like Ibuprofen. They have me taking basically two previcid (40 mg total) a day one pill every 12 hours until told otherwise and no eating or drinking for 3 hours before bedtime. I also sleep propped up on 3 pillows. I go in for GI Tests and lapband inspection this Friday. Don't let it go for too long though, if it persists definately see your bariatric doc! Many bad things can happen if you let this go for too long! Good luck!

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