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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by sarahbellzz14-4

  1. Absolutly NO problem. Any questions don't hesitate to ask.

  2. Hey! You and i are on the same page, Music Tattoos and all the rest. How are you doing?

  3. I get my fill on the 26th. I've been so cranky lol... everyones suffering! but other then that, had some pasta last night, chewed until my jaw was aching, but it was delicious, I literally counted every peice, 32 penne's filled me.

  4. Hey lady whats new? 3 days until the first day of the rest of your life!!! I'm so happy for you! TTYS.

  5. Dr. Gorecki @ methodist takes medicaid, But you have to see him in the clinic. Even if you go for a consultation he'll be able to tell you whether or not it's smart to do the surgery on you. he has a website, Dr Piotr Gorecki - expert in laparoscopic surgery in Brooklyn Center for Advanced Laparoscopy | Welcome to The Brooklyn Center for Advanced Laparoscopy And Minimally Invasive Surgical Weight Reduction Program and his staff are amazing. But one of the plus sides to having the surgery is that your high blood pressure will go down, b/c you immediatly go on a low/no fat diet and you must start excercising.

  6. Ahh yes, the Diamond Center!!!!! gosh, I miss it soo much up there to the point i signed up for the ADN daily briefing so I know whats going on. We were actually looking at plane tickets yesterday, we wanna go up there for the fur-rondy in feb, but either way, you and I must stay in touch, b/c we're bandsters, and I got your back girl! it's funny, That Now I know which doc to call in case I have a band emergency when I'm up there.

  7. Hey Akilah, I have the family health plus w/medicaid, it took about a week. But I was under observation for 6 months prior and I have 2 co-morbidities- Sleep Apnea and Severe Hip Arthritis as well as (discovered last minute) Not so healthy cholesterol levels for someone my age, esp. w/ heart disease in my family. My doc sent in 26 pages of notes, and in about 10 days I got my answer. Who is your doc? Also, My surgery was re-scheduled from May 7th to May 21st, b/c of my PCP. I've been banded for 2 weeks already....Anything else just ask, I'm here

  8. Hey, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I'm in Marine park, and it seems the NY page is DEAD. I've found a few people from Brooklyn, but no one seems to want to respond. SO How are you?

  9. Yeah it's been raining here in NYC for the past 3 weeks, and surprise the days it's gorgeous are the days I'm stuck inside at work (like today!) My Mood-swings have been VICIOUS. Apparently estrogen is stored in your fat and as the fat disolves the estrogen is released making us hormonal nightmares, Myself at the very top of that list. Just snapping for no reason, and today especially I'm cranky as hell!.

    Yeah eggs have been tough on me too, they're delicious but they've been getting stuck. I had pasta & shrimp last night, got full really fast. By the time I was done eating my jaw hurt from chewing so much. just taking it easy today had some really runny yogurt so far, kind of nausious still from last night, and like I said before, I'm just grumpy. and completely not amused that I won't have a day off for the next 12 days. But other then that I'm alright lol no complaints.

  10. wow. I attemped a little tiny thumb sized piece of bread and it got stuck and I PB'd. I guess everyone is different. It's not so much no carbs for a year to say it's dramatic limitations, because most carbs come in the form of pasta, bread etc. and they are very hard to digest and you have a bigger chance of it getting stuck and throwing it up. I attempted rice with ricotta cheese the other night and spent about 20mins throwing it all up. I was sick as a dog.

    Other then that, I've been good, very strict with myself about what I'm eating. I'm on basically mush/softs .. wounds are healing nicely, having port trouble when wearing a bra but thats about it.

  11. Hey Lady, how are you doing? haven't spoken to you in a while.

  12. hey, I'm alright, I have a feeling I gained :( I haven't weighed myself in a week but I feel kinda hefty today for some reason.

  13. where is he stationed elmendorf? my Fiancee gre up in Jewel Lake. We lived there for about a month but had to come back to NYC- Sucks, I wish every single day I was back up there. Good luck on your surgery, I was banded on 5/21...

  14. I am not but My fiancee is, he plays guitar. Yeah I heard about that, the slow down, I don't own a scale (yet) but I have a doctors appt in about an hour so I know she'll weigh me. Probably TMI but I think during my surgury because of the pressure on the abdomin my IUD shifted, so I have to see the gyno (Probably MORE TMI but the hunny said he can feel it, and I got my period 2 days after surgery for the 2nd time this month) so it's basically an emergency appt. Yeah My friend is an art teacher and tells everyone she has the coolest job in the world. I am a music junky. have been involved since I was 14 (R.I.P CBGB'S)

  15. Hey how are you? I've been looking for Anchorage people (b/c my heart is still there) going back up there in March. how are you feeling?

  16. Hey, My Fiancee is from Anchorage, And I absolutly adore it there! How are you doing?

  17. I'm doing good, how are you feeling? Yeah I'm a music Journalist by trade, but the 9-5 is in an office. Do you sing or play an instrument? I 100% support music programs & Arts in schools so I give a huge Kudos to you! As for the arthritis, believe it or not since I've been banded and dropped the 14lbs, it hasn't been that bad, just the occasional flare up the past few days b/c the weather here in NYC has been crappy, but not as severe as it was prebanding. Thank you so much for the friends request, I look forward to getting to know you!

  18. hey new friend.. how are you feeling?

  19. as of last friday, 14lbs down, could be more, but today I feel like a heffer for sure. My incisions are healing nicely, port site still a little uncomfortable especially with a bra on. Brussell sprouts hmmm..... Noy my cup of tea but it's o.k, because I went to town on 5 slices of Fresh mozzarella w/pesto for lunch today and I don't know if it was the oil or the garlic but My stomach & intestines are yelling at me now. but I'm friicken hungry!!!!!

  20. Hey Lindsay!!, 3 weeks. 2 weeks Pre op 1 week post op, but I'm still on liquid/mush diet right now. I move to mush/soft on thursday. I'm starving all the time, don't let it fool you. protein shakes really help and spacing out the meal is most important. Key is to keep hydrated, half the hunger will dissapear, and tell yourself that it's all a trick. And try to stick to specific times when you have your meal and make a "snack" time to have your protein shakes... That seems to work for me. only I'm off the protein now But still drink the Odwalla Vanilla Al'mondo ones for breakfast.

  21. So far so good. Your welcome. I'm activly hunting down people my age so we can go through this together.

  22. A healthy addiction. You could have woken up and went right for the fridge right?

  23. I just had yougurt and it was like an *O* in my mouth lmao. got full really fast. but I feel good.

  24. Hey, Got my bandages off today, healed nicely. Down 14 total (1 week post op) just had a bowl of oatmeal, amazed at how full I got so fast. Approval for Puree & mush today... I feel great

  25. Hey!!!! Just got home from the doc, took my bandages off and Got the go ahead to eat puree/mushies!!!! and I can finally have that scrambled egg by tuesday/wed..... and I'm 14lbs down. so excited.. how is your day?

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