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About PAB

  • Rank
    Advanced Member
  • Birthday 10/22/1925
  1. Happy 87th Birthday PAB!

  2. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary PAB!

  3. PAB

    June 2006 Band Crew

    wow I need to hang out with you guys more often, I though all the PBing etc.. was because I was not "doing it right" I have been posting on a WLS page that is mostly RNY folks and very new bandsters. I cant tell you how great it is to read your posts. The sudden tightness is such a strange thing how can you explain that to anyone? I really get worried when I cant figure out why I am so tight and why it just goes away sometimes. Thanks so much- as usual I need to remember to stick with my June team for some real support. Paula
  4. PAB

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Thanks for the posts- I really need to "hear" from all of you, it really helps me know that I am not all alone in this. That I am not the only one eating bad stuff and feeling guilty, getting sick at restaurants and needing to hear Barbara's pep talk about getting rid of all the junk. I have been just a really bad bandster in the past few weeks, candy has become a daily event. Why is it that the bad stuff goes through the band so easily but the good for me stuff always seems to get stuck? The PBing is really keeping me away from the breads and heavy carbs which is such a good thing. I need to take a hard look in the mirror and tell myself why I did this in the first place and get back in gear. Thanks for listening - I really needed to share this and own up to my bad behavior
  5. PAB

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Good point about water and flying, I had not even really thought about that. I had no idea what I am going to do on my business trip next week, without my protein drink. I guess I am going to have to get up early and sip, sip sip before the flight. Sounds like everyone is having a better week this week- YEAH US
  6. PAB

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I am pretty lucky with my port- always in the same old place. In Europe they do not stitch the port in.
  7. PAB

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Thanks Barbara- I think I got my signature updated correctly It made me so excited to even think about putting the goal number in. This week I am all about exercise and staying away from the junk food!!
  8. PAB

    June 2006 Band Crew

    wow 57 lbs is just amazing!! Did that include the pre-banding diet? I am working on getting to onerland- 7 lbs to go. I think you just have to remember that we did not gain it all overnight and the only lasting way to lose is slowly. And that just stinks- I am hoping that once we all get to goal we will forget this scale hell!!
  9. PAB

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Pork chops- good idea!! Glad to hear you are no longer stress tight I agree poodles- you are too tight!! drinking your calories is no way to live! Of course I am not the best either, I still struggle with my sugar addiction. and its a daily struggle - I have decided that Ice Cream is in fact evil. I have great news to share- I RAN last night for the first time in over 2 years. It was not pretty but I managed to go over a mile!! this is a huge NSV for me. I was a runner before I got MO and I was hoping to get back there one day. Also on the Christmas challenge- can someone explain the "code" so I can updated my signature?
  10. PAB

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I agree with Barbara- we all need to just relax and work the process. Right now I think all of us are frustrated. But according to all the books etc.. we are doing the right things I think we just need some patience. This Tool does work, we all have read the stats on the process. So deep breathe and lets just stick to the tried and true this week. What else can we do? I know this post sounds so glass 1/2 full, but I am trying to get myself out of glass 1/2 empty mode too. Protein first 64 oz of h20 Chew the food Exercise
  11. PAB

    June 2006 Band Crew

    I am going to really try harder with the water this week- hopefully I will get to the magic 7. I hopped on the scale today- 8lbs until onderland- YAHOO!! almost under 200 I am so happy. All the post about antibiotics really came in handy this week, I have been on them all week. Some of my blisters from the walk got infected and its pretty serious to have an infection in your feet. Really explains the tired rundown feeling I have. On the eating side- I am still a mess, I have to eat candy everyday, I think its something I will always need to do. Of course I am not eating anywhere the amounts that I use to eat. But I still need to commit to eating protein first - which I have to say I am not the best at. the other thing I have noticed is that I now love chips, they tastes so much better post banding. I wonder why? I am a candy hound not a chip carb person.. Things that may you go hummmm!! Have a great day and a good weekend Junebugs!!
  12. PAB

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Good advice I think we are all becoming or run the risk of being scale addicts. Its not good to get into the weighing ourselves every day, if you must then you need to do a daily and take an average- compare the average on a weekly basis to get weight change. Which is the most accurate but not the most mentally healthy way to go. Listen to your body, its not good if you cant drink water, you will get very sick and at that juncture will it matter that you lost 2lbs or 5lbs that day? Amiee is giving you some good advice that I think we all need to listen to if not now than maybe later!! Thanks for posting - It was good for me to think about this.
  13. PAB

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Hi everyone- I took the plunge and did the breast cancer 3 day 60 mile walk over the weekend. Yup it was hard and I think even harder for a bandit. I had problems getting in enough food and gatorade, there was either not enough time to eat or the food was all carbs or stuff that just makes a nice paste and screams PB!! which happened to me every morning of the walk. Not to mention the blisters that I have all over my feet. But I was commited to finishing the walk (it was for a good cause), I did take a ride for the last 6 miles because it was hot out and I knew that I did not eat or drink enough that day to ensure that I would not really be causing myself harm. The lesson here is that- if you plan on doing any long endurance race or walk as a bandit we need to really plan out our foods and snacks. And remember to take more sips. It was also a good lesson for me- I really need to think about what I am eating- just because Ice Cream goes down easily that does not mean its good for me!!!
  14. PAB

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Good Morning- Two quick things 1) I noticed Barbara has added her Christmas goal to her signature Good idea for the folks wanting to participate- don't ya think? Its always good to write down the goals. makes them real 2) I just have to admit that I am eating Ice Cream all the time!! it just goes down so easily... I wanted to come clean. I am going to toss it all out in the trash tonight. Now that I have restriction I really have to slow down and chew or I PB and that is just not lady like Anyone have any RNY friends? Have you noticed how skinny they are getting? Do you feel Jealous? I know I did the right thing for me but its still hard to hear the weight loss numbers!!
  15. PAB

    June 2006 Band Crew

    Can we go someplace that has good golf courses? its my new obsession On another note- anyone else have this issue, I think I want food I get it smell it and then I don't want it anymore. There is nothing wrong with the food I am also hording protein bars, and packets in my office at work in case I get hungry. I am becoming a little crazy over worrying about having the right food.

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