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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by mom2twinboys

  1. I had the lapband procedure on October 21, 2008 by Dr. Donald Paul Schwab in Houma, La. He & his staff were so helpful & informative. He treated me like I was his family....not his patient. Anytime I have questions or need a little encouragement he is there for me. In the beginning I wasn't losing much weight (because I was addicted to Coca-Cola and was drinking a liter a day after surgery) When I brought this to his attention he didn't scold me or put me down. He talked me through it & helped me to ween myself off of the soft drinks so that I can now successfully lose the weight a little faster. He told me...."Failing is not an option & I will do anything I can to help you to get this weight off for good...I'm here for you & if you need anything my staff and I will be here to help you every step of the way". I have nothing but GREAT things to say about Dr. Schwab. My scars from surgery are almost completely gone & unnoticeable. I would recommend him to ANYONE!!!!!
  2. mom2twinboys

    My family....July 2007

    From the album: My Before Pics

  3. mom2twinboys

    my "u can't tell me nothing" face!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    You are so Beautiful Girlfriend!!!!
  4. mom2twinboys

    NEW YEARS 09

    You are beautiful Girl!! I can't wait to see what the band does for you!
  5. Hi, I was browsing through pics & see that your about to get banded. Good luck with your surgery. Do you know when your surgery date is?

  6. Hi! I saw your photos & see that you are about to be banded. When is your surgery date?!? I can promise you that this is the best decision you will ever make! I started out at 386 lbs....I had my surgery 7 months ago. Im now at 329 lbs....my weight is coming off alot more slowly than I wanted...but its coming off! Good luck with surgery & I look forward to seeing you skinny! =)

  7. You look GREAT girly!!! Im so happy you had so much success. You are my inspiration to keep at this. I wanna look like you oneday!
  8. Girl you looking HOT in this pic!!!! I can't wait for the day that I can wear a dress like that & show off my curves & legs!!!! What does your hubby think of your weight loss?
  9. Hi, I'm Tamala and I just wanted to give you a little encouragement. I know how painful the 6 month wait is. My 6 month weight turned into a year. I had many issues with the insurance company. First they wanted me to go to the Doctor for 6 months to show that I was overweight, being treated by my primary & on a low calorie diet. Then they wanted 5 years history that I have been obese. Then it was psych evals and talk sessions with a therapist. It seemed like every time I turned around it was something else they wanted me to do before they would approve me. And like I said..Finally after a year I got approved. It's been 7 months since my surgery & my weight loss has been rather slow..I have only lost 51 lbs. I started at 386 lbs & I am now almost down to 329. I can't wait to be out of the 300's.....then out of the 200's.....one day at a time, I guess! But anyway, If you ever need any support..feel free to throw me a line. I wish you great success in your journey..you will do great.

  10. mom2twinboys

    under active thyroid

    I have a hypothyroid as well. I was gaining weight fast & thought something was seriously wrong. I gained 34 lbs in one month!!!! I went to my doctor & he did blood tests & found that I had a hypo thyroid. Thats when the lapband surgery was suggested to me. Im on Synthroid & I don't take my medicine although I should be. So, in the last month I told myself that I needed to start taking my meds because I noticed that I have been very tired and feeling really slow. Since I started taking my thyroid meds again I notice that my weight is coming off faster now. So, its actually helping with my weight loss. Good luck to you honey!
  11. Lapbandtalker.....I too have an addiction to soda pop. Although mine is for Coca-cola. It is like my crack!!! I was banded 7 months ago & have only lost 51lbs to date & I know my weight would be coming off faster if I would have stopped drinking a liter of coke a day. But, like you said....it's an addiction!!! I finally came to the conclusion about 2 months ago that I HAVE to stop this or the weight will not come off!!! I went to my doctor & told him my issues.....he suggested that since Im drinking so much Coke....start drinking diet rootbeer or diet dr.pepper because they taste just like the regular drinks. As these only have 1 calorie per can and are alot better for me than regular coke. So for the past month I have only been drinking diet dr.pepper everyday....all day. Now, im progressing from having 6 cans of diet dr.pepper a day to only 1 a day for supper & drinking either water or crystal lite instead. It was tough, but Im getting there & I know that my weight will start coming off alot faster now that I have kicked my bad CRACK habit. Im so happy that I came across your thread, as I thought I was the only one with this problem. I really hope you can kick the habit...but I KNOW EXACTLY what your going through!!!!! ITS HARD! Good luck!!! And Im always here if ya wanna talk!
  12. I got banded in October but Im new to this forum. Im looking for fellow Louisiana bandsters to share my journey with. (Not that I don't want to make friends with anyone from anywhere else...lol) Im just curious how many other people out there are from Louisiana!!!
  13. mom2twinboys

    Scared Newbie!!

    Hi! Congrats on getting the band!! You will soon realize that this was the best decision you could have made for yourself. I have been banded since October 21, 2008 and have only lost 51lbs so far....I'm moving rather slowly but I think things are FINALLY going to start moving a little faster. I just got another fill & I think Im finally where I need to be. I noticed that after this last fill....I only have 2 bites of food & feel stuffed. Where as before I could still eat a whole plate of food (Half of what I could normally eat without the band) so I figured the band was full enough. But Im realizing that it obviously wasn't. I still have about 150 lbs to lose so Im making small goals. As long as the scale continues to go down....I'm HAPPY!!!! But good luck with your journey....feel free to send me a message when you need someone to encourage you or lift you up if your having a bad day with the band......see you in skinny ville!!!!
  14. Hi.....Im from Louisiana too! Do you know how to find other bandsters from our area?!?

  15. WOW...that's about all I can say! Your progress is shocking!!! My mouth dropped when I saw your before & after pics....you look like a totally different person. I bet it feels so GOOD!!! And I bet people (who wouldn't give you the time of day before....unfortunately thats how people are when your overweight) notice you alot more now huh? Im so happy for you hun! Congratulations & I hope my success is as great as yours!

  16. I was looking at your before & after pics....All I can say is WOW!!! You look so amazing & you make me wanna get my weight off even faster so I can see the beautiful me that I know is there somewhere. Im just so amazed at how different you look. You look AMAZING Girl! Keep up the great work! And your GORGEOUS!!!!

  17. Hi....just stopping by to say hello & check on you to see how you are doing & healing up after surgery.

  18. mom2twinboys

    My Before Pics

  19. Hi...I was looking at before/after photos and came accross your photo. You & I started out at the same weight. How are you doing with the band? And how much have you lost total so far? I feel like my weight loss is just taking SOOOOO long to come off. Any advice? Thanks

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