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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by sarahbellzz14-4

  1. hey, how are you long time no speak!

  2. hey, I'm alright, I have a feeling I gained :( I haven't weighed myself in a week but I feel kinda hefty today for some reason.

  3. Hey, My Fiancee is from Anchorage, And I absolutly adore it there! How are you doing?

  4. Hey, SICK AS A DOG!!! I have a massive sinus infection, have felt like poo for the last 4 days, it seems the worst of it was yesterday. No appitite whatsoever, but forcing myself to eat & drink. 25lbs down, and Just taking it easy, how about you? Pretty pix :)

  5. Hey, sorry it took me so long to get back to you. I'm in Marine park, and it seems the NY page is DEAD. I've found a few people from Brooklyn, but no one seems to want to respond. SO How are you?

  6. Hey, Yeah I haven't been on for a while, Just kind of hurts because I'm dangling between these 4 lbs and it's killing me so the scale staying the same it's just not worth it for the friday weigh in!!! lol, and Life has just been keeping me busy. But I promise, I'll be active on here again! How are you????

  7. Hey! You and i are on the same page, Music Tattoos and all the rest. How are you doing?

  8. Hey!, Thank you for the compliment, Unfortunatly, It only seems noticable in my face and waist. Other people seem to notice it in my arms, and I kind of see it in my legs, it's weird when it's your own body, because Half the time We're so negative on ourselves it's hard to embrace change. BUT, Good luck, and please let me know how your surgery goes.

  9. Hey!!!! Just got home from the doc, took my bandages off and Got the go ahead to eat puree/mushies!!!! and I can finally have that scrambled egg by tuesday/wed..... and I'm 14lbs down. so excited.. how is your day?

  10. How are ya feeling lady?

  11. How are you feeling Mama? haven't heard from you since like the day before your surgery? worried about ya... let me know

  12. How did it go the other night? I'm sure you did fine.

  13. How's the search going? did you get in contact with Dr. Gorecki's office yet, Let me know your progress!!!

  14. I am not but My fiancee is, he plays guitar. Yeah I heard about that, the slow down, I don't own a scale (yet) but I have a doctors appt in about an hour so I know she'll weigh me. Probably TMI but I think during my surgury because of the pressure on the abdomin my IUD shifted, so I have to see the gyno (Probably MORE TMI but the hunny said he can feel it, and I got my period 2 days after surgery for the 2nd time this month) so it's basically an emergency appt. Yeah My friend is an art teacher and tells everyone she has the coolest job in the world. I am a music junky. have been involved since I was 14 (R.I.P CBGB'S)

  15. I appreciate that. I've been losing more inches then lbs, but I will take that. I had some probs for a bit, was over filled. 3lbs this week, 1st time in a while I've actually lost. Sorry to hear about the bottom part. just keep taking care of that (you already know that lol) and I highly reccomend Bio-oil for the scars.

  16. I get my fill on the 26th. I've been so cranky lol... everyones suffering! but other then that, had some pasta last night, chewed until my jaw was aching, but it was delicious, I literally counted every peice, 32 penne's filled me.

  17. I hear ya. I haven't been on here in a while it's a little discouraging not losing anything.. Life's just been keeping me busy, not enough hours in the day, ya know? hope everything is well with you... we can do it! o.k We got each other on here!!!

  18. I just had yougurt and it was like an *O* in my mouth lmao. got full really fast. but I feel good.

  19. I see the doc tomorrow. so we'll see what he says. I just want eggs. lol.

  20. I think it's begginers luck lol... I'm only 7 days out (today) and I was liquid pre-op, But I've been walking and doing lite cleaning and stuff around my house, But I'm too the point where I'm having a really hard time with the clears/liquids, too the point where I'm losing my appitite, and forcing myself to at least drink a diet snapple or water.

  21. I'd kill for a salad right now. i was liquid 2 weeks pre-op and I hated every single minute of it. I've been slacking on the protein shakes but have been eating a lot of fish the past few nights. Deli turkey did not go over well with me at all.

  22. I'm doing good, how are you feeling? Yeah I'm a music Journalist by trade, but the 9-5 is in an office. Do you sing or play an instrument? I 100% support music programs & Arts in schools so I give a huge Kudos to you! As for the arthritis, believe it or not since I've been banded and dropped the 14lbs, it hasn't been that bad, just the occasional flare up the past few days b/c the weather here in NYC has been crappy, but not as severe as it was prebanding. Thank you so much for the friends request, I look forward to getting to know you!

  23. I'm home, you can call if you want, I'm Avoiding vaccuming like the plague..

  24. It's like 25lbs in my neck! it's wierd. There's subtle areas I see it. And my hip is definatly doing a lot better. Weather is still pretty crappy here, when it doesn't rain, there is like a billion percent humidity. But I've been getting my walks in when I can. Looking into gyms now. Got my first fill, feel some restriction, but it comes and goes, and I'm getting sick at the moment, so apparently from what I've read, Post nasal drip causes restriction too... How about you?

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