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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by bkmom30

  1. bkmom30

    Band to RNY....Failure to Success?

    The other side has it complications, but it is so worth it. I thankfully?!? don't get dumping very often. Tomato Soup did it ( I didn't even THINK to check sugar content) and I had a sweet bread that did me in! I didn't faint just rapid heartbeat and a bit dizzy. Ask any questions:-)
  2. bkmom30


    I didn't want this surgery due to the Vitamin issue. I have IC and the Vitamins irritate my bladder:-( When the reflux started and the stall lasted a year, I knew it was time. I now wish I had done this 4 years ago! I no longer have extreme swelling in my arms and legs ( I think I was rejecting the band, so my body was reacting to it). I have lost 50 pounds since 1/14/13 and feel good! I am now in the just overweight zone of my BMI (29.9) and the flirting with ONEDERLAND is hot and heavy :-) My new pouch is irritated somewhat, so I have to drink hot green tea before I eat. This prevents nausea and relaxes everything so I can eat properly. I also take a prilosec. All in all I am happy. Yes my hair is thinning somewhat and my skin sucks WHO CARES:-) Don't be terrified, you can do this!
  3. I lost my band:-( Had a bad reaction.

  4. I am 42 today, and 1/2 way to goal. Next year will be amazing!

  5. I think I have been at this exact place a million times since I got my lapband. SO many of you have been successful, I hate to come in and complain about my lack of success. I am really happy that many of you have reached your goal, or at least moved past the morbidly obesity line of your BMI. I would like to know if any of you are in the same boat, or have been there and made it past. I started at 298 and I am sitting at 252.5 today. I am still happy I have kept the 46 pounds off for the most part. I am usually around 242 but since my cruise and lack of water pills 252 is where my scales topped off today ( and has been consistent without the waterpills). I am in Therapy to deal with some issues that kinda blindsided me this year. I am at a good restriction, just need to relearn how to chew with my braces. Between the pain of chewing and how they seem to prevent proper chewing of meats, I have been on softer foods ( we all know that means I overeat). So today is 6 months before Christmas, my goal is to lose down to 199 at least before then. I don't know if 2 pounds a week is something I can do, but that is my goal for now. Thanks for listening, just wanted it out that some of us are still struggling with head issues. My biggest mistake is getting Braces, that is where my weight lost stopped). 298/252.5/199
  6. I am down to 247.5, so it is slowly coming off again. I am stressed to how quickly I GI to sliming:-( I guess the two days on liquids shrank my stomach? I gave up trying to eat most things right now. I am on a mission to get my Protein in and lots of kale for Fiber. I try to eat fish or some solids for dinner just to keep from going crazy with no food. The braces are still a pain. Stresss is making me clinch my teeth at night counter acting in a way the inner bands that he has moving my teeth. He mentions that the pain means it is working and I should soon get them off( please please:-) Thank you for responding. Helps knowing I am not alone in this.
  7. bkmom30

    All About The Contol

    I really think most of my issues are about control. Why I can't see limiting the food and exercising as my control is unclear at this time.
  8. bkmom30

    My Three Year Bandversary Today

    I am so happy that this has worked out so well for you. I am encouraged that one day I can have a post like this one. Thank you for sharing. Have any before and after pictures?
  9. bkmom30


    Try starting your day with some warm tea. I found that will help relax the band some. Breakfast is always a hard time for me, so I have a protein shake. I just make mine with juice instead of milk ( v8/ acai berry) and add kale. Sipping it slowly helps me. The kale is tasteless but helps with fiber and is a veggie, the protein powder gives me 20 grams and the banana is good for leg cramps:-) Another thing that can help is food lube, sounds bad, but it helps. Don't eat chicken without a lowfat dip of some type. Cottage cheese and spinach blended up is a favorite. Think going back to high protein mushies until you can get into your doctor. I sometimes wish there was a magic way to just hide the head hunger we have. Hang in there and when in doubt have some milk. Not Losing the ability to eat your favorite food is miserable. I can't have many meats due to chewing problems. I am working on the TMJ issues, but chewing steak 20-30 times is near impossible. Remember why you did this, and write it down. When you start having the negative thoughts, go to your positive list and change your thinking. Let us know how the doctor visit goes.
  10. I have TMJ issues which is why I have the braces on. To add to it when I am super stressed my gums react to the rubber bands, I am a mess:-) I hope to have them off by Christmas. Thanks for reading, it is nice knowing I am not the only one.
  11. bkmom30

    Second Chances

    Everyone deserves a second/third/fourth+ chance to make the band successful. Having the surgery is not the cure everyone hopes it to be. I am certainly seeing the benefit to the band, I eat less, I cant ( usually) down a full meal when going out etc. My worst enemy is liquids. When I am having a bad food day, I will go for smoothies and sometimes drink sweet tea:-( I realize that I need to change my ways again and go search deep inside to figure out what the block is. It seems my block is resistance to change. I am afraid how I will react when I lose the weight. I have been overweight all my life, so thinking of being thin like everyone else, I worry how I will react. What spurred this? quite possible the cruise weight that came on in November that I can't seem to lose. The stress of having my inlaws visiting for 5 weeks ( my FIL is slowly losing his memory) my son graduating, my daughter turning 16, issues with the hubby, friends losing marriages, heck losing friends. I have started therapy to deal with all of this in a healthy way. I need to realize that what other people do ( mainly mistakes) do not define ME as a person. I have one the best I can and need to move past the self hate which means I go to my comforts ( food). I am back in physical therapy and have rejoined the YMCA to get back in the water. High impact exercise causes too many issues at this weight, so I need to rething and recreate a plan just for me. I am hopeful that some of you may be dealing with the same issues I am. I can help with the newly banded issues, but I am coming back to deal with the what now issues. ME
  12. bkmom30

    Second Chances

    Thank you Dennis, It has been a rough time and I am feeling so low ATM about all this. It is all about control or my lack there of.
  13. ( Edit- this is for after 6 weeks, some of the foods many not be acceptable for your surgeons diet). It is important to get protein 70 to 80 grams per day so you will heal and lose the weight. Cottage cheese, peanutbutter, whey shots from walmart and riotta cheeses all work. I also did fish, tofu, eggs, refried beans and greek yogurt ( has tons more protein than yogurt). You can also get Wheat Germ in the cereal isle. That has 3 grams per serving and helps with fiber. I would have a unjury shake if I didn't eat properly or got stuck etc. I need to revant my own diet, so this is just some food for thought.
  14. Hit a wall with my progress last year. My Endo changed my thyroid Meds and it screeched my weight loss to a stop. That sent me into a spiral and as the weight went up, I stressed. When I stressed I get too tight and can't eat properly. To add insult to injury I got braces and can't properly chew meats. So I am starting again. I am still down 48 pounds, I consider that a win. I just wish I could get out of my rut and find my sweet spot again. Just needed to vent.
  15. bkmom30

    Lets Celebrate !!!!!

    I haven't given up, even though my successes have depressed the heck out of me:-( I am still getting fills and waiting for the drops to start again.
  16. bkmom30


    Just some random pictures of my progress.
  17. John337 105 SpideyMom 70 hdmdavid 75 less-of-me 58 Oliviasmommy-25 tulsarealtorGB 38 ruguay 35 Sarahbellzz- 34 Jennifer75=55 Sbush70- 48 bkmom-34 _____________ Total 577
  18. bkmom30

    9/11/09 Where were you?

    I was having coffee with a friend. She came in and told me that a plane had hit the building. I thought it was a small plane, but when they told us the towers fell.........I knew I was so wrong. We went home to watch the news and prepare to tell our children. I was scare for their safety, the sky was so spooky quiet with no plans overhead. My neighbor was running for her life with twins in her belly 7 months pregnant. They moved down to Ga 2 years later and I still am amazed by her story. They are happy healthy almost 8 year olds.
  19. I don't know what I did, but my port is hurting me again! It started with a burning pain and quickly progressed into a sharp pain. I used ice to help and have to prop a pillow under it when I sleep. I had forgotten how painful that part of the surgery was until this weekend:-( I will call the doctor in the morning as I don't have a fever, but am starting to feel like I have the flu. My guess................ infection. It isn't hot to the touch, but it is swelling and very tender.
  20. Seems my port is fine, but I have a cyst in my abdomen! So off for more testing, but my band has not failed me.
  21. bkmom30

    Goal weights

    I have only told a few people that I am losing weight with the band. I am still worried it won't be permanent like so many of my other attempts ( I know this is different, I am thankful). I was being massage when the person asked how much I had lost, you know all the personal info you hate to share. I told him the whole truth and how much more I planned to lose. He let out a low sigh and said I would be all bones then. So it got me thinking, how important is it to be 24.5 BMI v/s something that you feel health at and looks good on you? I am a very tall big bones woman, so it really has me thinking. I was told anywhere from 180 down to 150 for my height (5'9). Have any of you thought about it? I have never been a normal weight, so I can't picture when I will be. So if you have been a normal size ( which I would say would be a size 8 to 10) gained ...............now losing again what do you think? C
  22. bkmom30

    8/28-30/09 Vacation (part 2) and The Horrific PB Event

    I am sorry you had to go through this. It is miserable when we have a stuck/PB episode. Remember what does not kill us makes us stronger:-)
  23. I had my CT scan yesterday, so hopefully he will be able to tell me everything is ok. I had hoped it would be 24 hours for results, but they said 72 hours. So my rush to get it done once insurance approved..........was for nothing. My doctor is in surgery Thursday and Friday, so I have to wait until Tuesday or Wednesday when he decides to review it *sigh*. I am glad to have the images, it is pretty cool to see the band and my port inside me. C
  24. Ok, I admit I was stressed out and ate a bit too fast. I thought I chewed it enough, but I didn't. This brings to mind many questions. Specifically do you all burp when you eat? It can sometimes me spasmodic with a hiccup then a burp. They aren't always connected to a food/drink so I don't know what to think of that one. I now know to go the shake route for the mornings and try to cut small bites of food. NOT stress out right before I go eat and just try to go slower. I had not had restriction for so long, this one threw me for a loop. Right back to reality!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
