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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sandiegokate

  1. sandiegokate

    Do you floss your teeth?

    I am not a good flosser.. but, I get cleanings every 3 months as penance..
  2. Walking is great exercise! I would suggest that you do some weight training also as that will help your metabolism and help you "keep muscle" as you lose weight. A pool might be good for you as well. My mom just had her knee replaced on Wednesday (she has already had both hips and the other knee replaced), and the pool has been a HUGE help in keeping her limber, building her strength, etc. and preparing for the surgery. Oh I understand the dog.. I have a Vizsla that whines at me for her walk every night! :laugh:She isn't 140lbs, but she likes to pull and she is strong!! If your dog lets you walk slow I would say within a couple of days you should be ok. I went out with a friend within a couple of days of surgery who held the dog or atleast for part of the walk so I could test it out and hand over the leash if I needed to. Best of luck to you!!!! I am two months out and SO HAPPY I did it. The anticipation was so much greater than the surgery or after-care.
  3. sandiegokate

    What are your NSV's ???

    I had a somewhat different NSV today! I took my mom to have her knee replacement surgery today at the same hospital that my lapband surgery was performed. We followed the same route that we did the day of my surgery, same nurses, same waiting rooms in pre-op and recovery. My mom's bed was even in the same spot in the pre-op area that I was! We were in reversed roles today though. My lapband Dr. does his surgeries on Wednesdays, so I saw him there, he hugged me (he is so sweet) and even said he would check in on my mom to see how she is doing later. I saw him come in and out of the surgical waiting area throughout the morning telling the famiy members that "their surgeries went well". It really made me feel good to know that I had gone through it, was doing well and down 33 lbs since I started my pre-op diet on 8/15. The weight may be coming off very slowly at this point, but it IS coming off. :crying: I met a couple other patients who were anxiously anticipated the procedure while waiting and shared my experiences and that the anticipation was so much more than the actual surgery and recovery over the coming weeks. I even showed my scars and how good they are doing. :thumbup: I felt like I made a trip back to where it all began and it felt so good!! I really felt proud to have had the procedure and to be moving forward. It was motivating too! Meanwhile.. mom's surgery went VERY well, she now has a full set of two artificial hips and knees..a bionic woman! Darn arthritis.. hope it doesn't hit me that hard later in life!
  4. sandiegokate

    Finally had my first fill today, 8 weeks after surgery.

    Hi Sally, I remember your fill was delayed because of vacations, etc. I am sure that you will be on your way now! I know the week or two up to my first fill were very frustrating, I think I gained 3 lbs or so... I had my first fill 4 weeks ago (4 weeks after surgery) 3.5cc's, and I have a 2nd tomorrow. I know I am ready for my 2nd fill and need the restriction. I can eat much more than I thought I would/could at this point. I have made some bad choices too although I haven't fallen completely off the wagon. I know I need to really boost up my exercise routine but I hurt my foot (bad foot) which doesn't help right now. That is what I get for pushing to hard to soon. I think we just need to be patient until we get to that wonderful "sweet spot" we hear about... don't be hard on yourself during this early time, its just part of the process, frustrating as it may be. Let me know how it goes over the next couple of weeks.. I agree that you should maybe ask your doctor for another fill sooner if you feel you need it. It couldn't hurt to ask anyway!! You will get there though... we all will! Take care, Katie
  5. I not only have a TOM issue but I have a foot problem that needs some resolve with an anti-inflammatory not a pain reliever (i.e. tylenol). I might go get some liquid, or.. possibly the geltabs are good too?
  6. Hi Mal,


    I LOVE Dr. Bhoyrul!! He is always so calm and cool. Always positive never negative, I have absolutely no complaints at all about him or his staff, I really like them as people. I had my surgery on August 26th, and so far I have lost 32lbs since the pre-op diet I started on August 15th. The weight loss lately has been slow.. I get my 2nd fill this Thursday, I'm ready! I can tell I can eat more right now and need to depend on willpower. The band is just a tool, I need to remember that!


    I need to exercise more too, trying to work on that. ;-)


    There is a local group from this site that meets monthly, I will finally be able to join this Friday, October 16th, 9am at the Starbuck's in Mission Valley by Ikea. Just show up if you can make it!! :-) Best of luck to you!!!

  7. sandiegokate

    Ladies - What's your period doing?

    I can say that so far mine has been very regular as usual, but I've always been a 28 day gal, can predict it to the day. BUT.. many women who are overweight suffer from PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome), which means you don't ovulate regularly and don't have regular periods. Losing weight can kick the hormones back into gear and make you regular.. hence.. make sure you use birth control if you don't want a baby as band75 stated before me! Its great news though... as that means that your body is doing what it is suppose to do!! Congratulations!!! Although.. I'm sure it isn't the best thing to have as great news!
  8. Hi Everyone!! Time for a status report! How are you doing? How are you feeling? Has the band met your expectations as of yet? I had my first fill last Thursday, 9.24.2009. The first night I felt VERY restricted, then it calmed down totally by the next day. I can eat more than I thought I would at this point. I do get hungry but I am trying to make good choices. I definitely get "head hunger", I make it a point to not keep my trigger foods in the house, i.e. ice cream. I am journaling on sparkpeople.com, I like that site. I've started to push up the workouts as of this past weekend. I feel it today!! I can tell I am a bit weak but try to tell myself if I keep at it I will start to crave it. No excuses... I have to do it. I have been very stressed at work also and I know the exercise helps me there too. I have lost 28 lbs since August 15th. I am happy with my progress. The scale did finally move 2 lbs since my fill which I am happy with. I didn't lose a thing (even gained a couple of pounds) just before my fill. It was discouraging but thanks to this site I learned it is normal. I am very happy with my band and can't wait to reach the elusive sweet spot!! I get my next fill on October 22nd, my doctor does them monthly. I am curious what that fill will bring. I can't wait to get into my next grouping of clothes (I have several bins of all sizes). I think in 15 lbs I will be able to open that bin! That is my mini goal right now. Best of luck to all! I look forward to reading your updates!!:tongue2:
  9. sandiegokate

    BMI is under 50!!

    Congratulations!!!!!:sad: You are an inspiration to us all.. any tips to share from your success thus far? I am just 6 weeks out and I already love my band... SO HAPPY that I did it!! :thumbup:
  10. sandiegokate

    oh oh

    Hi, I wouldn't tell him anything.. I would just tell him the days that you can bring her to see him. You should be fine to drive her within a couple of days from surgery. I know I was fine to drive the next day if I wanted to. You could tell him that you are having "female related" surgery, that always works with guys.. he doesn' t need to know the details! Worst case maybe for the first visit someone else can drive your daughter? Just a thought... I am sure it bugs you that you had your schedule all figured out and a wrench is thrown into it! It will work out though...
  11. Yes!! I had them also.. in the hospital they also had italian ice on my tray that i had just before i left the same day of surgery. Jello too... Congratulations!! You are on your way!!!:thumbup:
  12. sandiegokate

    How do you compare?

    Hi There, Good topic for a post!:thumbup: I was banded August 26th and have lost about 30lbs with the pre-op diet. I had my first fill on September 24th, 3.5 cc's in a 10cc. band. Do I feel a lot of restriction? No.. Am I able to eat just about everything? Yes. I do find that I get more full on less food and I can tell that I am much more mindful of what I eat. I don't get really hungry until I am suppose to. I am curious as to what the next fill brings. I hope it makes me less hungry but still allows me to eat what I like to eat, just smaller portions. I guess I will find out! As far as eating goes, I do eat half a sandwich usually with veggies on the side (I can tolerate them if I chew well). So far, I haven't had a problem with bread. I eat pretty slowly, and just try to talk to the people around me while I eat. So it becomes social time during lunch at work. When I am at home, I don't have anyone to talk to most of the time (except the dog.. :smile:) and I find I eat faster. I need to slow down at home. Maybe you are too tight? How many cc's do you have in your band? I've read that there are people who choose to have less of a fill in their band so that they can eat more, as they find they can't enjoy eating and it doesn't fit into their life. I think the term "sweet spot" is subjective. If I couldn't eat anything I think I would be frustrated too. I am trying to make good choices and use the band a tool not a solution within itself. I am incorporating more exercise and trying to make it a lifestyle change overall. I'm not totally at that lifestyle yet, I'm a work in progress. My point is that I think each person has to find what works for them in their own lives. I would maybe work with your doctor to find what fits in your life and how you want to live. You still can lose weight and be happy with what you eat too! Maybe just a little "tweak" is needed. :wink2: Best of luck to you!!!
  13. I sometimes bring tuna and high Fiber crackers, or egg salad. I also usually bring little convenient containers of yogurt, applesauce, and that sort of thing to have around. I always have Protein shakes as well. Light string cheese is a staple too. It definitely helps for me to have "good healthy options". If you have a refrigerator keep a stock of alternatives for the week, it will help! Hard boiled eggs are good for me in a pinch.. if I don't bring one or two luckily the cafeteria sells them pretty cheap. If I don't bring my lunch I usually make a half of a sandwich in the cafeteria with some veggies on the side. oatmeal and/or eggbeaters for breakfast... Best of luck!!
  14. sandiegokate

    Dying of thirst

    I would try some Gatorade or the low calorie version G2, it has electrolytes (basically salts) that keep your Fluid levels up.. alternate it with Water. Just a thought! You will get used to it and as the swelling from the surgery goes down you will be able to drink more.. any day now. :thumbup:
  15. Hi All, I had my first fill today, he put in 3.5cc's. He had me do a little crunch and put the needle in. It was over in just a second. He had me drink down some Water to make sure it went down. I felt fine until I left the office, and then I had the overwhelming feeling to burp.. and only some comes up. Everytime I burp it feels SO GOOD!! It just feels like air is stuck in my stomach. I can drink just a little bit, it hurts if I drink too much. I hope this feeling of tightness and the feeling of burping/gas goes away. I took two gas-x strips earlier this evening but so far it hasn't really helped. I hope someone can tell me that it subsides overnight and I will feel better tomorrow? :mad: Funny how every person's experiences are different. I'll let you know how I am feeling tomorrow.. I'm hoping better! I am taking sips of water.. need to make sure I get in my Protein too over the next day. Wish me luck!!!!!!
  16. Egg salad with celery seed was a good one for me! Also, pureed sweet potatoes. If you puree canned chicken it turns out better than regular fresh cooked chicken and then add some low fat gravy to it. Good with the sweet potatoes or regular mashed potatoes. Also pumpkin pie with no crust made with splenda. I like "holiday" type foods so it was tasty for me.. Cottage cheese with mango baby food was tasty. Splenda.com has good recipes for cheesecakes that you can make without a crust and have sugar free jam or pureed fruit on it. I have one of their cookbooks and found one in there that was good and high Protein. I like Fage Greek yogurt also with some sugar free jam You will make it through!!
  17. sandiegokate

    I am miserable

    Sorry you are feeling so bad.. I know you will feel better... the first couple of days for me were very tough. Day 10 was definitely a turning point for me and I've read it is for others also. I am now 5 weeks out and can't notice the band, my incisions, etc. Just keep sipping on liquids, that will help!! Take care and let us know how you are feeling tomorrow. I am sure you will feel a little better. The day after the surgery was the worst for me.
  18. sandiegokate

    What does hungry feel like?

    My stomach now growls loud when I am hungry! There is no mistaking it!! Full feels well, full! I feel like I suddenly can't eat another bite and a tiny bit burpy. I had a half of a sandwich at lunch today and I also got some fruit. I finished the half sandwich and went to take a bite of fruit and I felt like "nope.. not another bite". I wouldn't get that before.. I could keep taking bites, I can't and don't want to do that anymore. Strange...
  19. sandiegokate

    new problem, not sure if band releated

    How are you feeling? Was the doctor able to help or atleast provide some insight? Take care,
  20. sandiegokate

    First Fill and Feeling Tight!

    I had a little issue today... fortunately it resolved itself before too long. I got a stir-fry in our cafeteria and I think the meat was dry and/or I didn't chew as much as I should have. I got that "stuck" feeling and I think "slime". I had to go to the bathroom at work to spit out the extra saliva but then suddenly it went down and it was ok. I don't think I'll get that stir fry again.. it wasn't even that good. I took a few more bites afterward and then threw it out and went and bought a couple of hard boiled eggs. I find they are a good thing for me... go down well and they are satisfying. I just had some homemade chicken Soup that I had frozen and it went down fine, but it should since it is soup! I pretty much feel like before my first fill at this point.. although I think I am a little less hungry? :scared2: I can tell I will need another fill though... Oct. 22nd is my next!
  21. sandiegokate

    Walk of shame

    Sounds like you are in bandster hell!! I went through similar until I had my first fill last week. My doc put 3cc's in my band and although the first day I felt LOTS of restriction it seems less now. I am definitely able to eat more than 1/2 cup at a sitting. I am trying to make good choices and take my time eating and chewing. Your fill will come soon and you will feel better! It is a process, that is for sure. You have done really well, one day won't hurt.. tomorrow is a new day!! :tongue2:
  22. sandiegokate

    I'm done telling people about lap-band

    Ignorance plain and simple!! The knowledge they probably have of the band is from skewed media misrepresentation. Lets face it, successful, happy, people living their lives with less weight just doesn't seem to make the news! There is a prejudice about weight also, which makes it worse. I've received mixed responses, most positive, fortunately. I've found if I educate people they respond better. There will always someone who will try to rain on your parade, just be prepared and have an umbrella!
  23. sandiegokate

    Kinda Down =/

    Sweet Andy, You have lost 51 lbs!!! That is SOOOO awesome!! :seeya: In just 4 months time too!!!! I have read all the time here that plateaus are normal. If you have been working out a lot your body may be doing a "readjust" and it just needs to get through it. Also, you will lose slower as you get closer to your goal weight. Keep the faith and look at other's progress and stories as inspiration.. you will get there!! Take care and have a great day!!
  24. sandiegokate

    Omega 3 and other EFAs

    costco has Omega 3 gummies that I just bought along with the gummy Vitamins. They are by "Lil Critters". They taste fine. I also bought a liquid Vitamin from a friend who sells "Pure Encapsulation" vitamins, purecaps.com I like the gummies the best. I haven't tried taking a fish oil pill yet.. I've taken tylenol and that went down ok.. not sure how the big fish oil pills will go down though! Here is a link to Amazon, that sells the same thing: Amazon.com: Lil Critters Omega-3 Gummy Fish With Dha-180 Fish: Health & Personal Care
  25. sandiegokate

    Struggling With Some Of The Changes

    Oh, I know those comments. When I lost a lot of weight in the past (and gained it all back, which is why I am here today!), I had people say "I bet you feel so much better about yourself now".. I thought, "huh"?? I finally started saying "No, I've always had good self esteem and felt good about myself, it was only weight.. and if weight was the biggest problem I had in my life I'm pretty lucky, wouldn't you agree"? They usually would be a little stunned and say.. "um, yes, you're right". I will do that this time too.. :seeya: Oh, I always hated the "you have such a pretty face".. haha.. if that isn't a direct smack I don't know what is!!! I laugh at it now as I think.. "don't those people know what they sound like"? geesh! I never internalized weight to that extent. I think I would be more likely to accept the "feel better about yourself" comment if my house and garage were always clean. Oh well.. just shows you how everyone looks at things differently!

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