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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by neenagh

  1. neenagh

    Drinking fluids?

    phew! Thanks Emily! I was worried too about getting enough fluids. I guess gulping was too strong a word, drinking a glass straight down sounds more like what I do, too. thanks again
  2. neenagh

    Drinking fluids?

    Hi everyone, not banded yet. I have noticed everyone mentions sipping fluids. I love drinking water, love the feel of gulping it down, will this be history after banding? Will I have to sip for ever? Just wondering
  3. neenagh

    Anyone banded in Sarnia???

    I'm with you, Argon!
  4. neenagh

    Anyone banded in Sarnia???

    Hi Argon, I e-mailed them and here's what they said: " The procedure is performed by Dr. Taylor and Dr. Muhunthan who are general surgeons in town. The approximate cost of the procedure is $15,000 which is in Canadian funds. This cost includes any applicable taxes, anaesthetic fee, surgical fee, etc. Your first fill is complimentary however each fill afterwards is $100 each. We offer complimentary consultation appointments here at the Blue Water Surgical Centre. I recommend that you contact me at your convenience at the clinic at (519)336-1555 or again by email. I would be happy to schedule a consultation appointment for you. " I googled the docs and didn't get much, so I have to agree with you that Toronto is probably the sensible option as it sounds like these docs don't specialize in bariatric surgery. Also, noone here seems to have had it done there either!
  5. neenagh

    Hello everyone I just joined!

    Thanks again everyone!
  6. HI! Ceparano, Leila, Carlene, JulieLu,ElisabethSew, Julissa1974, and ljones4521. Just what I needed...some honest opinions based on personal experience. So I guess its on to plan B. I will get my dh to come with me and stay for the surg, and have him deposit me at my friend's place (she lives in Mississauga) for the recovery. My problem is, I hate to ask for help! silly, I know. Thanks again everyone.
  7. Hello Everyone! I have been lurking for a few days and finally worked up the courage to join! Not banded yet, working on saving up the cash! My big question to all you bandies out there is this: I have to go out of town for my procedure. Is it feasible for me to go by myself, stay in a hotel for a couple days after the procedure, and then drive the three hours home? Obviously I would cab it to and from the clinic/hotel, and will have brought along everything i could possibly need, food, meds, etc... Just wondering if I would be so ill that this was not practical. Sorry to ramble, what do you all think? I'm so happy I found this site!!!
  8. neenagh

    Hello everyone I just joined!

    Hey Leila, Cloe, Argon, CanadaSunshine and Yoda! Thanks so much for your input! I had read about the evil phone lady, and that did have me a bit worried! hehe Does Cobourn do free fills too? also do any of your docs use staples? I saw some pretty scary pics of stapled incisions on another thread! Argon, I'm definately going to check out the other group. You guys rock!
  9. Hi Elizabethsew, thanks for your reply. What if I stayed in a hotel by myself for two days, and then went to stay with a friend who lives in the area? Would I manage okay by myself for the first two days? Thanks again
  10. Hi mvpo8961, thanks for responding:) It's about 350 kms. I'm mostly concerned about being in the hotel by myself right after surgery. Did you do it alone?

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