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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sandiegokate

  1. sandiegokate

    SandiegoKate !!!!

    Hi Guys, Thanks for thinking of me!!!:blushing: I am home safe and sound!! Got home around 6pm, they let me go right at rush hour traffic. The drie home was ok though, mom avoided the potholes. I feel pretty good!! Mostly just tired right now. I am dozing here and there since I woke up from surgery. It went very well, he said my liver looked awesome!! I did have some scar tissue that he removed from my gall bladder surgery and he had to fix a hiatal hernia. He said 30% of people have them who are overweight. The hospital staff was FANTASTIC. I fel very comfortable and they accomodated my 79 year old mom too, who is using a cane (needs her knee replaced). Made sure she had chairs everywhere, and even offered to take her around with me in a wheelchair if she wanted. Just very nice people!:w00t: My throat hurts, probably from the tube he put down. I woke up pretty easily as usual, on the way out of the operating room. No gas pains that I can tell.. would they come later? I'm looking out for them! I just took some Lortab (liquid vicodin) to make sure I keep the pain at bay. Mom went out to a local deli for a corned beef sandwich :thumbup: But she is bringing me home matzo ball Soup, hold the matza! So far drinking doesn't bother me a bit. I am trying to remember to drink slowly.. Jello was fine... luigi's frozen lemon ice was fine too. I brought my camera and took pictures with my surgeon, etc. I will post them on my blog (that I barely started) sometime this week/weekend. Not too bad of an experience... NOW the journey begins!!!:sneaky: Thanks again for all your support.. having so many experiences before me has really helped me know what I can expect. Happy Losing!!
  2. sandiegokate


    I am starting to take some coconut oil (organic/virgin) every day which is suppose to be great for your hair/skin. I haven't taken it long enough to see results but I have heard a lot of good things about it. I add it to my shakes. There is a lot of research that suggests that it is good for you, even though it is saturated fat. I don't have cholesterol problems so I figured I would try it. I take Biotin too... anything to help! :-)
  3. sandiegokate

    My surgery is tomorrow and I am so sad/excited.

    My surgery is tomorrow too, and we will both get through it fine as those before us have! :thumbup: I think having the pre-op diet has helped me to mentally prepare for the procedure. Although a Japanese Steakhouse does sound good!!! We will be able to eat again! As for carbonation, there are some people who can tolerate it later on. You can drink it flat though! I am from the Detroit Area (Livonia to be exact, lived there until I came out here for college), and wish that I had a Faygo Red Pop for my last carbonation... sometimes they have it at BevMo.. I might go check at lunch today. Silly, I know... It is tough to do an elective procedure. Usually when you are in the hospital you don't have much of a choice of what needs to be done. For me, I keep thinking that I don't have a choice. At 45 losing weight isn't going to be easier. I want to be active and not just get heavier and more immobile as time goes on. I have heard from others who have had the surgery that their energy level goes WAY up. I am soooo looking forward to that! Best of luck tomorrow!!! I look forward to exchanging stories on the other side! :w00t:
  4. sandiegokate

    who is excersizing and if so.. what kind

    How was the gym? Did you find it difficult or tiring two weeks after surgery? Hope you had a wonderful time and a good workout!
  5. sandiegokate

    The Day Is Almost Here!

    By this time tomorrow you will be resting comfortably... I'm right behind you on Wednesday... I can't wait!! I too am so grateful for all the support and information provided by those who have gone before us. Soon we will be the veterans to help others!
  6. sandiegokate

    MissK!!! How are you??

    Hi MissK, 48 more hours and I should be done and home!! Atleast I hope I go home the same day! I think there are just "things" to go through, the gas pain, etc. all part of healing. I guess like childbirth they say it is the easiest pain to forget (I suppose.. I haven't had a child yet!). Once the weight comes off we'll think.. "pain, what pain?" I have AOL Instant Messenger too.. mskatiesd Or, you can find me on Windows Live Messenger via katiezunich@yahoo.com Have a great tomorrow (as it is tomorrow there!).
  7. sandiegokate

    MissK!!! How are you??

    MissK, how are you? Just wondering how your surgery went, the two days in the hospital, and having mom and dad caring for you. Hope you are feeling good, little pain, and you are on your way to a full recovery! Take care,
  8. sandiegokate

    MissK!!! How are you??

    Hi There! Sorry you're having some pain... all this talk about pain from others makes me a little nervous. :crying: But the "it was worth it" comments help me get through it!:biggrin: I hope your pain goes away by the time your appointment comes on Wednesday... It seems to be that pains "come and go" for some people but it is always good to check. I have two more days of the pre-op diet. I've done a pretty good job at it. Egg drop Soup has helped me. Atleast I can have "some" variety not just shakes. I find myself looking really far forward on food though... can't wait until I can eat again! So.. surgery is on Wednesday for me.. need to be there at 5:45am. My mom is taking me in. Hopefully I will go home the same day but it just depends. I'll just take it as it comes. The hardest part will be getting through the next two days at work... I have so much to do in those days and it seems everyone wants a piece of me right now. I work in the law department of a large company. I hope you feel better soon!!!:ohmy: Katie
  9. sandiegokate

    Ummm? Bathroom Question

    I am on day 9 of liquids pre-op and so far haven't had a problem. I won't go for days, but then I go like normal pretty much. I have been taking psyllium husk fiber (like metamucil) in water daily and I think that helps. Although it seems it would be the opposite, it atleast adds some "bulk" that isn't there... I plan on keeping on doing it, although post op I will have to sip it and not gulp it down like I have been doing.
  10. sandiegokate

    stuck feeling - please help

    MissK, I don't have any advice to give but I am hoping it goes away quickly for you!!!
  11. sandiegokate

    Soooo hungry today!

    I've been really hungry today... day 8 of the pre-op diet. I am trying to stay busy, drink water/sf liquids, and had some metamucil in Water for added Fiber to help keep things moving. I had some unjury chicken broth, first time I tried it. It isn't bad, and hopefully it will quell the hunger for a bit longer. 4 more days until surgery... I know I will have more challenges afterward and just need to take it one day at a time!! :thumbup: I find myself daydreaming about what foods I will eat later.. even all the mushies sound wonderful right now!!
  12. sandiegokate

    Soooo hungry today!

    Mommyx2, this is the recipe that I thought sounded good but healthy, maybe topping with some low sugar jam or strawberries? My mom suggested sprinkling graham cracker crumbs on top too. I got it from Fantastic Foods with Spenda cookbook: Breakfast Cheesecake Cups 2 cups 1% cottage cheese 8 ounces tub style light cream cheese, room temperature 2/3 cup Splenda grandular 1/2 tsp. almond extract 1/2 tsp orange zest 2 large eggs 2 large egg whites 1) Preheat oven to 350, Set seven 6 ounce custard cups in a large baking pan (with atleast 2 inch sides). 2) In a food processor, puree cottage cheese until completely smooth. Add cream cheese, splenda, and orange zest; process until smooth. Add eggs and egg whites one at a time process to incorporate. 3) Pour mixture into custard cups. Add hot Water to pan until halfway up sides of custard cups. Bake for 25-30 minutes or until set in center. Chill for atleast 4 hours, Serve. Calories: 130, Carbs: 6 grams, Protein 14 Grams, Fat 8 grams. I am anxious to try it. I am sure the Almond and Orange Zest add a lot of good flavor. Making it in the "bath" will keep it moist. I guess I could have it in my current diet... but, I am staying to the program and trying to not vary. If you try it let me know how it is!!! The Splenda.com website has a lot of good recipes also, fyi!!
  13. sandiegokate

    Seiriously annoyed!!

    Wow... crazy that she didn't think that there could be SERIOUS complications from that eating behavior so soon after the surgery. It is outright DANGEROUS. I wouldn't want to put my family through me being ill by my own malicious behavior... it is sad really. She must have more serious issues than the obvious. I hope for her, and her family's sake, she realizes what she could be doing to herself and gets back on track... and that there wasn't/isn't too much damage done.
  14. So good to see how everyone is doing post-op!:thumbup: Since my surgery is at the end of the month (26th), it is so nice to have all of your experiences to help me. It seems a common issue is getting in all the Water..:cursing: Makes me think I will have to work on that too. I tend to "forget" to drink my water. It is so important. So strange that there is so much variance in pre and post op instructions on what to eat.. sure would be easier for us all if there was consensus. I keep telling myself that this is just a short period of time in the big scope of life... Good Job everyone!!!:cursing:
  15. sandiegokate

    Soooo hungry today!

    Pool Girl: The first couple of days were the hardest.. last week wasn't that bad but today is really hard for some reason. Better "right now" though. The unjury chicken did the trick I think. I have to keep the Protein constant I think. Mommy: The food Network? Wow... you are brave!! Salivating at the television yet? I've been looking through cookbooks trying to find recipes I can puree or ?? as soon as I can have real food. I need to make a list. I know I will be making a sugar free/low fat cheesecake though... can't wait for that! :thumbup: Yes.. in one month all will be normal in the world.. or semi-normal at that point for me!!
  16. Linda, I'm worried about that too.. that people will be "watching for" my weight loss. In some ways you wonder if people are watching because they may want you to fail. Of course not everyone I have a lot of positive supporters, but I think you know what I mean. I keep stressing that the first 6 weeks is healing only and that you may even gain and that it takes several fills to get to the point where you would be losing.. and even then a pound or two a week. Which is realistic from what I read. If I beat those expectations, great! Good luck to you... I went to buy my Clear liquids for after the surgery tonight. I can't wait until the surgery!!
  17. Jenny, Awesome!!! You are an inspiration!! I LOVE FAGE yogurt. Bought some today in fact. It is like thick cream, even the fat free! Definitely a good find. They have it at our costco here... good deal! Katie
  18. sandiegokate

    First time here

    Blue Topaz... I've been having weird dreams the past week or so too!!!! I thought it was unrelated, but maybe it is related to overall nerves. I thought it was work.. could be both I suppose!:confused: Regarding signatures... go to the top of this page, click on "quick links", scroll down to edit signature. You can type in a signature there or copy/paste a link from tickerfactory or one of those sites. That is how it works. 6 more days... I'm hanging in there! half way through the liquid diet phase. I have heard this is the hardest part. We can do it!!:drool:
  19. sandiegokate

    Some Guidelines & Tips

    Thank you! There is a lot of good information there! :-) I am going to print it out and put it in a binder or something like that.
  20. sandiegokate

    The day is FINALLY here!

    I am sure you are resting comfortably by now! Congratulations, its over!!
  21. Sounds like you have some good options, but... if you must, Taco Bell has a "fresco" menu that is low fat and really tasty. Here is info: New Fresco Menu Subway will make a salad out of any sandwich choice too..or, just eat the meat and veggies, hold the bread! :biggrin: I'm on the pre-op diet right now, liquid Protein..day 5.., what I would do for either of these options!! I can wait though.. the reward is much tastier! Best of luck, hope the tonsillectomy goes well!
  22. sandiegokate

    First time here

    Welcome!!:biggrin: I am being banded on August 26th too! :smile: I am no longer nervous, just excited. I'm on day 5 of my pre-op diet. It is hard, but I am plugging through it. I am trying to address the feelings I have about wanting to eat. I suppose that is healthy. :w00t: Where are you? Best of luck.. I look forward to hearing about your success!
  23. sandiegokate

    **Light Bulb Moment**

    "I"m just going to put this here while I get ready".. thats hilarious! Now I will be wondering if I am going to be tricked... then again, I know I am asking for Versed and I will be sorta drunk anyway.. I won't care!!
  24. I'm going in on the 26th! Can't wait!! :biggrin: No more nerves for me.. just excitement and ready to be moving forward. The pre-op diet has been tough.. liquid Protein shakes for me, broth, cottage cheese or yogurt is ok too. Lots of sugar free Jello and popsicles... I'm on day 5 today. I have to make it one more week! Good luck to everyone..:w00t:
  25. sandiegokate

    Anyone read any good Lap Band books?

    There are several out there that are informational, but as an inspirational book I liked "Fighting Weight" by Aaliyah Ali (Muhammed Ali's daughter). It is an easy read and available electronically for download on the Sony Reader (great little gadget, I love it because I can have so many books with me at once!). Of course it is available at Borders, Barnes & Noble or on Amazon too. I also bought other books including the cookbook mentioned above and Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies, and the Weight Loss Surgery book by the doctors of Big Medicine. I was considering buying the book by Dr. Ortiz as well to add to the library. At this point not sure if I will gain any more information than I already have though. Best of luck!

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