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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by karebare4me

  1. Ok, So it is a start of a new month and many of us have or are coming up on our Month anniversary and many will be hitting it soon. So I thought it would be fun to start a before & after thread, so we can all share in our progress.

    So Here is mine, The pictures are not the best sorry.

    I am still having a hard time seeing the changes, but I feel the differences.. in my clothes and I know that the outside appearance will catch up I guess... I just wish the weight loss would help with my Lupus Rash (this is why my face is so red and has sores)


  2. Well I was banded on 5/06/09 and I had my first fill today.

    I have a 11cc band and my Dr. wanted to put in 5 cc's but he thinks he was only able to get 4cc's maybe 4.5cc's in.

    So just for those that like to know how it all went here is the run down. he had me lay back on the table and put my arms above my head like I was getting ready to do crunches. Then he asked me to stick out my stomach and he felt for the port and then he gave me a little lidocain and then he poked around to find the port hole. I have to tell you he missed a few times and it did hurt I can't lie. He then found it and then he put in some Fluid and then pulled it back out to make sure he was in, he was so then he put the rest of the Fluid in. They had me drick some Water and make sure that is didnt come back up. I didnt feel any differant And that was it.

    They put a band aid on the poke. And I was done, he said he wanted to see me in 2 months and to call him if I don't have restriction. And that is is, not to eventful.

    I had an ounce of cottaqe cheese and I was full so, I think so far it is working. Yeah...:thumbup:

  3. Highest Weight 4/15/09 - 329

    Surgery Weight 5/06/09 - 317 (-12)

    Currant Weight 6/06/09 - 290 (-27)

    Total of 39 lbs lost, 27 lbs since Surgery

    Highest Size 4/15/09 - 26 top 32 pants

    Surgery size 5/06/09 - 26 top 32 pants loose

    Today size 6/06/09 - 22 top loose 28 pants

    total sizes lost = 2 top and 2 pants

    I am loosing faster on top then around my hips and thighs. But my ankles are smaller :lol:

    I am not weighing my self every week, so I will post each month.

    Have a great Month everyone.

    Happy Loosing..:blushing:

  4. If you have not tried, I highly recommend the Yoga Ball get the large ball and then the stretch bands (I have three differant colors all for different resistance).. The ball comes with exercises that you can do..

    This is what I use to get my excercises from for my ball.


    or for resistand band exercises watch this

    Or you can use the resistance band steps that I have listed

    For the resistance band exercises below, complete 2-3 sets of 12-15 repetitions (or up to 25 repetitions for easier colored bands). You should warm up first with 5-10 minutes of light aerobic exercise and cool down with another 5-10 minutes of gentle exercise.

    Resistance Band Squats

    1. Start by stepping on the resistance band with both feet shoulder width apart.

    2. Hold the resistance band at shoulder level with both hands. Start into a full squat while holding the band at shoulder height.

    3. Return to the starting position and repeat.

    Resistance Band Bent Over Rows

    1. Start by placing the band under one foot and stepping backwards with the other foot.

    2. Bend over keeping your back flat and stop at a 45 degree angle.

    3. Pull the bands up towards your waist keeping your elbows in close together.

    4. Squeeze your shoulder blades together when performing rowing motion.

    Alternate Lying Chest Presses

    1. Lie on your back and place the resistance band under your back and hold the ends with both hands.

    2. Start by pressing one arm up towards the ceiling and then return to the starting position. Repeat with the other arm.

    Diagonal Woodchops

    Starting Position: Loop the band under your left foot and grasp either end. Keep hands together and extend arms down towards left foot.

    1. Bring band up and away in a wood chopping motion.

    2. During this motion your feet stay stationary and you rotate at your trunk. Repeat this motion for the desired repetitions and then repeat in the opposite direction.

    Triceps Extension with Resistance Band

    1. Start by holding the tubing in one hand and placing that hand behind your back.

    2. Now grab the other end of the band with the arm that is over your head.

    3. Extend the top elbow until your arm is fully extended.

    4. Return to the starting position and repeat for the prescribed repetitions.

    Resistance Band Lunges

    1. Stand with feet hip width apart. Take left leg and step back approximately 2 feet standing on the ball of the foot. Place resistance band under front foot and hold the other end with your hands. 2. Start position: Feet should be positioned at a staggered stance with head and back erect and straight in a neutral position.

    3. Lower body by bending at right hip and knee until thigh is parallel to floor. Body should follow a straight line down towards the floor.

    4. Return to start position.

    Lateral Rows with Resistance Band

    1. Step onto resistance band with feet hip width apart and knees slightly bent.

    2. Start position: Grasp ends with a neutral grip (palms facing each other). Arms should hang down to sides with elbows slightly bent.

    3. Raise band to side of body at shoulder height keeping elbows only slightly bent.

    4. Return to start position.

    Biceps Curls with Resistance Band

    1. Stand with feet shoulder width apart, knees slightly bent, and at a staggered stance.

    2. Step onto middle of tubing with back foot or both feet.

    3. Start position: Grasp ends with underhand grip (palms facing forward) with arms hanging down at sides. Elbows should be close to sides.

    4. Flex at the elbows and curl band up to approximately shoulder level. Keep elbows close to sides throughout movement. 5. Return to start position.

    6. Remember to keep back and head straight in a neutral position throughout movement. Shoulders should be stabilized by squeezing shoulder blades together slightly - only the elbow joint should be moving

  5. "Bandster Hell" :blush: is an understatement.. I called my Dr's nurse to ask her what I can do.. I have been taking the full 30 mins to eat.. I have increased my lunch and dinners to 4 oz and I added a snack between lunch and dinner and I think I am up to 120 oz of Water a day..and I am still starving.

    I have been working out and when I track my calories food intake and exercise calories burned I am burning more calories then what I am eating and yet I think I am at a stand still on weight loss.. what is up with that!!!

    My Dr's nurse said as long as I am not going over 4 oz on meals and choseing protien Snacks.. I should be ok. She said that it will be a long hard week until I go in on the 8th of June for my appt and first fill. But once I get the fill I will have restriction again. So I have to just keep that in mind and try to keep my self busy.. I think the busier I make my self the less I think about food and so it is not as bad.. So my plan is to spend the next week in a half at the gym and in the pool..And I am not weighing myself until I go to the dr's.. And just hope that I will have weightloss in the end.

    Just have to stay positive!!! But I have to agree this is "Bandster Hell" fits well.....:blush:

  6. Sarah,

    I have lupus so I have to choose my exercise wisely or I am down in bed for days. So, that is why I do the arthritis class.

    I am so sorry to hear that you have to deal with such pain.. I could only imagine. I hope you can find some help or find something that gives you exercise with out the pain.

    I also like curves, I have done it in the past but was to much for my body. But it is a good work out. For now I am doing better with the Water low impact exercise.

  7. I had my surgery on May 6th and I have been doing treadmill and I am almost up to 20 min's, then I lift weights for 15 min's and then I go to a Water Aerobics class for an hour. I have been doing this for a little over a week now. I go in the morning for an hour class and then after Tuesday's and Thursday's I do laps for 30 min's.

    I have loved doing the Water aerobics.. It is low impact and gives you a great workout. I highly recommend it.

    Well this is my work out schedule.

    Monday -

    Treadmill - 20 min's

    Weight's - 15 min's Arms and Legs

    Aqua Fit class

    Tuesday -

    Yoga ball 30 min's

    Band strenghting 30 min's

    Arthritis Aqua class



    Treadmill - 20 min's

    Weight's - 15 min's Arms and Legs

    Aqua Fit class


    Yoga ball 30 min's

    Band strenghting 30 min's

    Arthritis Aqua class


    Friday -

    Yoga Ball & Bands 30 min's

    I Work Fridays so I am then gone to work.

    But, then do the Night Aqua Class


    Aqua Class

    Sunday -

    Walk with the Kids

    I am up to almost 1.5 miles hope to be at 2 miles by the end of the month.

    I really like the variety in my days.. When summer comes and the kids are out of school then I am sure this will have to change slightly.

    Happy Losing:tt2: Karianne

  8. insicions1small.jpgSo the large incision is my port and it is in the middle left. This is 8 days after. When I press on it I feel it right above my incision, I think where the bruise is? At least that is what it feels like.

  9. This is what I ate Yesterday: I am 2 weeks post opp.

    Breakfast - 2 tart size egg quiche - 2 oz (I made a bunch up and keep them fridgerated)

    lunch - 1 oz of baked Beans - 1 oz of canned ham sauted up.

    dinner - 1/4 cup of stroganoff mushed and green Beans (made with canned turkey)

    Had my 64 oz of Water with 8 oz of this Water with crystal light rasberry ice flavor.

    I have some small plates and silverware and so I sit down and eat with my family every meal and present the food to me as a meal and then eat slow and put my fork down in between each bit. this makes it easier for me. And I make sure I keep my water or drink in another area thent he table so I am not tempted to drink it while I am eating. (still adjusting to this).

  10. So here are my suggestions to have the same things but in the way we can it it.. Don't deprive your self just find a way.

    Here's the list of items mentioned:

    -pizza, cheese/mushroom You can eat the cheese and pepperoni off the slices. just minus the bread

    -spaghetti, plain, chicken alfredo, chicken parm, noodles with butter and garlic...mmmmm You can eat the chicken and sauce and have some steemed veggies on the side, just minus the Pasta

    -SWEETS, I love Cookies, chocolate, ice cream, candy- make your self some SF pudding with SF(light) coolwhip or SF Jello with Light Coolwhip, have SF candies, Cookies and treats sparingly.

    -Chinese foods, I have always loved chicken fried rice and PB chicken. just avoid the rice and fried items, but eat the chicken and veggies.

    -Buttery popcorn, movie theatre popcorn is the best!This one is a NO NO so yeah it will be missed..

    -Hot Dogs and cheddarwurst! You can have hotdogs just cut them up small and chew chew chew,

    -BREAD...mmmmm This one is also a NO NO and will be missed

    you know If I keep telling my self that I am deprived of items then it makes life much much harder. so I have found that if I find a way I can enjoy something my family eats and adjust it for my needs it makes life much much better. I make sure that when I am cooking for my family I make dinners that I can still eat. for example...

    I made Beef stroganoff last night for the family.

    I used Canned Turkey in stead of beef, (they didnt know any better)

    I chopped up an onion

    used fat free sourcream and freash mushrooms and skim milk.

    with fresh garlic and then they had the egg noodles.

    I made some green Beans to go with it and also a salad for the family.

    I had my small portion of the meat sauce with green Beans and they ate the rest. It was perfect. but I am also 2 weeks out and am on canned meats and mushies so I just mushed up everything really well and chewed chewed chewed. Just think in positive ways and life can be easier then we think.

    Just my 2 cents - Karianne

  11. hallelujah.girl, That is awesome.. Way to go.. I am sure it feels so good. I don't go to see my Dr. until June 8th, but I don't have staples he just glued me.

    My mom let me use her big industrial scale, so I picked it up on Mothers day. When I got it home I decided to just see where I was at. So I do and I was down another 17 pounds since surgery. So with my 12 pounds before and these 17 I am now down 29 pounds.. WHOO HOO! I was so excited. I have not gone back on the scales since then, I don't plan on weighing myself again for another week or so.. But as for my clothes, I really feel and see a differance.

    As for food, I was able to go on Cottage cheese and Soups on Sunday I get to start canned meats today. It is interesting how differant meal plans are for differant areas. But I am not complaining.. I loved having an egg with cheese for Breakfast today, and am looking forward to tuna salad for lunch.

    If you want a quick good recipe for your cottage cheese, here is one for a lunch or dinner this is what I did on Monday and I loved it. I took my portion of cottage cheese mixed in a sprinkle of italian mix shredded cheese and a little garlic powder and a little parsley flakes. stir it all together then place it in a small pirex (custard bowl or dish) spray with pam. and I took a tsp of prepared spegettii sauce and spread it on the top and put it in the over on 450 for about 5 min's (until heated through) It taste just like lasanga. It becauses soupy and I just mix it all together and ate it out of the small contatiner. It was so good. Just a suggestion.

    I also made some broccolii cheese Soup and that was great I just blended it really really good and It was very tasty.

    Well, I hope you have another great week. Much success.

  12. Well, I am on day 3 and had my first night in my own bed.. Which was not fun.. I wish I had a lazy boy chair or something because I had to use like 6 pillows to prop up my back and then 2 under my legs to get comfortable. I have been having a sharp buring pain in the center of my chest just below my ribs every time I swallow. (feels like there is something stuck there) then is goes away till I swallow again.

    My Port incision is the sorest, and when I stand up and walk it hurts the worst. I have not been using the lortab alixr much.. I used it last night to help with going to sleep. but this morning I have not taken any. I had my sugar free Jello for Breakfast and have been sipping my Water every hour.

    I am planning on taking my first real shower today, I am looking forward to that. Looking forward to eating cottage cheese and milk tomorrow. But concerned with how it will go over with the pain in swallowing that I have been having.

    Well, I will keep you all posted as the days go on. I hope you all are doing well to. Keep the Faith and my best wishes are with you all.

    Love, Karianne:thumbup:

  13. Well, Welcome home May 6 bandsters.. As I read through everyone's stories, I am feeling maybe I shouldn't tell mine.

    But maybe it will help someone.

    I got to the Hospital at 5:25 for check in by 6 am I was called and went and got weighted. I was at 315 so I had lost 14 pounds in 10 days from the pre-op diet. they took me to the prep-room and took all my blood work and then started my IV. They were slow at first but OR came to get me and they were running around with there heads chopped off. They then gave me a heprin shot in my arm (and that one hurt.. it stung like a bee). Then the OR came and got me at about 7:30 and then I spoke to the OR nurse and Anesthesiologists. I have a few allergies so they explained what precautions they would be taking. He then gave me some meds in my IV and rolled me into the OR. I slid over to the OR bed and they started prep me and I was out before I knew it.

    I then woke up about 9:15 in recovery and I felt pretty good. They said that I should be able to go home later in the afternoon. They sent me to my room where my husband was waiting for me. They got me some Water and gave me a pain med shot. Over all I felt pretty good pain was manageable. mostly felt like bad cramps. After I was in my room for about an hour I needed to go tot he bathroom so I got up and went to the bathroom. While I was going to the bathroom I stood up and felt really dizzy and I walked to the sink and noticed that there was blood on the front of my gown and I called my husband, he came in and pulled my gown away and my port incision had broke open and was gushing blood he grabbed a towel and pulled the emergancy tag. I had 4 nurses in the room in less then 2 min's and they got me back into bed and cleaned up my incision and sealed it back up. I was also having a problem with my breathing. even with oxygen I was still only at 90 % so they brought in lung therapist and I had to start doing breathing exercises.

    Well, I was doing pretty good I could drink Water and keep in down and I did have a couple sips of broth and Jello but I was full and couldn't eat anything else. But because of my bleeding episode and my breathing issues they made me stay over night. and I got home today around 11:30 am. This morning O got up and was able to walk down the long hall and back to my room. I am doing better today.. not as dizzy and my incision has not bled either. I still have a bit of a pain when I swallow still, but I think it will go away soon. I am moving really slow and trying to make sure I don't bust open again.

    anyway. so far so good, but as you can read my stay was abit longer and a bit more drama... Leave it to me to have drama.

  14. Well, tomorrow is the big day.. I have to be at the Hospital at 5:30 am. Ouch so stickin early.. : )

    No it is ok, I am just excited to get it over with. I am looking forward to a new life.

    There are several of us that start this new life on the 6th and I am wishing you all my love, prayers and thoughts.

    See you on the other side

  15. Thanks for all your comments and support. It means a lot to me. and Helps me so much.

    On A good Note.. Last night we went to some close friends home for dinner and my youngest said "mom are you going to tell them about your tummy?" And my girlfriend looked at me and said ok spill it. So I told her that I am scheduled for May 6th and her and her husband wanted all the details and what it is and how I felt.. And this is the great part.. She looked at me and said well I am excited for you, I m nervous and scared but I am excited that you see a light at the end of the tunnel.

    So I felt really good to have some friends that understood and are there to support me along with the rest of my family.

    Anyway, Thanks again.

  16. I'll Start..

    All About Me :smile:

    Where do you live? Clearfield, Utah

    How old are you? 37 (will be 38 in July)

    Are you married, dating, significant other, partnered? Married for 18 years.

    Any children? 4 (21,16, 13, 9)

    Grandchildren? 1 (9 months)

    Pets? 2

    Currant Health Morbidities? Pseudo Tumor Ceribrii & High Blood Pressure

    What are your greatest Fears? That I will fail at this process to.

    What is your weight loss short term goals and Long term goals? Short : My 20th reunion is this July and I would like to be 50 lbs lighter by July 17th.

    Long: Hit 150 lbs

    List at least one thing you want to do/wear/eat/buy when you reach your goal? I want to be able to wear a part of jeans and feel good in them. Also I want to go to the amusement park and ride the rides with my kids.

  17. So, Since we are all going on this journey together I though it would be fun to learn a little bit more about each other.

    You don't have to answer all of them if you don't want to.

    All About Me :smile:

    Where do you live?

    How old are you?

    Are you married, dating, significant other, partnered?

    Any children?



    Currant Health Morbidities?

    What are your greatest Fears?

    What is your weight loss short term goals and Long term goals?

    List at least one thing you want to do/wear/eat/buy when you reach your goal?

  18. Ok, So are you ready to get fit!! This is how it is going to go.. Every Month I will post a new challenge.. Choose your color (work out goal for the month) and post your progress each day or week and lets see how we all do.

    * Knowing that we are starting our new lives this month, keep in mind that you may be limited to what you can do for the month.. So do your best..


    sun_smiley.gif May Exercise Challenge! sun_smiley.gif

    7_5_130.gif 7_5_131.gif 7_5_121.gif 7_5_122.gif 7_5_129.gif 7_5_125v.gif 7_5_127.gif 7_5_126.gif 7_5_128.gif

    Come join in for support and encouragement.

    I Really think this works!

    It's easy, just check in and post your progress.

    Whether you check in daily to list each workout or sum

    everything up once a week, it helps with accountability.

    Everyone is welcome!

    Purple – 5-7 sessions – under 30 minutes – giving your all

    and working as hard as you can for as long as you can.

    Green - 5-7 sessions of at least 30 minutes

    Bronze – 8-14 sessions of at least 30 minutes

    Silver – 15-18 sessions of at least 30 minutes

    Gold – 19-23 session of at least 30 minutes

    Platinum - 24+ sessions of at least 30 minutes

  19. Well I have been on the Pre-op diet for 10 days now My diet is shaes for Breakfast and lunch and then a small high Protein and low carb dinner. Well, last night it was just my husband and youngest son so Dear Husband wanted to take us out to dinner. He went to a Chinese buffet ;) becasue that is where my youngest wanted to go.

    :thumbdown: My Doctor had given me a card that explains what I have done(well, will have done) and I showed it to the waitress and she let me eat at a kids price 4.50 instead of 9.50. So I got a couple peices of Sushi and then a small sauce bowl of egg drop Soup and I used a small dessert plate and put some veggies and chicken, it was perfect, I ate really slow and I was full before I finished everything. I think all together it was about 2/3 cup of food. (little more then what I will be eating in the future. And I waited to drink my Water until I got home.

    I was nervous, but it was cool to try the card my Dr.'s office gave me to see that they will except it. So anyway. That is my WHOO HOO for the weekend.

  20. I found the may 2009 bandters group just after I posted this thread.. So sorry for duplication.

    As for what I am doing on my pre-op diet. My doctor had me to a high protien low carb diet with only 900 to 1000 calories per day.

    I do a juice Plus Complete soy protien shake in the morning and for lunch and then I have a small meat Protein and veggies for dinner. I have also been walking and doing Water aerobics every day.

    I will see you all on the mayo banditos group and threads.

    happy banding


  21. Preparing for surgery can be a scary ordeal. I have been nervous.. So, Here is a list of items that might help to have ready when you get home to make life a little easier during recovery. If any others have some ideas and suggestions, please share them! this is what has helped me get prepared for May 6.


    liquid Tylenol (they make adult strength)

    Chewable or liquid gas-x

    Gauze Pads 4x4

    Paper tape

    Stool Softener

    Pill cutter

    Chewable Vitamins

    Benedryl cream (suggested for those who have a slight allergy to gauze tape)


    Loose waisted shorts or sweats

    For the ladies, a sports bra, no under wires

    Slip-on shoes

    Comfort items:

    Heating pad

    Flexible ice pack

    A few books or movies

    Pillow for car rides to guard against seatbelt irritation

    Wet Wipes


    Food/Kitchen items:

    Protein shakes

    Flavored Water

    A good blender and/or a drink mixer


    sugar free popsicles/jello

    Kitchen timer ( for the first few days - 15 minute sips intervals)

    Crystal Light "On the GO" add to bottled Water mix



    Cream of Wheat

    Creamy Soups


    Yogurt - Dannon Lite N' Fit

    Ensure, Boost, Glucerna etc

    Frozen fruits for Protein Shakes

    Small pudding cups

    Small baby spoons/bowls/plates (baby aile)

    4 oz cups with lids (baby aile)

    Suggested list of things to have done before you leave:

    All laundry finished to ensure lots of clean clothes for a while.

    Having someone who is able to be there for a few days to handle meal prep.

    Ask at your pre-op for the pain med prescription so you can have it all ready to go when you get home.

    Get rid of all the foods in the house you are not to eat, before you go to the hospital .

    Make sure you have lots of fluids to drink afterwards - and for when you go back to work.

    Buy all the groceries you will need for at least 2 weeks after surgery.

    Check if your medications are “crushable”.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
