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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by sandiegokate

  1. sandiegokate

    Pre-op Diet?

    Hi Patti, Did your doctor explain to you why it must be all liquid and no solids? It seems like my diet is the same. I can have up to 3 servings of fruit juice, but fruit itself is not listed. My pre-op diet is Aug. 13th, so I will ask then.. but just wondering! I would definitely not mind putting strawberries/blueberries/banana in my shakes instead of drinking fruit juice. Juice is high calorie, and if I can I would rather "eat" my calories! :ohmy: Thanks, Katie
  2. sandiegokate

    SCARED of being put to sleep!

    I have a friend who is a pharmacist and she told me before my past surgeries on my foot to ask for "versed". That is the stuff that makes you feel like you've had a few drinks, man that stuff is great!! After they give me that I start talking away, not a fear in the world! Some people go to sleep from it though, not me.. I just start waving at people and acting all silly. Surgery? What surgery? haha I am the type that is still awake when I go to the operating room, I usually get up on the table myself (again, talking to everyone in the room). Then before I know it (and it happens so quick like a previous poster says), it is over. I wake up usually when the guerney hits the operating room door on the way out. I wake up quick. Most people don't wake up until recovery. Also, as another poster said they have great drugs, they put you out and wake you up.. I never have had a real groggy feeling, atleast it isn't a groggy feeling like you get from cold meds (I hate that feeling.. can't take it!). Its more like a relaxed feeling. I remember the first time I had surgery though, and I was also very nervous. Your feelings are normal. Once it is done you will think "wow, that wasn't so bad at all". My mom once told me something that made me feel better, she said "Just think that you are part of the assembly line.. you're not the first or the last to go through it, just another person along the way". For some reason, that made me feel better. Anything that you are feeling or doing they have seen before.. so, you will be in good and experienced hands.
  3. Oh Jenny, I'm sorry to hear that you have an ear infection!!! Hopefully they put you on some high powered anti-biotics and got it right away. Usually there is significant improvement in ear infections after the first couple of days, so hopefully you will be fine by Saturday and all will go as scheduled on Monday!! Let us know how it all goes!!:laugh:
  4. sandiegokate

    My Family Rocks!!!

    That is so awesome!!! My good friends all decided to join me on the pre-op diet too!! I wish you luck and success!!:tt2:
  5. sandiegokate

    Band Dates...... add your name!

    Click quote and add your name! I added Mom2boys3 as she fell off the last.. make sure all names are there when you respond!
  6. I just had to share this with all of you... I've told several of my good friends about the lapband and the diet that I will need to be on before the surgery. Several of them have decided to do it with me to support me!:tt2: They said that they don't want me to go through it alone and want to join me in my journey. I thought that was so cool and so nice of them! They are all of pretty normal weight, but of course wouldn't mind losing a few pounds here or there. I am a lucky girl to have such good friends!:laugh:
  7. sandiegokate

    Sugar Free Desserts

    The Splenda website has a lot of great recipes. Here is a cheesecake recipe, that could be lightened up further by replacing egg whites for the whole eggs. Rather than a crust, you could just sprinkle crushed graham crackers on it, gives the flavor without the added calories. There are a lot of other cheesecake recipes on there besides this one: Splenda I also made one that was FF cream cheese, lime SF jello, and cottage cheese, whipped up in a food processor. It tasted yummy and was very high protein. I plan on making these sort of "desserts" for my mushy stages. Tasty but high in protein. Good Luck!
  8. sandiegokate

    Mandarin Orange Salad

    This is a recipe we always have around the holidays, and we add crushed pineapple to it also.... and, we used more cottage cheese, less cool whip than you have above. AND.. my mom started adding non-fat dry milk in place of part of the cool whip to add more Protein a while back, it works great... wonder if you could add Protein powder instead? Hmmmm...? Good to take to work for lunch.. :thumbup:
  9. sandiegokate

    Over 40 and pregnancy

    I plan on getting pregnant also at some point!! I am single, and since chances are very low using my own eggs at 46 (the age I will start trying, after losing weight with the band) using IVF or IUI with donor sperm, I will most likely be using donor eggs and donor sperm. I have friends who have done the same. Great to hear about the successful pregnacies over 40! If I had a beau and could try naturally.. I would! I always seem to find the guys who are divorced "and don't want to do it all over again", which I respect. If someone comes along in the meantime on my journey.. we'll see what happens! I wish you all luck! FYI.. a great forum for over 40's pregnancy is: fertilityover40.com A lot of good info and ladies there!
  10. sandiegokate

    Dry Lips??? Help!

    I agree with ALL of the above, but... you may want to also check to see if you have a yeast type infection in the mouth, sorta like thrush that babies get. A couple years ago I kept having peeling lips, nothing would work, it was weird for me. I tried everything and it wasn't working. I finally went to the doc and she said try miconozale, the stuff they use for yeast infections, and.. it worked!! Theoretically you should be able to use a good yogurt too. Anyway... just a 2nd opinion and different view... and something to think about it it doesn't go away. Definitely keep drinking that Water though!!
  11. Hi Katie, Welcome! You will find this place to be very informative and supportive. I am to be banded on August 26th, and I am so excited as well. Great name by the way!
  12. I'm on the 26th too!! I've been waiting for someone else to be on that day!! We have similar stats too! YES.. we can do it!! When do you start your pre-op diet? Mine will be 5-10 days before surgery. I found out how long at my pre-op appt. on August 13th. Best of luck to us both!!
  13. sandiegokate

    Girdles, Cinchers or even spanx

    I haven't been banded yet but I love Spanx!! Right now is the time to get them; Nordstrom has them on sale for the next two weeks. They usually don't go on sale. They have all sizes too... I got "Higher Power" which is like shorts that go all the way up to the bra line. A great smoother under summer dresses and stops the "rubbing of the thighs" too. They have all types though, pantyhose, footless pantyhose, shorts, you name it!
  14. sandiegokate

    Emotional eating.

    I am sure you are feeling what many others have felt before you! I think it is part of what we need to go through and conquer on our journey to our inner (and thinner) self. I can see myself doing the same thing as you... I think I am going to start listening to some guided imagery myself to help get me through it, it can't hurt. Here is a website: Guided Imagery & Meditation by Belleruth Naparstek - CDs, MP3s, Tapes - Health Journeys I know that it helped me through a lot of stressful times in my life, put me in a much more relaxed state of mind. I downloaded a few of them off the above site and loaded them on my iPod. I definitely feel more relaxed afterward. There is a lot of research backing guided imagery. There are a lot more choices out there now. I might download a few more... You'll do ok.. just don't dwell on it and move forward. What is in the past, is in the past!:thumbup: Have a GREAT tomorrow!!!!
  15. sandiegokate

    August Bios

    Hello Everyone! My name is Katie and I live in San Diego, CA, I am single, never married, 45, and have a wonderful yet crazy Vizsla named Eva that I love very much. My surgery date is August 26th, 8:45am. I can't wait! I have my pre-op appt. August 13th and will do a 5-10 day liquid Protein diet. He will tell me at my pre-op whether I am 5 or 10 days or something in between. I work in the Law Department of a big consumer electronics company managing systems, accounting, corporate books, staff, and anything else that needs attention to keep our department going. I've had a weight problem all of my life, which I am sure most of you can relate to!:thumbup: I did lose 100 lbs on the "Phen Fen" craze in the mid 90s but managed to put it all back on over time and more. I am currently around 300lbs and 5'8" tall. I've been told "I wear my weight well".. I just always say my weight doesn't discriminate, its spread out all over me! I first thought about the band a couple of years ago, and then had a weird bout with bone cancer (right second toe.. amputated), but that since is over all ok with the exception of a lost toe (that I don't miss, even wear thong sandals no problem) and I am now ready to do something about the weight! Fortunately I don't have any health issues, all testing for diabetes, cholesterol, blood pressure, etc. is normal.. but, I don't want to get something down the road that is irreversible. I've been told by a couple of doctors that "my body doesn't think it is overweight", and it fights it, which I think is what happens to most of us. I am hoping that the band does the trick!! At this point, what do I have to lose other than a lot of weight! :-) A turning point for me was hearing that only 1 out of 20 morbidly obese will ever be able to keep the weight off without the help of surgery (per CDC, NIH). That was a wake up call.. can't beat those odds! I wish us all luck over the coming months and look forward to getting to know each and every one of you to cheer you on! Remember to not worry too much about the destination, but enjoy the journey!!:thumbup:
  16. Very sad... I hope he finds the help he needs. I am sure that the mother probably didn't know how to handle it, and surely the health care system in this country doesn't look at the "whole person". He may have psychological issues, etc. that need help. I know there are many other kids in similar situations... education and a system to help the whole person is key!
  17. sandiegokate

    What do you all do?

    So interesting to read, that is for sure!! As for me, I work in the Law Dept. of a very large electronics company, and until 2 months ago I worked in the international trade field utilizing my Customs Broker License. I luckily avoided a layoff a few months ago and accepted another position in the Law Dept. as Legal Administration Manager managing the systems, accounting, and even the process that nearly laid me off before.. funny how that works! I'm very happy to be still at my company as I have been here for 21 years. :thumbup:
  18. Congratulations on starting your pre-op diet! I am a few weeks behind you. Have you tried the Isopure "drinks" that come in the bottles? They are clear, sorta like a Kool-Aid but have a lot of Protein. They are a good alternative to the creamy shake type. I add a little Diet Cranberry juice to them to liven them up but they are fine straight out of the bottle. They sell them at GNC or Vitamin Shoppe. Enjoy the journey!!:bored:
  19. I didn't use unflavored Isopure, I used a product I bought at a health food store, can't remember the name but it is just "Unflavored Whey Protein", sold right next to the vanilla and chocolate. It was powder.. it mixes quite well with Crystal light.. I shake it in a tupperware container and pour it over ice. You can mix one scoop into a larger quantity of crystal light to make it "lighter". I think having unflavored whey Protein is a good thing to have regardless as it can be added to anything, Soups, etc. a little at a time for added protein. I figure I'm going to have all sorts of products in my cupboards soon... but, it will be taking up the space previously used by the bad stuff. The ISOpure in the bottles is good though, definitely very clear, I think they needed something though and I added some diet cranberry to it.. its great that way. I want to get some samples of the nectar products somewhere as I've heard some people love them and others not so much. For me, variety is important. I have some unjury coming tomorrow via UPS. I've heard good things about that too. I have about 3 weeks to do my research on protein drinks also! I bought some Atkins strawberry pre-made drinks today.. I'll let you know what I think. I have heard some people like that too. Let me know what you find during your research!:smile: Take care, Katie
  20. sandiegokate

    Jeans circa 1991 fit!

    Awesome!!!! Sounds like "Mom Jeans" ..haha! Hey... I'd be happy to wear "grandma jeans" if I could wear a size 13!!
  21. sandiegokate

    Banded Yesterday!

    Oh, you know what? I think we're talking about different Isopure drinks. I'm talking about the clear liquid they have in the bottle, here is a link: . . . ISOPURE by Nature's Best . . . The one on the left, the "drinks" Zero Carb, in the bottle is what I get. I was at Vitamin Shoppe today and I saw the powders, which is what I think you were talking about... I guess I don't know how to help you with those!! Try the clear drinks though, they are great to me!
  22. sandiegokate

    Protein ideas?

    Lean Ham Steak, fried up in a pan.. different, low fat, and tasty to me! :-)
  23. I've heard many people here say they preferred regular soup, i.e. campbell's or progresso, but strained.. better and familiar flavor. I thought that was a good idea. :wink2:
  24. sandiegokate

    Banded Yesterday!

    To me, the Isopure needs something. I added some diet cranberry/pomegranate to it, and it was fine, just tasted like juice. I tried it with the Grape Frost. I have Alpine punch and will add it to that too. Good luck to you... most of us in waiting mode can't wait to be where you are today!!! :wink2:
  25. Bill, Thats awesome!!:smile: Definitely a real life story that we can all relate to... My story will be something to include football, margaritas, tacos, and guacomole... I get banded on August 26th, just before the season officially starts! Thanks for the inspiration!

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