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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by sarahbellzz14-4

  1. Certain spots there's a difference. But I'm working on it. I just need to get my ass in gear and start working out before I lose to much to tone up. It's amazing how 25lbs down and for a while there it was barely noticable, Thats how big I was. But loose clothing and being able to dust off things in the closet is a great feeling... remember, we're all here for you, any questions just ask!

  2. Down 10 probably a little more, Having trouble with my liquids, though basically sick of them!!!! See the doc tomorrow for 1 week post op, so we'll see.. glad to hear your doing well.

  3. Dr. Gorecki @ methodist takes medicaid, But you have to see him in the clinic. Even if you go for a consultation he'll be able to tell you whether or not it's smart to do the surgery on you. he has a website, Dr Piotr Gorecki - expert in laparoscopic surgery in Brooklyn Center for Advanced Laparoscopy | Welcome to The Brooklyn Center for Advanced Laparoscopy And Minimally Invasive Surgical Weight Reduction Program and his staff are amazing. But one of the plus sides to having the surgery is that your high blood pressure will go down, b/c you immediatly go on a low/no fat diet and you must start excercising.

  4. Eh, I hear ya. When I laid down last night I thought I was having a heart attack it hurt so bad. took 2 regular gas ex (the strips only have 65mg as opposed to the 125mg of simethicone) and felt a little better, Just burping a lot today and resisting the urge to make scrambled eggs, which I am desperate for right now.

  5. Everything will go great!!!! your a very strong lady... It will happen for you!

  6. Good luck tomorrow, it will all be good!!!!

  7. Hello fellow brooklynite, It's been really hard to find others from NYC on here..... I'm in Marine Park, how bout you?

  8. Hey Akilah, I have the family health plus w/medicaid, it took about a week. But I was under observation for 6 months prior and I have 2 co-morbidities- Sleep Apnea and Severe Hip Arthritis as well as (discovered last minute) Not so healthy cholesterol levels for someone my age, esp. w/ heart disease in my family. My doc sent in 26 pages of notes, and in about 10 days I got my answer. Who is your doc? Also, My surgery was re-scheduled from May 7th to May 21st, b/c of my PCP. I've been banded for 2 weeks already....Anything else just ask, I'm here

  9. hey blair! 1st- YOu look FABULOUS! 2nd I don't even know where to begin to thank you for your help. I was indeed way overfilled. and thanks to you they caught it before I ended up in the E.R for starvation & dehydration. SO THANK YOU! and keep up the AWESOME job your doing so far!

  10. Hey How are you feeling???

  11. Hey how are you feeling??

  12. Hey how are you?

  13. Hey How'd the surgery go??? I haven't been on for a while, but I realized I HAVE TO BE. I think the last time I heard from you it was pre-op testing......

  14. Hey I just replied to you on the alterna site.... YOU HAVE TO CALL YOUR DOC ASAP and probably need an unfill. i had the same problem you had to the point where Water wouldn't stay down. I was 3 days away from being hospitalized for dehydration & malnutrition and ended up having .6ccs removed. It's really harder for us because we're veg, So you need to get that checked before you damage your stomach and your band.

  15. hey lady how's it going haven't spoken to you in a while.

  16. Hey lady hows it going?

  17. Hey lady it's been a while since Ive seen you on, how are you doing???

  18. Hey lady long time no speak, how's it going?

  19. Hey lady whats new? 3 days until the first day of the rest of your life!!! I'm so happy for you! TTYS.

  20. Hey Lady, how are you doing? haven't spoken to you in a while.

  21. Hey Lady, I hope everything went great! I know you probably feel like crap when you read this, but if there's anything I can do to help, You have my number, don't be afraid to use it. Hope your in good spirits sweetie :)

  22. Hey lady, Not too bad. Had a fill on friday after having the "unfill" and only losing 1 lb in 6 weeks. It's a struggle. Still haven't been to the gym yet, but thats my own fault. How are you doing?

  23. Hey Lindsay!!, 3 weeks. 2 weeks Pre op 1 week post op, but I'm still on liquid/mush diet right now. I move to mush/soft on thursday. I'm starving all the time, don't let it fool you. protein shakes really help and spacing out the meal is most important. Key is to keep hydrated, half the hunger will dissapear, and tell yourself that it's all a trick. And try to stick to specific times when you have your meal and make a "snack" time to have your protein shakes... That seems to work for me. only I'm off the protein now But still drink the Odwalla Vanilla Al'mondo ones for breakfast.

  24. hey new friend.. how are you feeling?

  25. Hey, Got my bandages off today, healed nicely. Down 14 total (1 week post op) just had a bowl of oatmeal, amazed at how full I got so fast. Approval for Puree & mush today... I feel great

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