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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FailureIsntAnOption

  1. FailureIsntAnOption

    anyone banded in los angeles?

    Hello, I too have Kaiser and was told they will not do the band and if I wanted it I could go to Mexico which is what I did. I am so angry at Kaiser at this point since I was lied to. They do the band, it's just too costly for them with all the fills and follow-up. I went to Mexicali, Mexico for my band and although I was very nervous, Dr. Alberto Aceves came very well recommended. Everything went extremely well and even though Kaiser has agreed to do my fills, I still prefer to return to Mexicali for them. It is only a 3 hour drive and the fills are done under fluoroscopy whereas Kaiser subs it out and fills are not done this way. I wish you luck on your journey and much success with your weight loss. Donna
  2. FailureIsntAnOption

    Band size?

    My surgeon gave me the box my band came in as well as a record of my care in the hospital which showed the size of my band and serial number and how much fill he put in. I thought this was the industry standard but I guess I'm mistaken. You need to ask for all this information. Also, don't gauge your fill level on other peoples levels because there are different size bands that hold more or less fill. I kept thinking I needed more fill because I was comparing what some say is their "sweet spot" and I hardly had any by comparison. Come to find out I have an older style 10cc band that only holds 4cc fill. I am perfectly filled at 2.28cc. This is why it is so important to know. If you were to go elsewhere for a fill you would need this info. Best of luck to you, Donna
  3. FailureIsntAnOption

    No fill yet and getting hungry

    Try drinking more water when you are hungry. Otherwise, just hang in there until you get a fill and be strong.
  4. FailureIsntAnOption

    New to LapBand Talk

    Hi Sarah, I'm Donna and I live in So. Cal. too. I am 4 months post-op and 1/3 of the way to my goal.
  5. FailureIsntAnOption

    I'm Confused, scared and fascinated

    The band will not cure your emotional eating. It would be best to seek some therapy to figure out why you eat and what you can do to change it. The band will help you as far as not eating as much and controlling real hunger. I wish you luck and much success with your weight loss efforts.
  6. FailureIsntAnOption

    Overnight Hospital stay?

    My surgeon keeps his patients two nights in the hospital.
  7. FailureIsntAnOption

    What are normal symptoms after surgery

    I know when you are feeling good it is easy to forget you just had surgery. Try not to overdo things just yet. I'm sure you are fine.
  8. FailureIsntAnOption

    weight loss furstrations

    Thank you from the bottom of my heart coloradobanding. I have been pms-ing and depressed all week and have become very discouraged about my lack of weight loss over the past few weeks and you just totally put everything into perspective for me. What you said is 100% correct and was what I was telling myself all along until my recent funk. This may just be the ticket out of my funk. Thank you for raining reality down all over me! Donna
  9. FailureIsntAnOption

    "More To Love" on Fox Network

    I watched it last night and found it very entertaining. Some of the women are really pretty but I don't think he's any great catch. I don't get to watch much reality TV or TV period for that matter so don't know if I'll get to follow the show.
  10. FailureIsntAnOption

    Long time lurker with some questions!

    Be sure you do your breathing exercises.
  11. FailureIsntAnOption

    Long time lurker with some questions!

    Hello Mrswiseguy, For me the worst part of the recovery was feeling like my chest was so heavy and it was an effort to breath. I described the feeling of intense pressure like an elephant was sitting on my chest. I believe it was a combination of the gas used during surgery and just from everything being moved around while the surgeon placed my band. Your band is located just below the breast bone. You should feel better within a week. Donna
  12. Hello and thanks for the add


  13. FailureIsntAnOption

    Stalled weight loss

    My weight loss is very sporadic. I exercise everyday and I just don't lose regularly. Lately it seems even the inches are not falling off. I am disappointed as I still have 100 pounds to lose.
  14. FailureIsntAnOption

    Discomfort in the morning?

    I woke up sore every morning for about the first 2 weeks. I figured I had probably slept in a position that put pressure or strain on my surgical area. It did go away as I healed.
  15. FailureIsntAnOption

    So... got some work to do.

    Jason, We are all on this journey together no matter what type of WLS or diet method we use. The goal and anticipated result are still the same. I admire you commitment and sincerely hope you succeed on your own. Please keep posting. Donna
  16. FailureIsntAnOption

    Trying to get back on track....

    I don't really have a problem with nighttime eating because I keep myself very busy in the evenings. My strategy is once I get home I go for a bike ride for approx. 1 hour and Water all my outside plants. Then I prepare dinner. After I eat I go for a swim or walk. Once I get home I may watch TV for an hour then I get ready for bed. I do not allow myself to eat after dinner no matter what. My problem time is during the day. I work in a one person office. I find when I am bored I think about food. I just make sure I have Breakfast and bring my lunch and have no Snacks around to tempt me. I drink a Kellogg's Protein water on my way home from work to curve my hunger before I get home. Hope this helps. Donna
  17. FailureIsntAnOption

    Greetings! Newbie from Cali

    Welcome from another Californian. Best of luck to you on your journey.
  18. FailureIsntAnOption

    vitamins post-op

    I bought the One A Day for women that you mix with water and I thought the taste was horrible.
  19. FailureIsntAnOption

    self pay should I do it???

    I had no problem finding after care after surgery in Mexico, but I've heard many people here at LBT say that it is a problem. If I were you I would try and find a doctor to do follow-up before you have the surgery.
  20. FailureIsntAnOption

    how private is too private?

    Does it really matter who brings us the fast food??? We're the ones who eat it. Nobody forces it down our throats. Husband's are right, we do need to exercise. Laziness is one of the reasons we are obese. So ladies, once we have the tool, let's eat less and move more and make this weight come off.
  21. FailureIsntAnOption

    Starting this JOURNEY!!!

    Good luck to you!
  22. FailureIsntAnOption

    Stomach flu and lapband?

    I don't think anybody likes to vomit, but after vomiting during two pregnancies you kinda get over the fear. PBing really isn't the same in my opinion as vomiting anyway. It's more like a baby's spit-up. After the misery of being stuck, PBing is easy by comparison and a welcomed relief. So don't worry about it. You gotta do what you gotta do! Life goes on!
  23. FailureIsntAnOption

    post-op Newbie

    Hello and congrats!
  24. FailureIsntAnOption

    Owweeee!!! 2nd fill today

    None of my fills hurt. My doc numbs the area first.
  25. FailureIsntAnOption

    Frustrated about my weight loss thus far..

    This is the time for your body to recover from surgery. Until you are filled and have some restriction you should not expect to lose any weight. Not to say that you wont, but some don't. Be patient, stick to your post-op diet and keep walking.

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