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LAP-BAND Patients
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Status Updates posted by junkinmytrunk

  1. I am doing well! I am down 15lbs. I also had my first fill today! I just need to work on the exercise thing...

  2. Hi There I was Banded too on the 21st! How you doing?

  3. Hey There! We were Banded on the same day! May 21st. Just wondering how you are doing 1 week post op?

  4. Your Progress is amazing! Congrats!

  5. Hey there! I was banded at the OCC on the 21st of May! I went home the same day! Hope all is well with you, as I feel fantastic!

  6. I was Banded on May 21st in Tijuana. and am home now! Good luck & hope to chat with you!

  7. I am getting Banded in 5/21/09 by Dr. Ortiz in Tijuana Mexico. Anyone else getting banded in Mexico or in the Month of May? Lets Chat:)

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