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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sandiegokate

  1. sandiegokate


    No judgement here as I did the same when I was your age... just sharing my thoughts and experiences!!! I thought I would be immune to melanoma after having grown up in Michigan where we didn't see the sun for half the year. I was wrong... At the age of 40 I was diagnosed with Melanoma, a tiny black mole on my arm, who would have thought? Thank God it was caught early and I only have a 3 inch ugly scar on my arm to show for it. Fake tanners are now awesome!!! Honestly, you can't tell the difference, they are so good right now, and your scars will heal better AND you will be happy when you're older and not wrinkled. Yeah when you're young its hard to think that far ahead.. but at 45 I now see those lines and think "darn, if I only stayed out of the sun.. I'd have beautiful skin"!!! My chest is freckled... all my friends who tanned with me, in the salon and on the beach are the same or worse. No one is immune... Other 40 somethin' ladies can surely back me up here!!! My sister never went in the sun, same coloring as me and OLDER.. BEAUTIFUL skin, not a mark, wish I followed her routine!! Damn her.... Plus, when losing weight it would be best to not hinder your skin's elasticity, the end result will be better!! So, if not for your health do it for vanity. I wish I took it to heart when I was at the tanning salons, on the beaches in the Carribean, Mexico, and Southern California where I live now, ... people told me too.. I didn't listen, and I'm not expecting anyone to listen here. I know we all have to live our own lives.... :biggrin: I'm stepping OFF the soapbox.... :biggrin:
  2. sandiegokate

    Got my first fill today!

    Karen: Sounds like you had a great experience!! Congrats!! Eileen: Wowza.. I think I would possibly ask for someone else next time or at the very least give some feedback on the service you received. Being too tight isn't good... It was my thought that they would "slowly" fill the band over time, to meet that "sweet spot". I have my first fill on Thursday, 4 weeks out from surgery. I am glad that my doctor does his first fills at 4 weeks. I heard from others in the support group that he does 3cc's on the first fill. I can say now that I feel like I can eat just about anything and I am probably in bandster hell. I feel like I want to have something bad... but I am trying to hold myself back. Good luck to all as we continue through our journey!!!!
  3. I am 3 weeks out from surgery today and I can tell that I could eat just about anything. Not that I am going to do that, but nothing has not gone down easily, and it seems to get easier every day. My doctor gives his first fill at 4 weeks, but I think he is conservative and does a little bit at a time, I'll find out I guess. My first fill is on August 24th, one week. For the last week since I started on soft foods/solids I haven't lost any weight, just gone up and down the same pound. I am hoping that by adding more exercise this week I will push it down a couple pounds before my first fill, but.. we'll see! I haven't been eating very much at all. My metabolism is probably a bit slow after the liquid diet for so long... I just need to remember it is a long term solution not a short term fix. :tt1:
  4. sandiegokate

    Need advice, pls

    Thanks for the support!!:w00t: I was in a relationship for 5 years with a man who first said he wanted children and then changed his mind. I stayed longer than I should have. I think I thought I could change his mind, yeah right! :thumbup: At 45 it is hard to find a guy who is single and would want to do it all over again. Many men are divorced with kids and ready to move on with their life. Which is fine... I am seeing someone now but not sure where it is going yet. We'll see.... I need a younger man.. that is what I need!!!:smile: -that is a drool, not throw up! :tt1: I guess that means I am a Cougar! haha :cool:
  5. sandiegokate

    Need advice, pls

    I know a lot about fertility due to my goal to have a child. I am single... 45... have done a lot of research on what happens when in a cycle. I have always had clockwork periods, my worst problem is finding a man!! I like to say I am sperm deficient! I would rather use donor sperm with an origin rather than having my child's story read "I walked into a bar one night... ".. :sad: At 42 I did IUI's, and one IVF using my own eggs and donor sperm. However now at 45 (46 when I do it) I am going to look toward donor egg due to my age and donor sperm. The statistics for success are FAR greater. Several of my friends have done the alternative route (whether it be adoption, single parent by choice) and are all very happy. Sometimes you just have to take matters into your own hands! I am so lucky there are options! If I find a man later... that will be great! But no longer will I be looking for a baby-daddy at the get-go! Anyway.. that is one of my reasons for losing weight, to have a good pregnancy!
  6. sandiegokate


    Darce, So happy to hear the good news!! Good luck with your fill, you will be on your way soon!
  7. sandiegokate

    I don't have enough energy to exercise.

    Hi Sally, I think we're at a transition point.. where we need exercise for energy, but may not have the energy to exercise. I know for me it has been hard to get moving consistently and with intensity. Tonight I took a 1.75 mile walk and then went to the gym to do exercises in the pool. I feel good but know I am going to sleep like a baby tonight. I have found that I am suddenly able to eat more, everything I try seems to go down fine. I am trying to hold back a little though. I am having oatmeal for Breakfast with milk, today I had tuna and crackers for lunch, watermelon as a snack, and then stopped for frozen yogurt on the way home from the gym. I also had a 30gram Protein drink mid afternoon. I also brought string cheese and applesauce to work but didn't eat them. I need to journal to see how many calories I am taking in... the organization of it all takes so much time!! Good luck.. start slow and you will do fine! I know you have a couple of kids to run after too!? My dog whines at me to take her for a walk... that is good motivation!
  8. sandiegokate


    Kimk, I am exactly where you are it seems!! My doctor told me that he doesn't expect me to lose any weight until my fill on 8/23. I am going to just stick to the program... I am also down about 25 lbs and in the last couple of days I will be up and down a couple of pounds. I know that once I really get into an exercise program it will help also. I have been walking my dog but not "really" pushing it. That is going to be my biggest challenge. I know that once I am into a program I like it but historically I have fallen off the wagon for one reason or another. Best of luck to all, and I guess "don't sweat the small stuff.. and a couple of pounds IS small stuff"!
  9. sandiegokate


    Darce, How are you doing?? I hope the issue is resolved and you are feeling better!:wink:
  10. sandiegokate

    Full Liquid Question

    My doctor allowed yogurt as long as there were no chunks on full liquids. I also had a lot of cream of broccoli that I pureed so there were no solids, and cream of potato. I would steam more broccoli and cauliflower and add a little milk/broth to the soups and puree also sometimes... just thought it was more veggie nutrition.. it worked. Nothing ever came up for me.
  11. sandiegokate

    Good scar excuses?

    Since I had a hernia fixed and scar tissue from a previous gall bladder removed I tell people only about those things if they wonder why I was out of work. My old boss had hernia repair and his scars are similar to mine.. so.. there ya go! Most guys at that point will believe anything you tell them and not think twice... :wink:
  12. sandiegokate

    What are you eating each day?

    I like the dancing kitty too.. I need to spruce up my posts...:laugh: I just got the ok to do soft foods yesterday... I need to sit down and PLAN. I have been doing Soups with purees, oatmeal, yogurt (eating greek yogurt right now)etc. For breakfast (must be kickstart in AU), I am going to stick to oatmeal, easy, cheap (at work less than $1), and coffee with milk. Plus a Protein shake on the way to work. That continue to be my weekday standard, eggs on the weekend. Lunch: I plan on doing hard boiled/deviled eggs and ham rollups that I can dip in mustard and then some sort of veggie, small salad, i.e. tomatoes or the like. Dinner: some sort of meat/fish/poultry and veggies. Probably use the barbecue and the George Foreman grille a lot. I love veggies grilled. Check out this turkey burger recipe.. it was on Oprah a couple of weeks ago and they all said it was SO delicious. I know celery is an iffy veggie but I bet if it is sauteed it will soften and be easier to eat, just make sure it is diced really tiny. I'm going to try it maybe this weekend if I can find that "Major Grey's Chutney"... I need to make a fraction of the recipe though. Mar-a-Lago Turkey Burger Recipe - Oprah.com
  13. sandiegokate

    Had my first fill this morning.

    Awesome!! You are on your way!! I will get my first fill on August 23rd, 4 weeks after surgery. I am definitely starting to get more hungry now. I need to prepare to be in "bandster hell" for those next two weeks. So cool to see everyone progressing along. When we first started this forum we were all unbanded, didn't know what to expect, and now we're blossoming successful bandsters... makes me want to cry, in a good way though!!:laugh:
  14. sandiegokate

    Did you receive any calorie guidelines?

    OK, found the documentation at work and the following comment: "Your daily calorie level will slowly start increasing from 700-900 calories immediately after surgery to about 1000-1200 calories in 3-6 months after surgery" That makes sense.... Hope it helps! I think eating the right things until you are full is key...
  15. sandiegokate

    Did you receive any calorie guidelines?

    I just went to my 2 week post op appointment today and met with the nutritionist. I left the papers with the soft food and next phase to start next week at work by mistake (most all regular foods.. hooray!!), but I don't remember seeing calories either. I'll check again... mostly it was about serving sizes of the appropriate foods and keep it low fat/low sodium.
  16. sandiegokate

    Worried about how to chew....

    I also bought cocktail forks and espresso spoons that I have been using regularly. I read this before on another thread and I have really found them to be useful in keeping my bites in check. World Market and Target both carry them, and they are cute... better than getting baby silverware, in my opinion! I think after the band you definitely just "think" about things more. Especially because you progress so slowly from liquids to soft foods. I am 2 weeks post op and on soft foods and I have found myself to be very cautious automatically. Good luck.. you will do fine!!
  17. sandiegokate


    I am two weeks out from surgery today and so far I am just walking, trying to get my endurance back up. I plan on doing the elliptical and treadmill at the gym as well as my Wii Fit at home. I do like the elliptical and get a good workout but I will have to work myself up on time, starting out at 10 minutes and then adding time weekly. I also plan on doing weights three times a week. My biggest challenge will be motivation to get to the gym... once I get into a routine I generally do well, it is just starting that is the hard part for me. :blushing: Best of luck for you!!
  18. sandiegokate

    1 size down

    I am down 23 lbs and one size. I think as we start to exercise and gain more muscle we will lose more inches rather than lbs. which will mean more sizes. Atleast that is what has happened to me in the past. 30 lbs is great, and you are 1/3 to your goal!! Congratulations!!:blushing:
  19. Hi All, I figured it was time to start another thread to see how people were doing since the last time I started a status update. As for me, I am one week out from surgery today, woohoo! :sad: So far all is going good. I think that I am starting to "long for" foods other than my creamy Soups, Protein shakes, soupy oatmeal, and yogurt. Bring on the purees and mushies!!!:tt2: Tonight at the store I bought yams, turkey, and other things to cook, puree, and freeze so I will be ready "as soon as I can" have them! I go see my doctor next week. I hope I can make it until then! I did have frozen yogurt today with a friend... it was very yummy. Not sure if it was allowed but it went down ok. So far everything is going down ok actually. I'm feeling pretty good. I thought my stomach was hurting but now I think it was just gas? :ohmy: I'm thinking I need to try to get down some Fiber somehow. I don't want to take a commercial chemical laxative but I think I need something. Maybe if I slowly add the psyllium husk fiber to Water and drink it over the course of the day..? We'll see... As for pain, I now know what everyone means about "pain in the port area". I feel it... and sometimes it is just darn achy. I was getting my nails done today and had a problem sitting up in the chair too long, had to lay back for a while. I'm trying to get a bit more movement every day. It has been hot here in San Diego so I haven't been able to get out during the day to walk (plus I am technically working from home). I do take my dog for a walk around the block in the evening. I could use the coat rack, um I mean treadmill I suppose! :blushing: I'm anxious to feel 100%. From what I've read 10 days is a turning point for a lot of people.. I hope it is for me too! I am losing weight though.. down 20 lbs since starting the pre-op diet on August 15th! I know that won't continue, and I don't want it to. I would rather be slow and steady, have a lot of energy to exercise and be "fit" rather than a saggy bag of bones. :tt1: How is everyone else doing? I enjoy reading your progress!!
  20. sandiegokate

    Need advice, pls

    Just a reminder ladies to use birth control if you do not want to get pregnant right now!! Often the initial weight loss will jumpstart the hormones and if you have had no period (PCOS) and not ovulating previously you may be now.. especially if you started your period!! The start of your period will allow the hormone FSH to start growing follicles and could make you ovulate in the next two weeks after the start of that period. Be careful! :mad:
  21. sandiegokate

    Side and stomach sleeping??

    What helped me out was to put a pillow on the side I wanted to sleep on, just under me.. it cushioned the weight and made it so I wouldn't get the pulling feeling. :thumbup:
  22. Wow... that is just crazy!!!!:thumbup: My doctor gave me liquid vicodin for pain, which I took... I also bought liquid Vitamins, which taste like crap, but after reading your story I am not going to complain ANY more!!!!:w00t: I am glad that all is ok now.. I hope you continue to heal and have a much better relationship with your band going forward. I was banded on the 26th and as of now I am starting to feel hungry... and the creamy liquids are just not cutting it. I have started some purees but I have been really careful, I just seem to not get filled up!! I see my doc for a 2 week post op on Wednesday... can't wait until I get the official ok for mushies... Take care.. and no more pills for you!!!!!
  23. Hi Erika, Muscle Milk Light that is pre-made is a really easy way to go. No mixing required and it tastes pretty good. Where in Mexico are you? I know there are a lot of costco stores down there and if you can get to one you should be able to get to some good Protein shake options, both ready to drink and powders. You need to be a member.. but maybe they will give you a one day pass? I love Costco..... FYI.. for my creamy phase I bought cheesy broccoli soup and added milk and extra steamed broccoli, and blended it in my magic bullet. Also I had loaded baked potato soup and added steamed cauliflower to it... it was a good way to get added veggies while on the creamy Soups. Best of luck to you!
  24. sandiegokate

    What are your NSV's ???

    I am a Costco addict and I can't wait until I can fit into the clothes they have!!! That is one of my goals. It won't be for a while... but I will get there!!:sneaky: I did a try on of all my pants today and all the 22's are loose.. woohoo!!!!!:wink2: I put them all in a pile and I'm going to donate them to Goodwill or Salvation Army as soon as possible. Another NSV is that I already now have more room in my closet!! I can't wait until I am able to get rid of all the bigger sizes... I'm going to have SO much room! I have bins of clothes stacked in closets I can't wait to wear. One of my goals this weekend is to go through them all and organize them by size, it is exciting!!:sad:
  25. Yep.. normal!! :sad: I felt worse the day after surgery than I did the day of surgery. I think because all the anesthesia wore off. I also got gas pains but more in my stomach than anywhere else, I wanted to fart and burp but couldn't! :sneaky: I am now 9 days out and I am SO much better. It will suddenly get better day by day and then exponentially. Although this morning I was barely asleep and I stretched unconsciously and OUCHY!!!! I still feel it. I worried a bit that I may have hurt something but I probably just overstretched. It has basically subsided... hope I don't do that again!! Best of luck to you!!! chicken broth from Soups was really good to me. My mom went to a deli and got matza ball Soup, hold the matza balls. It was good because it was homemade broth, better than canned. Best of luck to you!!:wink2:

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