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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sandiegokate

  1. sandiegokate

    The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly

    The weight loss and not being able to overeat is DEFINITELY good. Also good was not having that "oh my God I ate too much on the holidays" feeling after previously eating huge meals. Overeating just isn't an option anymore. It no longer controls me. The bad and the ugly? I haven't really experienced anything "bad and ugly". I have PB'd, usually it is due to user error, I either ate too fast or I found out a food just doesn't work for me (scrambled eggs for example, but eggs cooked other ways are fine). It reminds me to slow down and chew well.. it happens much less now than it did when I first started getting fills. Live and learn... I can say my eyes are often bigger than my stomach, that is for SURE. It has been a very interesting experience. I always leave food on my plate, ALWAYS. I think that one thing that happened that I never realized before which is an observation more than anything is my food ALWAYS gets cold because I eat so slow!! I often have to run to the microwave to reheat a few times. Just interesting and frustrating but no big deal. The bad and ugly were before surgery.. when I could eat until there was nothing left.. now all is good.. GREAT in fact!!
  2. These stats were the decisionmaker for me.. PLUS, being over 40 it is even HARDER to lose the weight in the first place!! I am very happy with my decision and so far doing great. For me the risks of not having the surgery were much greater than the risk of the surgery itself. Every person has to make their own decision, and of course it doesn't work like magic, but it is a wonderful "tool". Best of luck to you!!!
  3. For several weeks following surgery I felt that something was "different" inside me, but just today I was thinking that I don't feel anything now.. feels just like a part of me, the only thing that feels different is I can now move around easier, and feel more limber after losing 45lbs! I am looking forward to feeling even better as the pounds drop!
  4. sandiegokate

    Shape-Ups by Sketchers

    I bought the Shape Ups a few weeks ago and I LOVE them. I had tried to get MBT's in the past but they run small and I need an 11.. and their 11 was a wee bit too short. The Shape Ups are the same but half the price. I have the Sleek style, the fabric Mary Janes and I absolutely LOVE them. They look cute with jeans or with workout clothes/yoga pants. I have them in black and wear black socks with them. I went to the Zoo the other day and walked A LOT, I felt them working! I find I want to wear them all the time. I'm curious about the Danskin style.. hmmmmm $30.. what a deal. I'm sure they use all the same vendors in China for the parts!
  5. sandiegokate

    Ground beef vs Ground turkey

    "Probably the worst choice is the budget stuff, that's just lips and assholes and very fatty. You'd need to always buy the lean one." This statement alone will lie in my memory for every time I am at a grocery store and looking at the meat on sale... yikes!!! I agree with a varied diet... a little bit of everything won't do no harm!! I would rather enjoy my food too. I only buy filet mignon for steaks, very lean and so tender. I can't eat much anyway so I want those bites to be GOOD. :thumbup:
  6. I was banded in August and also had a hernia repair and he cleaned up some scar tissue from a past gall bladder operation as well. The first couple of days was the hardest, it gets easier exponentially every day from there. I was lucky and didn't get the shoulder pain most people do.. I kept waiting for it, but it never happened. :w00t: Definitely 10 days was a big turning point for me. Now it is all but a slight memory.. I am so happy that I had it done. Soon you all will be healed and on your way!! :tongue2: Congratulations and enjoy the journey!!
  7. sandiegokate

    lap band LONG TERM

    PoPo, I agree with you 300%! My mother has had both hips AND both knees replaced due to arthritis and complicated by her weight. She is now 78 and a bit too old to get a band but I hope to not have the surgeries she has had to have due to her weight. Also she has high blood pressure and cholesterol... all of which could be made better by loss of weight. For me the risk of the surgery and any complications was far less than the risk of being overweight. I am 45, been overweight (or yoyo'd) for most of my life. It wasn't going to get better from here unless I did something drastic. If a revision is needed later on, so be it... I'm still better off! AND, if I do need knee/hip replacements like my mom I will be healthier to have those operations. My mom's weight made it more difficult for the surgeon to do the operations!
  8. sandiegokate


    I like the Premier Protein ready to drink that they sell at costco, 30grams of protein, I drink one on the way to work everyday. I also bought the ISOpure clear, it is a good alternative to the cream drinks. I don't like it "straight" though, weird aftertaste. I find if I mix it with Crystal light it goes down easier.. half crystal light half isopure.. eventually I get in the entire bottle of 40grams of protein and get some liquids at the same time. Costco also has a protein bullet, I haven't tried it but some people here like it. I also sent away for unjury.. its "ok" for me, not as spectacular as I expected. I do like the chicken flavor as an alternative to the above. Variety is key... Good luck, you'll make it through!!
  9. Hi Everyone, I received a fill last Thursday and I think I'm definitely topped off. I definitely have restriction at 5.6cc's. :Yawn: I did my two days of liquids/thick Soups and moved on to mushies. I now definitely notice that I can't eat certain foods. Scrambled eggs are a no go but a fried egg is ok. It doesn't matter how much I chew it. I can tolerate moist turkey, chewed well, and well cooked vegetables (I haven't tried any hard veggies yet). Pasta is a no go, and I'm not sure if ham was ok or if it was the healthy choice mac and cheese that I had with it that did me in. Turkey sausage link, again, chewed well, was fine. Very inconsistent at best. What solid foods have you found to be the most band friendly and won't make you PB? Rather than trial and error I thought I would ask the pros! I know each person is different but any suggestions you all have would be appreciated. Before now I could eat just about anything in small quantities and it was ok.. now I need to be a bit more particular. :thumbup: Thanks in advance for your suggestions!!
  10. sandiegokate

    What food DOESN'T make you PB?

    PB stands for Productive Burp. If you eat too fast, don't chew enough or eat the wrong thing sometimes it comes back up, either voluntarily or unvolutarily. :wink2: Some people never get that feeling.. for me I have to make it come up after feeling pain. It doesn't happen very often, and it is my goal to not have it happen at all eventually (after I learn more), but right now it still does.
  11. sandiegokate

    MBT shoes vs Shape-Ups

    OK.. an update!! I just bought the ShapeUps last weekend and so far I LOVE them. In fact I think I am going to buy another pair. This is what I bought: SKECHERS Official Shoe Store | Women's Women's Shape-ups | Shape Ups - Sleek Fit This is what I want to buy next: SKECHERS Official Shoe Store | Women's Women's Shape-ups | Shape Ups - Physical I think they are "fitness stylish" with yoga pants and a fleece jacket. I wear black socks with them too. I have had them for three days and have worn them for two of the three (only worked half day today so I decided to wear them). I can tell it gives me a little workout too. Definitely absorb shock which is good. Oh, and the size was RIGHT ON for me in the 11 whereas the MBT was way short in an 11 (I never have worn over an 11, usually 10 1/2 - 11). I bought them at Nordstrom. They had a couple of other brands also that were much more expensive (Munro) of the same type but the Skechers felt the exact same, and the same as the MBT's but fit me in a size 11 perfectly. Anyway... thats my review!! :tongue2:
  12. sandiegokate

    What food DOESN'T make you PB?

    I seem to have problems with many veggies too.. I need to experiment more and expand my horizons. I just bought some acorn and butternut squash to bake. I hope they go down ok. I feel like this last fill has put me into a new point in my lapband journey. Until this point I didn't have issues with different foods now I have to be a bit more careful. I know I will learn, it is about the journey not the destination!!:tongue2:
  13. sandiegokate

    MBT shoes vs Shape-Ups

    I bought a pair of MBT due to a friend raving about them but ended up returning them. They run REALLY small. I wear an 10 1/2 - 11 and their 11 was WAY too small for me. I am curious about the ShapeUps and the Reebok though and how they fit. If you have a Walking Company near you, they carry MBT or Good Feet or some Nordstrom stores (if they are in your area). Best of luck!!
  14. Hi All, I started the day with a Protein shake (30grams) to make sure I was going to get what I needed for the day. For dinner we went to a casino that has a BIG Thanksgiving Feast. I was worried prior but all was fine! I stayed with the purses while everyone else got their food, then I went to explore, taking my time, and choosing a little bit of turkey, potatoes, yams, carrots/brussel sprouts, and gravy. I ate very slowly... not drinking with my meal as I should. My mom had knee surgery a few weeks ago so I got up and got her what she needed to waste some time. :thumbup: I did more talking at this meal than I did before too. Then I went and got a small slice of pumpkin pie and had some coffee... all was perfect!! I feel very successful and for once don't feel overly stuffed and icky tonight. Oh, a pleasant surprise was I won $100 on a 5 cent video slot type machine... yahoo!!!!!! I love my band!!!!!
  15. sandiegokate

    Walking/Running shoes

    I recently purchased the Nike LunarGlide+ and I LOVE them. I have a bum foot and need to make sure I have enough cushioning and it definitely is the best shoe i've ever worn. Out of the box it was perfect. The heel is soft yet supportive which is good too. Most shoe companies categorize their shoes and cushioning is one option. I would go for that. Check out the LunarGlide.. I plan on buying a 2nd pair they are so great! I believe that all brands fit differently and each person has to find the brand that fits them best. New Balance is really good for most people but they just don't fit my foot right, Puma, Saucony or Nike fit "my foot" best. Good luck!! There are definitely some good sales out there this weekend on shoes I saw in the newspaper today, I would take advantage of it and go shopping!
  16. sandiegokate

    Ribeye steak, Lobster tails, Shrimp

    I had all the thoughts you did 10 days before my surgery too!!:thumbup: it is completely normal. I remember eating something and thinking "It will be the last time I eat this". I found that to not really be true. As of this last fill I am definitely tighter and have to be more particular, but for the most part I can have atleast a "taste" of everything which is fine. I no longer have the feeling to devour, so it is fine! As most things the anticipation is so much more than the reality. I know mine was! :frown: The pre-op and post-op diet is just a memory now and I am back to eating just about everything, just very little. I am still learning what works and what doesn't but it is part of the process. Best of luck to you and enjoy your Thanksgiving!!!:wink:
  17. sandiegokate

    Bad stuck episode-my own fault

    Hi Tracy, I hear ya.. and I think most people on the board have been there!! I just got my 3rd fill and have suddenly noticed I need to really eat slowly and make my choices wisely. Scrambled eggs don't work for me but fried eggs with runny yolk do. Pasta is a no but toasted bread that I put Peanut Butter and lo cal jelly on was fine. It really is trial and error. Someone responded to my post on the food & Nutrition board to eat one thing at a time so that you know what it was that "got you", I am going to do that from now on until I learn more. Don't feel bad though, just take it as a learning experience and move on. You will be fine. Congrats on the weight loss!!:thumbup:
  18. sandiegokate

    Second fill blues??

    I didn't feel much different after the 2nd fill either, but now after the 3rd fill, and it was only .6cc's I really feel the restriction. It takes time and everyone is different.. just roll with it, it will come!:ohmy:
  19. sandiegokate

    Saying Goodbye

    I'm so excited for you!! I know the feeling you are experiencing. It feels like a right of passage or something almost. Since there is a banding "date" there is a countdown and you ponder what will become later. You will be very happy. It can be frustrating at times but SO WORTH IT. The group here is SO helpful, that is for sure. Looking back I am so happy I got the band and that I am on the road to the new me!! I feel I have said goodbye to the old me, for sure. One thing I did and recommend is going through ALL your clothes and putting them in size categories. That way you know what group to turn to when the time is right and won't miss out on wearing something you may have wanted to but suddently it is too big!:thumbup: I had that happen last week.. I chuckled!! I got rid of the 22w me and now need to get rid of the 20w me. I love it!! Enjoy the holidays!
  20. sandiegokate

    Bacon Salt... the best thing I've discovered!

    My mom found, and gave me, some ham bouillion that she found in the hispanic section of the supermarket. She said it is great when making split pea soup, etc. Sounds like the same idea as what you found! I'll have to try that too!!
  21. sandiegokate

    Is there a place to buy Benefiber in bulk?

    Prepster, I just bought the big container at costco and started adding a little of it here and there... do you find that it really helps you "go" if you use a lot of it? In reading about it, compared to Metamucil it is dietary Fiber but not necessarily a laxative. The different types of fiber on the market confuse me right now. Fiber is definitely a hot item but I want to choose the best one and use it wisely. Thanks for your input!!
  22. sandiegokate

    Boddy Bugg Users

    Hi Everyone, I just saw that the BodyBugg is going to be onsale at costco.com this weekend for Black Friday. Here is the ad, lots of other ads for many other retailers there to entice you also. :thumbup: Costco Black Friday Ad 2009 - Costco Black Friday Deals
  23. sandiegokate

    A mushy Thanksgiving....need ideas pls

    4x4, My family has made that concoction for years on the holidays, we add crushed pineapple to it too.. tastes great! I sometimes make it to take for lunch too. Oh, my mom used to substitute 1/2 cup non-fat dry milk for half of the cool whip. Makes it more substantial and adds more Protein also.
  24. sandiegokate

    Aaack! Help! I'm freaking out!!!

    I asked my doctor about taking Motrin and his response was that if I must take it on occasion to take a Pepcid along with it. He also said that the data isn't there yet, but it is believed that the newer bands (Lapband AP) are less likely to be as affected by NSAIDS than previous bands (he didn't say why).. but he still wouldn't like me to take it all the time, just a couple of times a month as needed. I would be curious to see what the data shows on the new bands... probably will be years I imagine. Best of luck to you!!
  25. sandiegokate

    How many cc's do you have? How many fills so far?

    I just received my third fill yesterday of .6cc's that puts me at 5.6cc's (I made a mistake earlier and said I was at 5.5 but I was at 5cc's). I was feeling some restriction before but today I definitely feel it! I am on liquids and hope that I will be able to eat some in the next day or so. I lost 7lbs in the past month without really trying. My mom had surgery and I was taking care of her (and making dinners), I have been working a lot and not exercising, so.. all considering I feel VERY successful for this past month. I am starting with a personal trainer on December 1st, which I know will be good for me. That should kickstart me into a good workout routine. I am so happy I had the surgery.. everyone here seems to be doing so well, congrats to us all!!:thumbup:

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