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Status Updates posted by sarahbellzz14-4

  1. it's o.k I got sooo sidetracked with the whole MJ thing on tv to be honest lol, and Phil was just whiney & not feeling good. It's all cool. how'd everything go?

  2. Last week I basically stayed the same... Started soft solids and have been nothing but bloated since. And of course my first day off in 11 days and it's supposed to rain for the next 3 (which I am off for all 3) So there goes the harty walks I planned on taking, but first fill is supposed to be next friday so lets hope I get in gear again.

  3. LINDSEY GIRL!!! How are you doing??????

  4. Long time no talkie-talkie, How's it going? how you feeling? whats new?

  5. lookin good lady!!!!!!! How have you been?

  6. My local supermarket has them, but any Healthfood market has them whole foods has them I think they have a website that you can do a zipcode search to see where they are carried near you. Trader joe's might have em, like I said, google it, I don't know their website offhand.

  7. Not that I know of, I know there is one coming up in Atlantic City I believe soon 2 people from my office are going... I'll let ya know though. My restriction has been so weird lately, I can eat certain things like a horse, but others come right back up..

  8. oh I'm so sorry! transitioning from mush to softs, I'm alright though.. can't complain. you doing liquids yet or working your way down?

  9. PND- it's when you have a cold or allergies, and the snot runs down the back of your throat. It's Not fun. I feel like HELL, and I'm at work today, it's going to be a loooooong day.

  10. self diagnosis says it's a sinus infection from allergies.... I bought some nasal spray, aside from making me dizzy, it seems to be working. Sorry I made you gag lol.

  11. So far so good. Your welcome. I'm activly hunting down people my age so we can go through this together.

  12. STRESSED. Exhausted. I'm off thurs-sat, so I'm here. Not much otheriwse going on.

  13. Thank you soo much. You too look fabulous!!!

  14. thank you! How are you feeling/healing? that actually was the best of the bunch I took and my nose is looking a little long lol.

  15. the hair was the first thing I changed, clothes, I simply kept all my fav smaller sized things KNOWING I will fit into them again, so thats what I'm doing just digging out the old and buying new if only neccessary, and donating the much larger sized stuff to charity as I lose. No need in keeping it around because I will never wear it again! Thanks for the comment :)

  16. They have Lite and FF mayo here in the states.... You could try a dallop of that.

  17. Verdict on Tortillas, cuz you got me thinking, so I tried.... To be eaten warm, with melted cheese, but you have to use a fork and knife and eat DRAMATICALLY slow.- and whole wheat ones...

  18. Welcome to my journey!sombreropin.jpg4d5af4d019594ecd29bdc098053c7b3d.gif

  19. When are you being banded?

  20. yep. 25 down, I hear you about the itty bitty commitee. I'm on my way there too... Keep teasing my fiancee about the boob lift I'm gonna need. I actually noticed it last night for real.... I've always fluctuated between a c & a D and now I'm scared if it goes lower then that... as insecure as I've always been, lol my boobs were always my best asset!!!! don't worry you'll get over the hump... my 1st fill has been a bit of a lifesaver, though I'm not used to forcing myself to eat...

  21. You look fabulous btw..Thanks for the add.

  22. Ahh yes, the Diamond Center!!!!! gosh, I miss it soo much up there to the point i signed up for the ADN daily briefing so I know whats going on. We were actually looking at plane tickets yesterday, we wanna go up there for the fur-rondy in feb, but either way, you and I must stay in touch, b/c we're bandsters, and I got your back girl! it's funny, That Now I know which doc to call in case I have a band emergency when I'm up there.

  23. Ann!!! How I miss you dearly!!! how is everything! I have great news!!!! they are replacing the Hip on Oct 29th!!!! How are you feeling?

  24. Hey how are you? I've been looking for Anchorage people (b/c my heart is still there) going back up there in March. how are you feeling?

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