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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FailureIsntAnOption

  1. FailureIsntAnOption

    Pay it forward clothing exchange

    Thank you Unforgettable, I will check it out. Thank you everybody for the suggestions, input and HH for not being rude.:thumbup:
  2. FailureIsntAnOption

    I need relief!

    What you describe sounds really horrible. Aside from having some saline withdrawn from your band, I don't know of anything else you can do. I would recommend that when you get your next fill you wait in the doctor's waiting room for an hour or so and make sure you drink during this time to make sure before you leave that you are not too tight.
  3. FailureIsntAnOption

    Feeling Down, looking for a little support

    30 pounds since June 3rd is fantastic! I can't believe you aren't happy with this??? Do you know that the average weight loss for lap banders is 1-2 pounds per week? You are losing at the rate of 3 pounds per week. All I can tell ya is what I do to stay motivated. I set aside a certain time of day to work out and just do it. No excuses! Unless you are running a fever or throwing up you must make yourself stick to an exercise regimen. If I can do this anybody can do it.
  4. FailureIsntAnOption

    Breaking the Diet Coke cycle...

    You just need to decide what your priorities are. If you want the band you will have to give up the diet coke. You cannot have carbonation with the band. Most of us had vices we gave up in order to be banded. You just need to do what you have to do to be healthy. If you are unable to make this change then maybe the band isn't for you. Sorry if this sounds harsh, it isn't meant to be. Just a dose of reality!
  5. FailureIsntAnOption

    Starting from the begining

    You have described exactly the way I felt and it was because of my fears that I chose to go to Mexico. It really is a personal decision one must make for oneself. I wish you much clarity and ease in making the right decision for you. If you have any questions that I may help you with please don't hesitate to private message me. Good luck to you! Donna
  6. FailureIsntAnOption

    Mexico anyone?? I have a surgey date.

    You live in a strange fantasy land but hey, who am I to try and take that away from you. Guess everybody needs something to dream about, so enjoy!:thumbup:
  7. FailureIsntAnOption

    Mexico anyone?? I have a surgey date.

    Sorry moderator. I was busy typing and didn't notice your post until after I hit post. Don't worry, I'm done with this matter.
  8. FailureIsntAnOption

    Mexico anyone?? I have a surgey date.

    First of all, you're just plain GROSS! Davey, Second, I know you feel like a real big guy using your computer for anonymity, but any intelligent person can see what a creepy person you are. I mean you have no info about yourself or even a photo. This tells me something about you, many things actually. Seriously, I was raised not to pick on the under privileged so I wont (after this). It was brought to my attention by my loving husband, that I am really wasting my time sparring with your cowardly, obviously lonely self. I almost forgot to mention, you were ALMOST right about one thing. I'm gonna go upstairs and have wild sex alright, but with my lover, which you obviously don't have or you wouldn't be online 24/7. And why are you online all the time? I thought you said you were in demand for the talk show circuit? I would think you would be too busy to be online bullying women day and night. Perhaps you should focus your energy on writing a book about your failure with the lap band. Just a suggestion (chuckle). I have some wonderful things that I need to focus on the next few days so I'll be spending my time living my wonderful life while you continue looking for weak women you can verbally conquer. I will be unsubscribing now so feel free to continue your childish insults for your friends benefit cause once again, I don't really care. I'm sure we'll butt heads again very soon. Tata P.S. Yes, this is an edit. I really have to compliment you HH. You're a pretty funny guy and IF I didn't dislike your motive operandi I would actually like you.
  9. FailureIsntAnOption

    Mexico anyone?? I have a surgey date.

    So headhunter, I would love to continue this with you all night but I have a husband who loves me and would like my attention so I must leave this intriguing thread for the night and tomorrow since I have a life and you apparently do not.
  10. FailureIsntAnOption

    Mexico anyone?? I have a surgey date.

    :wink2: Bring it on!
  11. FailureIsntAnOption

    Starting from the begining

    Did you take into consideration that here in the states there are separate fees for anesthesiology and the O.R.? You make a good point, I'm sure I wouldn't have gone to Mexico if I could have afforded to have surgery in or near my hometown by a surgeon with similar credentials at a cost within a thousand to two thousand dollars. There just weren't any. The surgeon I went to had a great deal more experience under his belt. Would I have preferred he wasn't in Mexico? Of coarse, I was very uneasy at first about going to a foreign country, but I'm so glad I did. I had top notch care. There is a user on this site whom I prefer not to name since he is one of my least favorite people, for example, he went to what he thought was a qualified surgeon at Cedars Sinai who turned out to be a hack. That's why I say, make sure you do your homework. Just because a surgeon charges more doesn't make him the most qualified.
  12. FailureIsntAnOption

    how private is too private?

    I'm sure your daughter will be proud of her mother for having the courage to change her life.:wink2:
  13. FailureIsntAnOption

    Never Again...

    You go girl!
  14. FailureIsntAnOption

    Starting from the begining

    It is best to do your homework on all surgeons before making a decision of this magnitude and I would not pick a surgeon solely based on price no matter where that surgeon is located as it is possible for a surgeon in this country to make mistakes as well. I would talk to as many people possible and check into their background, and find out just how many of these procedures he/she has performed. I myself went with a surgeon who has performed over 3,000 bariatric procedures. Many of the surgeons in Mexico do offer financing options and many of them advertise on this site. Keep in mind however, Mexico surgeons rely on the fact that their patients will either recommend or not recommend to others their services and it seems to me strive harder to offer outstanding service to their patients for the word of mouth recommendation as most of their patience are from the US. Good luck to you in making your selection.
  15. FailureIsntAnOption

    Time between meals

    Hi Michele, I can go about 4 hours in between meals myself. Bring a healthy, low calorie snack with you each day just in case.
  16. FailureIsntAnOption

    Another step forward

    Congratulations! I'm sure you'll be counting down the days.
  17. FailureIsntAnOption


    I've heard good things about Dr. Ortiz as well. However, Mexicali is a much safer place at this time and Dr. Alberto Aceves is excellent.
  18. My 20 year old daughter uses the word "like" in every sentence so I'm pretty used to it. Because you are still quite young, your skin has more elasticity then that of us older folks. I'm sure that most, if not all of your excess skin will shrink with you. So don't worry.
  19. You will feel normal again, just give your body time to heal. I assure you you will feel better in a week or so. If you think what you are experiencing is abnormal, call your doctor.
  20. FailureIsntAnOption

    Mexico anyone?? I have a surgey date.

    Good Lord! A class act you are NOT! Sitting behind a computer and calling people names makes you ridiculously pathetic and small minded where I come from. Quit acting like a child and be a man! With a computer and the web at your finger tips, why would you need an almanac at all? I guess I stumped you on that one huh smarty pants? :wink:
  21. FailureIsntAnOption

    Quick breakfast Ideas Please

    This sounds yummy! I think I will be taking a trip to the grocery store today. Thanks for the tip!
  22. FailureIsntAnOption

    Never Again...

    Wow! I feel you on this. Sounds like I wrote it myself:rolleyes2: Best of luck to you!
  23. FailureIsntAnOption

    how private is too private?

    It is not right to keep such an important decision from your husband. I suggest before you consider having WLS you get some marriage counseling and in depth psychotherapy. I don't mean to be harsh but you are the one who brought your business here.
  24. FailureIsntAnOption

    Mexico anyone?? I have a surgey date.

    I believe the OP has already made her decision to have her surgery in Mexico and is trying to connect with people who have shared the same experience to ease her nerves. I think the last thing she needs is some nanny negative, whom I might add knows nothing about surgery in Mexico, trying to scare her from going to Mexico. Quote Headhunter: Many US Doctors will NOT provide aftercare to patients that are banded outside of the country. THERE ARE MANY DOCTORS THAT DO PROVIDE FOLLOW-UP CARE TO PATIENTS BANDED IN MEXICO. I AM ONE OF THOSE PATIENTS. I also feel that it's very important that you be within a reasonable proximity to the facility and Surgeon that performed your procedure, in the event that there is a problem of some sort. SHE ALREADY SAID SHE IS ONLY 2 HOURS AWAY! Finally, there is the increasing incidence of violence along the Border cities with Mexico. Those are just a few of the reaons to re-think the idea of going to MX for surgery. REALLY??? SHOW ME JUST ONE INCIDENT OF THIS HAPPENING IN MEXICALI. Now, having said all that, there IS another side to the issue, and I would refer you to WasaBubbleButt here on this forum. She had her surgery (Both of them) performed in Mexico, and she is probably the resident authority on the subject here. ??? WHO APPOINTED HER AS RESIDENT AUTHORITY? THERE ARE MANY OTHERS ON THIS SITE WHO HAVE GONE TO MEXICO FOR SURGERY. HEADHUNTER Quit stalking me on this forum and move on to your next victim.

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