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Status Updates posted by sarahbellzz14-4

  1. I wish I could tell my bosses the truth. my life would be so much easier! had my first fill today a little uncomfortable got poked 3 times cuz the doc couldn't find my port at first I have 2 fatty deposits surrounding the port itself, so he poked both of them before actually finding it. restriction is alright I just ate, he said in 2 weeeks if I'm still not feeling restriction he'll put another few cc's in me. Thats good about the hubs. But I don't think 2 weeks is necessary. Are the trails open yet? because you have to start walking after the surgery!!!! It's been really crappy the past few weeks here in NY but all week it's been nice, so I walked, and BAM 6lbs gone..... You can do it!!!

  2. it's o.k I got sooo sidetracked with the whole MJ thing on tv to be honest lol, and Phil was just whiney & not feeling good. It's all cool. how'd everything go?

  3. hey lady how's it going haven't spoken to you in a while.

  4. Hey lady it's been a while since Ive seen you on, how are you doing???

  5. Verdict on Tortillas, cuz you got me thinking, so I tried.... To be eaten warm, with melted cheese, but you have to use a fork and knife and eat DRAMATICALLY slow.- and whole wheat ones...

  6. I'm home, you can call if you want, I'm Avoiding vaccuming like the plague..

  7. I've been alright, In Bandster hell, haven't gained or lost a lb in 2 weeks, and it sucks. I'm glad to hear your o.k. The first 2 weeks out apparently are the worst until you hit solids and enter Banster hell.

    Other then that I've been alright, cut 11 inches off of my hair and dyed it (to shed the "old me" and expose the real me) I hate my job lol.... back to business as usual, I'll be home til sun, so give a holla.

  8. How are you feeling Mama? haven't heard from you since like the day before your surgery? worried about ya... let me know

  9. Ahhh Brooklyn, It's all a facade!!!!! lol.. I hate it here, honestly, Born and raised here, And I'm itching to get the hell out!!!!! Some of it is nice, But when you guys come, def let me know, you have a built in tour guide to NYC!!!!!

    Yeah my face seems to be the only obvious place, that and One of my back rolls has dissapeared (the bottom one) so My waist is taking shape, and My DH says you can see it in my arms, but I guess cuz It's my body, I don't notice a thing!!! BUT, and this is so lame to say, I can actually cross my legs somewhat when I sit, it's more like the "dude" cross, but needless to say, I haven't been able to do that in like 2 years

  10. How ya feeling lady?

  11. I put the pic up for you lol.. so you can see for yourself :)

  12. Last week I basically stayed the same... Started soft solids and have been nothing but bloated since. And of course my first day off in 11 days and it's supposed to rain for the next 3 (which I am off for all 3) So there goes the harty walks I planned on taking, but first fill is supposed to be next friday so lets hope I get in gear again.

  13. Well That is awesome it went so well, you were nervous for nothing!!!! Yeah I should make my way to a support group one of these weeks.

    I just don't think I'm ready yet.

  14. Well congrats on your date. My B-day's the 17th of july, and It's the first year I can't completely gorge out on the best food!!! But hey, Thats the whole point of this So you have basically a month to prepare, Thats really good, and you can start with little changes first (switching from sugar to equal, reg. soda to caffine free etc) Is your doc making you go liquid before hand? even if he doesn't I would still reccomend it (preperation & a jump start to wl) Anything you need to ask, I'm here to help.... again, congrats, Don't be nervouse be proud!

  15. Hey lady hows it going?

  16. How did it go the other night? I'm sure you did fine.

  17. How's the search going? did you get in contact with Dr. Gorecki's office yet, Let me know your progress!!!

  18. You look fabulous btw..Thanks for the add.

  19. Hey Lady, I hope everything went great! I know you probably feel like crap when you read this, but if there's anything I can do to help, You have my number, don't be afraid to use it. Hope your in good spirits sweetie :)

  20. Besides being a miserable bitch to everyone in my path lol, I'm doing o.k. Incorportating Soft/solids now. I've been basically living off of shrimp for the past few days, I've always hated it, but for some reason I've been craving it, but I have to be Very careful about it though esp. if it's minced, because I'm severely allergic to cod fish and sometimes it's used as a filler. Other then that I'm o.k. working for the next 12 days straight. So not looking forward to that. But hanging in there.

    You will be fine, everything will go smoothly, and your Baby will be there when you wake up!!!! don't get nervous on me now girl!

  21. I'd kill for a salad right now. i was liquid 2 weeks pre-op and I hated every single minute of it. I've been slacking on the protein shakes but have been eating a lot of fish the past few nights. Deli turkey did not go over well with me at all.

  22. oh I'm so sorry! transitioning from mush to softs, I'm alright though.. can't complain. you doing liquids yet or working your way down?

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