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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by sarahbellzz14-4

  1. Ahhh Brooklyn, It's all a facade!!!!! lol.. I hate it here, honestly, Born and raised here, And I'm itching to get the hell out!!!!! Some of it is nice, But when you guys come, def let me know, you have a built in tour guide to NYC!!!!!

    Yeah my face seems to be the only obvious place, that and One of my back rolls has dissapeared (the bottom one) so My waist is taking shape, and My DH says you can see it in my arms, but I guess cuz It's my body, I don't notice a thing!!! BUT, and this is so lame to say, I can actually cross my legs somewhat when I sit, it's more like the "dude" cross, but needless to say, I haven't been able to do that in like 2 years

  2. Besides being a miserable bitch to everyone in my path lol, I'm doing o.k. Incorportating Soft/solids now. I've been basically living off of shrimp for the past few days, I've always hated it, but for some reason I've been craving it, but I have to be Very careful about it though esp. if it's minced, because I'm severely allergic to cod fish and sometimes it's used as a filler. Other then that I'm o.k. working for the next 12 days straight. So not looking forward to that. But hanging in there.

    You will be fine, everything will go smoothly, and your Baby will be there when you wake up!!!! don't get nervous on me now girl!

  3. Hey!, I was on a liquid diet 2 weeks before surgery and then 1 week after, My first week check up post-op I was down 8, and then it slowed to like 2-3 lbs after that, and then I was at a total standstill for 2 weeks straight, and then last week I was down 6.

    I'm 6 weeks out today. I first noticed it in my face about a week out. when I took the black & white pic I have up... It all depends on you and how active you get and what you eat.

  4. I believe you can. I don't think there are flavorless ones, but if you bought likesay, Chocolate powder you can mix it in with like FF/SF chocolate pudding. I just want a bowl of oatmeal right now. My neighborhood is still kind of homey, so we have no Health food joints around here that I can get a skim smoothie before work. I'm totally thinking about pureeing one in the blender, I'm that desperate for a change right now.

    Ouch, about the pumkin. Yeah I don't think that was a wise idea lol. I had that the other day with Cream of Chicken soup, I also think I went beyond 2 oz. I saw stars, got a stabbing pain and hit the loo immediatly!. My biggest problem has been spacing out the meal over 20 mins. I'm eating tooo fast and it bloats me immediatly. I lived on Miso for the first 2 days, got real tired of it fast!! I think I'll just make a protein shake and hit the road.

    Chat soon!


  5. I hear you it's almost like 1 roll down X-many to go!!! Your so lucky, I can't wait to eat solids or at least mush, I just want some yogurt or apple sauce, a change of pace, so Sick of Soups at this point that Completely lost my appitite when it came to eating lunch today, and of course this of all days is when my entire office orders from an awesome resteraunt. Everyone except me, with my pathetic little bowl of broth. ARRGHH!!!! :)

    You should try the protein shakes, They give you a little boost as well energy wise. I suggest you get a variety pack if you can from a neutrition/fitness/vitamin shoppe, I know some gym's carry their own lines as well. Lets see... Spoke to the surgeon today, They told me I can cut some of the plastic bandages off but only to the point where it meets the surgistrip, to aleviate the itching until Friday when they are going to take them off

  6. I've been alright, In Bandster hell, haven't gained or lost a lb in 2 weeks, and it sucks. I'm glad to hear your o.k. The first 2 weeks out apparently are the worst until you hit solids and enter Banster hell.

    Other then that I've been alright, cut 11 inches off of my hair and dyed it (to shed the "old me" and expose the real me) I hate my job lol.... back to business as usual, I'll be home til sun, so give a holla.

  7. It went well.. I'm itchy as hell from the bandages they have on me, I might possibly be breaking out from them lol... I'm back at work today, was able to resist temptation while cooking yesterday, I've been Napping A LOT. The liquid tylenol has been knocking me out for about 3 hours at a time, other then that, 1 incision has been bothering me when I sit down, it's where my stomach folds over the most, so I have to like tuck it. Umm lol, I'm sick and tired of broth already, and it's only been 5 days, I believe I can start puree on thursday, Protein shakes have been a huge help, the Naked Choclate Banana, Odwalla Vanilla Al'mondo and the Odwalla Protein Supreme, as well as the GNC Be-Buff powder with Skim plus milk have been nice to me. Lost my first 10lbs (was liquids pre-op which aided in it) and can see my jawbone starting to make an appearence again for the first time in a LOOOONG time.

    How have you been????? talk to me. :)

  8. Well That is awesome it went so well, you were nervous for nothing!!!! Yeah I should make my way to a support group one of these weeks.

    I just don't think I'm ready yet.

  9. Yeah it's been raining here in NYC for the past 3 weeks, and surprise the days it's gorgeous are the days I'm stuck inside at work (like today!) My Mood-swings have been VICIOUS. Apparently estrogen is stored in your fat and as the fat disolves the estrogen is released making us hormonal nightmares, Myself at the very top of that list. Just snapping for no reason, and today especially I'm cranky as hell!.

    Yeah eggs have been tough on me too, they're delicious but they've been getting stuck. I had pasta & shrimp last night, got full really fast. By the time I was done eating my jaw hurt from chewing so much. just taking it easy today had some really runny yogurt so far, kind of nausious still from last night, and like I said before, I'm just grumpy. and completely not amused that I won't have a day off for the next 12 days. But other then that I'm alright lol no complaints.

  10. Are you doing pre-op liquids? It sucks the first few days but believe me it really helps post op because your already adjusted to it.

    I'm doing o.k for the most part, had a few probs for a bit but the doc & I seemed to have found my sweet spot for now. Hit a serious plateau for a while, but lost 3lbs last week.

    It is nerve wracking But you will do just fine.... I'm praying for you!!!

  11. Hey Danielle!! My bmi was 37 as well, so right off the bat I had to have 6 months of observation. I had/have co-morbidities, which was the reason Health plus approved my surgery (Hip Arthritis and Sleep Apnea) I used (follow up with) Dr. Piotr Gorecki at Methodist Hospital in Brooklyn, and I absolutely LOVE him. the downside is that with Health-plus he can only be seen in the clinic on Wed & fri.

    It took them about 2 weeks to approve the surgery, it had to be rescheduled because of a drs note that needed to be submitted, but it was only a 2 week difference (orig. may 7th, resched/ actual surgery may 21) If you want more info on him, Let me know :)

  12. Sorry to hear about your loss. I got my first fill friday and haven't really had an appitite, which I guess is good. I went 2 weeks in the same situation as you, and then when I went on friday I somehow lost 6 lbs in a week. And Now I have restriction. I had to fess up to my doc on why I needed a fill, and that involved 2 slices of pizza and some cheesy bread, so he whipped out the needle immediatly.

    Well, congrats on the new job... I'm unfortunatly in the same boat but it's debatable at the moment, I'm thankful I have a job and I actually like my job, but There's B.S going down here and it's making me uncomfortable so the resume's been going out.... Talk to you soon.!!!

  13. Survived thxgvng........ I'm alright I haven't weighed myself in like 2 weeks, Am going to do so tonight, have been through the most stressful 2 weeks ever, so I'm sure I lost something.

    How you feeling?

  14. wow. I attemped a little tiny thumb sized piece of bread and it got stuck and I PB'd. I guess everyone is different. It's not so much no carbs for a year to say it's dramatic limitations, because most carbs come in the form of pasta, bread etc. and they are very hard to digest and you have a bigger chance of it getting stuck and throwing it up. I attempted rice with ricotta cheese the other night and spent about 20mins throwing it all up. I was sick as a dog.

    Other then that, I've been good, very strict with myself about what I'm eating. I'm on basically mush/softs .. wounds are healing nicely, having port trouble when wearing a bra but thats about it.

  15. How are you? congrats on your surgery, how are you feeling?

  16. Oh that sucks. Sorry to hear that. I had to have an "unfill" I wasn't gaining or losing, and on top of that I have a slight protein deficiency, so my hair is falling out. I got really sick from being too tight and since then meats don't really stay down, so I've become a full on vegetarian again!! what a way to do it. but hopefully I'm back on the way down this week.

  17. Well congrats on your date. My B-day's the 17th of july, and It's the first year I can't completely gorge out on the best food!!! But hey, Thats the whole point of this So you have basically a month to prepare, Thats really good, and you can start with little changes first (switching from sugar to equal, reg. soda to caffine free etc) Is your doc making you go liquid before hand? even if he doesn't I would still reccomend it (preperation & a jump start to wl) Anything you need to ask, I'm here to help.... again, congrats, Don't be nervouse be proud!

  18. A healthy addiction. You could have woken up and went right for the fridge right?

  19. Absolutly NO problem. Any questions don't hesitate to ask.

  20. as for the sugars thing, I was more worried about getting the protein in, and so long it doesn't have High fructose corn syrup I don't really care lol.. Though I do not eat real sugar anymore. If the protein & fiber count is higher then the carbs and sugars, then I'll take it.

  21. as of last friday, 14lbs down, could be more, but today I feel like a heffer for sure. My incisions are healing nicely, port site still a little uncomfortable especially with a bra on. Brussell sprouts hmmm..... Noy my cup of tea but it's o.k, because I went to town on 5 slices of Fresh mozzarella w/pesto for lunch today and I don't know if it was the oil or the garlic but My stomach & intestines are yelling at me now. but I'm friicken hungry!!!!!

  22. Basically in the same boat, not gaining not losing which has made me extremely lazy & unmotivated which is something I am trying DESPERATLY to brush off. Flip-flopping between 28 & 32lbs down and it's killing me!!!!!!

  23. Btw, After reading your story, Thats the story of my life, and I think a lot of ours.... Let the haters hate. Worry about you and your health and your future.. because some of us JUST NEED THAT BOOST that we can't get from a diet. The end result is that they will all feel like A**holes when you are FABULOUS AND HEALTHY!

  24. BTW, I'm veg too, Odwalla Vanilla Al'mondo protein, and Naked Chocolate Protein, helped A LOT with liquids!!! purees, I bought organic baby food (fruits) and mushies, oatmeal, Quinoa, and Polenta...

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