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Status Updates posted by sarahbellzz14-4

  1. I hear ya. I haven't been on here in a while it's a little discouraging not losing anything.. Life's just been keeping me busy, not enough hours in the day, ya know? hope everything is well with you... we can do it! o.k We got each other on here!!!

  2. Hey, Yeah I haven't been on for a while, Just kind of hurts because I'm dangling between these 4 lbs and it's killing me so the scale staying the same it's just not worth it for the friday weigh in!!! lol, and Life has just been keeping me busy. But I promise, I'll be active on here again! How are you????

  3. Basically in the same boat, not gaining not losing which has made me extremely lazy & unmotivated which is something I am trying DESPERATLY to brush off. Flip-flopping between 28 & 32lbs down and it's killing me!!!!!!

  4. Long time no talkie-talkie, How's it going? how you feeling? whats new?

  5. STRESSED. Exhausted. I'm off thurs-sat, so I'm here. Not much otheriwse going on.

  6. as for the sugars thing, I was more worried about getting the protein in, and so long it doesn't have High fructose corn syrup I don't really care lol.. Though I do not eat real sugar anymore. If the protein & fiber count is higher then the carbs and sugars, then I'll take it.

  7. My local supermarket has them, but any Healthfood market has them whole foods has them I think they have a website that you can do a zipcode search to see where they are carried near you. Trader joe's might have em, like I said, google it, I don't know their website offhand.

  8. Everything will go great!!!! your a very strong lady... It will happen for you!

  9. Hey How are you feeling???

  10. LINDSEY GIRL!!! How are you doing??????

  11. yep. 25 down, I hear you about the itty bitty commitee. I'm on my way there too... Keep teasing my fiancee about the boob lift I'm gonna need. I actually noticed it last night for real.... I've always fluctuated between a c & a D and now I'm scared if it goes lower then that... as insecure as I've always been, lol my boobs were always my best asset!!!! don't worry you'll get over the hump... my 1st fill has been a bit of a lifesaver, though I'm not used to forcing myself to eat...

  12. Btw, After reading your story, Thats the story of my life, and I think a lot of ours.... Let the haters hate. Worry about you and your health and your future.. because some of us JUST NEED THAT BOOST that we can't get from a diet. The end result is that they will all feel like A**holes when you are FABULOUS AND HEALTHY!

  13. Certain spots there's a difference. But I'm working on it. I just need to get my ass in gear and start working out before I lose to much to tone up. It's amazing how 25lbs down and for a while there it was barely noticable, Thats how big I was. But loose clothing and being able to dust off things in the closet is a great feeling... remember, we're all here for you, any questions just ask!

  14. Hey, SICK AS A DOG!!! I have a massive sinus infection, have felt like poo for the last 4 days, it seems the worst of it was yesterday. No appitite whatsoever, but forcing myself to eat & drink. 25lbs down, and Just taking it easy, how about you? Pretty pix :)

  15. self diagnosis says it's a sinus infection from allergies.... I bought some nasal spray, aside from making me dizzy, it seems to be working. Sorry I made you gag lol.

  16. PND- it's when you have a cold or allergies, and the snot runs down the back of your throat. It's Not fun. I feel like HELL, and I'm at work today, it's going to be a loooooong day.

  17. Your so right. I think thats a part of the reason I don't have a full length mirror in my house, because I am my own worst enemy. I keep saying that next time I go to target, I'm going to get one, and a scale, and I just don't. I go to my moms house on fridays to weigh myself, because having a scale in the house is a temptation to judge myself even harder. But like diet & life now, it's something I have to do.

  18. It's like 25lbs in my neck! it's wierd. There's subtle areas I see it. And my hip is definatly doing a lot better. Weather is still pretty crappy here, when it doesn't rain, there is like a billion percent humidity. But I've been getting my walks in when I can. Looking into gyms now. Got my first fill, feel some restriction, but it comes and goes, and I'm getting sick at the moment, so apparently from what I've read, Post nasal drip causes restriction too... How about you?

  19. Hey!, Thank you for the compliment, Unfortunatly, It only seems noticable in my face and waist. Other people seem to notice it in my arms, and I kind of see it in my legs, it's weird when it's your own body, because Half the time We're so negative on ourselves it's hard to embrace change. BUT, Good luck, and please let me know how your surgery goes.

  20. How are ya feeling lady?

  21. BTW, I'm veg too, Odwalla Vanilla Al'mondo protein, and Naked Chocolate Protein, helped A LOT with liquids!!! purees, I bought organic baby food (fruits) and mushies, oatmeal, Quinoa, and Polenta...

  22. Hey!, I was on a liquid diet 2 weeks before surgery and then 1 week after, My first week check up post-op I was down 8, and then it slowed to like 2-3 lbs after that, and then I was at a total standstill for 2 weeks straight, and then last week I was down 6.

    I'm 6 weeks out today. I first noticed it in my face about a week out. when I took the black & white pic I have up... It all depends on you and how active you get and what you eat.

  23. Hey lady long time no speak, how's it going?

  24. Sorry to hear about your loss. I got my first fill friday and haven't really had an appitite, which I guess is good. I went 2 weeks in the same situation as you, and then when I went on friday I somehow lost 6 lbs in a week. And Now I have restriction. I had to fess up to my doc on why I needed a fill, and that involved 2 slices of pizza and some cheesy bread, so he whipped out the needle immediatly.

    Well, congrats on the new job... I'm unfortunatly in the same boat but it's debatable at the moment, I'm thankful I have a job and I actually like my job, but There's B.S going down here and it's making me uncomfortable so the resume's been going out.... Talk to you soon.!!!

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