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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sarahbellzz14-4

  1. sarahbellzz14-4


    Pasta & rice have been my saving graces. I don't eat mushrooms lol, I just never liked them, they used to creep me out when I was little, so I avoid them at all costs! and if I have something with them in it, I pick them out and give em to the DH. I AM THAT PERSON that asks for a second plate to pick things out of my food to put on the side. I've been a server before, so I know How obnoxious it is to alter an order. So I order as is, and pick. Rice has been tricky though. I PB'd some spanish rice and beans last night, and I've read on a few surgeons websites that rice is to be avoided, My doc says it's just fine. Have you had Pastina yet? since your on mushies, Pastina should be fine. I alternated with Pastina with some butter, and Polenta with salsa & cheese. I survived!
  2. sarahbellzz14-4

    Does your band have a name?

    Ann, it is very fitting, because my weight was really starting to impact our relationship. to the point where we didn't go out anymore because I could hardly walk when we did. I did notice yesterday how easily I could walk, and barely had pain, almost like my limp & waddle were gone. I still have bad days with the hip, but the waddle is almost obsolete. And, MY posture has improved. SO the savior it is indeed. :thumbup:
  3. sarahbellzz14-4

    Sleep Apnea: When does it Go Away?

    My dad wears a cpap machine, My family has aweful sinus' and narrow airways, I was diagnosed with moderate sleep apnea, thats another reason my surgery was approved. According to research I've done, It will lighten up when Your face and neck start to slim out, because you won't have the fat weighing on your airways. MY DH has noticed that after my first 15lbs down my snoring lightend up. I noticed it to that I'm dead to the world about 20 mins after I close my eyes. in the 7 weeks since my surgery, I can honestly say that I've only had about 5 or 6 restless nights. Give it some time, it will ease up. I promise.:thumbup:
  4. LINDSEY GIRL!!! How are you doing??????

  5. yep. 25 down, I hear you about the itty bitty commitee. I'm on my way there too... Keep teasing my fiancee about the boob lift I'm gonna need. I actually noticed it last night for real.... I've always fluctuated between a c & a D and now I'm scared if it goes lower then that... as insecure as I've always been, lol my boobs were always my best asset!!!! don't worry you'll get over the hump... my 1st fill has been a bit of a lifesaver, though I'm not used to forcing myself to eat...

  6. Btw, After reading your story, Thats the story of my life, and I think a lot of ours.... Let the haters hate. Worry about you and your health and your future.. because some of us JUST NEED THAT BOOST that we can't get from a diet. The end result is that they will all feel like A**holes when you are FABULOUS AND HEALTHY!

  7. Certain spots there's a difference. But I'm working on it. I just need to get my ass in gear and start working out before I lose to much to tone up. It's amazing how 25lbs down and for a while there it was barely noticable, Thats how big I was. But loose clothing and being able to dust off things in the closet is a great feeling... remember, we're all here for you, any questions just ask!

  8. sarahbellzz14-4

    Banding on May 21st 2009. Who else?

    I'm so sorry to hear that Burniegal, My 2nd fill is scheduled for the 24th. My restriction is sooo weird. I def have it. and I do have a severe lack of appitite to the point where sometimes I have to force myself to eat just because it's time (I have my meal times planned and I stick to it). I need to def increase my protein, And I get nausious easily. Hang in there, it will be a great feeling when you get the fill. As for excercise..... lol.... I def need to up the ante on that one. It's just been hard with my schedule lately, and I've been sick as a dog for the past week, so I'm still looking into affordable gyms. And I have an interview today for a new job, I've been soooooooo stressed at work that I started sending out my resume to get the hell out of there. Though Very fortunate That I do have a job, but Sometimes, You have to trust your instincts, and mine are saying it's time. SO good luck everyone, we're 7 weeks out now!!!
  9. Hey, SICK AS A DOG!!! I have a massive sinus infection, have felt like poo for the last 4 days, it seems the worst of it was yesterday. No appitite whatsoever, but forcing myself to eat & drink. 25lbs down, and Just taking it easy, how about you? Pretty pix :)

  10. :eek: Hey guys, I'm getting sick, I know it for sure, I feel like crap (stuffy nose,Sore throat, bad cough w/Sh*t coming up, Not hungry, tired, congestion etc)... Has anyone else been sick yet after being banded and if so is there anything different I should do or precautions I should take? besides the obvious of getting anti-biotics in liquid form Let me know... I appreciate it.
  11. sarahbellzz14-4


    Anything with real sugar in it. The DH and I got some brownies from a restaurant that screwed our order up, I went to take a taste and spit it out. I had Ice cream on the 4th and though I ate the whole thing (I'm sick, and I thought it would at least soothe my throat) I was sooo ill afterwards. I went to take a sip of some coca cola that had been out for at least an hour, and almost puked, it tasted raunchy... AND I'M THE COCA COLA KID!!!!! I've just found that anything that has sugar in it, like real sugar makes me nausious. I never really had a sweet tooth to begin with, but I haven't had real sugar in about 3 months, Everything has been diet or Equal. Heavy foods aren't too pleasing to me either. I've been eating a lot of salad with grilled chicken because that seems to be my safety zone. I'm a picky eater to begin with, so it just got like 15X's more complicated lol. And my b-day is next week and the DH keeps asking me what my fav. Cake is, I have a feeling I'm going to be picking up a Gleuton/Sugar free vegan cake so I can eat something.
  12. sarahbellzz14-4

    Does your band have a name?

    DH calls it the savior.
  13. sarahbellzz14-4

    Has anyone been sick yet with the band? (flu, cold etc)

    So it's a gnarly Sinus infection, and from the research I've done and talking to my doc all seems to be proven true WARNING THIS WILL BE GROSS!!!... Mucus and Post nasal drip are not the bands friend, when it enters Your stomach it coats the band, making you lose your appitite all together, even fighting the urge to be thirsty, YOU HAVE TO FORCE YOURSELF TO DRINK to keep hydrated, Thats been the toughest thing for me is forcing myself to drink, and eat too, I've probably lost like 3 lbs do to the fact I have absolutly no appitite. if I didn't have work, I'd be in bed, well actually I should be in bed but the other receptionist refuses to cover for me, but thats a whole nother story for a whole nother time!!! So bandsters, thats what happens when you get sick with the band
  14. sarahbellzz14-4

    Taking care of Yourself

    Has anyone else been doing this? Since my jawbone & neck started making an appearence again, I've Been going a little overboard on the skincare regimine. I've been all paranoid about the skin under my chin & neck and have literally bought 2 different types of Firming lotion, Anti Wrinkle cream and a lotion with an spf.... I DON'T WANT A TURKEY NECK!!! Who else?
  15. self diagnosis says it's a sinus infection from allergies.... I bought some nasal spray, aside from making me dizzy, it seems to be working. Sorry I made you gag lol.

  16. PND- it's when you have a cold or allergies, and the snot runs down the back of your throat. It's Not fun. I feel like HELL, and I'm at work today, it's going to be a loooooong day.

  17. Your so right. I think thats a part of the reason I don't have a full length mirror in my house, because I am my own worst enemy. I keep saying that next time I go to target, I'm going to get one, and a scale, and I just don't. I go to my moms house on fridays to weigh myself, because having a scale in the house is a temptation to judge myself even harder. But like diet & life now, it's something I have to do.

  18. It's like 25lbs in my neck! it's wierd. There's subtle areas I see it. And my hip is definatly doing a lot better. Weather is still pretty crappy here, when it doesn't rain, there is like a billion percent humidity. But I've been getting my walks in when I can. Looking into gyms now. Got my first fill, feel some restriction, but it comes and goes, and I'm getting sick at the moment, so apparently from what I've read, Post nasal drip causes restriction too... How about you?

  19. Hey!, Thank you for the compliment, Unfortunatly, It only seems noticable in my face and waist. Other people seem to notice it in my arms, and I kind of see it in my legs, it's weird when it's your own body, because Half the time We're so negative on ourselves it's hard to embrace change. BUT, Good luck, and please let me know how your surgery goes.

  20. sarahbellzz14-4

    Taking care of Yourself

    The jawbone is a beautiful sight!!!! The collarbone even better, though I've only seen mine in pictures, and when putting eyeliner on.. it's not noticable yet, but I feel it more prominantly now then before. This is so vein and shallow what I'm about to tell you so I appologize, Start now with the face & neck firming creams, because a lot of them claim to see results in 4 weeks (I use olay regenerist) So it will be part of your routine when your banded and start losing, and it will reduce the chances of a turkey neck, We're too Friggan young to have one!!!!:eek: BTW, Thats a realistic goal... They go by your height and what your "Ideal weight should be", My goal is 117lbs. But I'm my most comforable at like 125 (which I have been at before) For my height (4'11 3/4) I should be between 90-110lbs, YEAH RIGHT!!!! I'd look like E.T if I weighed that much. Just think about it this way, SO long as You look good, and you move from The fat girl section to the regular section and start shopping at stores you've never set foot in (and curse out all the skinny bitches that are shopping in there) Then your making progress....
  21. How are ya feeling lady?

  22. sarahbellzz14-4

    Mayo Banditos / Friday Weigh In !!!!

    Lost 3lbs this week!! making total weight loss so far 25lbs down!!!! I haven't seen this weight since February of 2008.
  23. sarahbellzz14-4

    Banding on May 21st 2009. Who else?

    Really? there is a curves like 4 blocks from my house. That would be so simple for me, Though I don't know where you live, But there is a Women only gym called Lucille Roberts near me that has a low membership rate, and $10 a month for a non commitment contract...
  24. sarahbellzz14-4

    Banding on May 21st 2009. Who else?

    6 WEEKS OUT 21st'ers!!!!!!! WHO'S READY TO START EXCERCISING FOR REAL!!!!!!! (not me at the moment, though that was my plan for today (my day off) I got Sh*t for sleep last night) Though I am ready!
  25. BTW, I'm veg too, Odwalla Vanilla Al'mondo protein, and Naked Chocolate Protein, helped A LOT with liquids!!! purees, I bought organic baby food (fruits) and mushies, oatmeal, Quinoa, and Polenta...

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
