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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FailureIsntAnOption

  1. FailureIsntAnOption

    Obama's trip to Montana a big stage!

    I believe the country is in the financial mess it is in because Bush for so long refused to believe this country is in a recession. I still remember his denial of the economic condition of this country back during the last year or two of his presidency. He was the most "out of touch" president this country has ever seen. He was vacationing much of the time that all of us American's were struggling to make ends meet. I feel sorry for Obama. He stepped into a huge mess that was created by the prior administration and is now under scrutiny by conservatives who would like nothing more then to see him fail and seem to not remember that it was Bush who got us all in this mess in the first place.
  2. FailureIsntAnOption

    First step in making a huge change in my life

    People who don't battle their weight do not understand the emotional aspect of eating in my and don't understand that it takes more food to satisfy a bigger person. Ignore the people that are not educated in obesity issues and do what is best for you. You may be better off not sharing your decision with just anybody if you don't want to hear the criticism that comes with it. Believe me, everybody has an opinion that they just can't wait to share.
  3. FailureIsntAnOption

    Bummed....a big DENIED....

    I chose to self pay in my case because I wanted to have the surgery while I was still healthy. I didn't yet have diabetes, sleep apnea or high cholesteral. The only problem I had was high BP but it was under control. I was afraid of my knees and hips going bad and not being able to exercise. My insurance refused to do the lap band and was pushing me to gastric bypass which I wasn't mentally prepared for. I am so glad I did it when "I" was ready because that in itself makes all the difference. Determination and motivation is 3/4 of the battle for me. The rest I can manage and I know that this time I will succeed. If you can afford to bite the bullet and pay yourself, you will have the added motivation from having spent all that money and be able to do it now when you are ready. Best of luck to you, Donna
  4. FailureIsntAnOption

    Obama's trip to Montana a big stage!

    Holy crap! This is so well said:w00t:
  5. FailureIsntAnOption

    Any Regrets After Lap Band?

    It is really great to hear that you have had your band for so long without any problems. I hope I am so lucky.
  6. FailureIsntAnOption

    Feelings of restriction....

    Hi Paulette, I see you already got an answer to your question but I noticed that your meal was very high in carbohydrates. You will probably be more successful if you focus more on Protein. Protein will sustain you longer whereas the carbs turn to sugar and will cause you to have more head hunger. Just a suggestion. Donna
  7. FailureIsntAnOption

    why am a starving now?

    The same thing happened to me. I was fine for the first week but ravenous during the second. I think I experienced a lot of head hunger due to the sugar withdrawals from giving up carbs. Hang in there, it will be so worth it.
  8. FailureIsntAnOption

    3rd fill cancelled..

    I hope there isn't anything wrong. In my case, it is wonderful to only be able to eat a few bites so I surely hope there isn't a slip or something that is causing it since I like it this way.
  9. Well the hair falling out seems to be a huge question to many of us bandsters. I believe the cause is a lack of healthy fat in our bodies. It was recommended by somebody to take flax seed oil for this. I've been on the Biotin for a while and it hasn't changed the improved my hair loss. I've also heard it takes about 6 weeks to see improvement from the Biotin.
  10. FailureIsntAnOption

    3rd fill cancelled..

    I too would like the answer to that question. My last fill was July 10th. I have a total of 2.28cc in my 10cc band that holds 4cc fill. Up until last week I was able to still eat much more then the 1 to 1 1/2 cups of food. Recently things have changed. After only 3 bites of food I cannot eat anymore. I don't pb, I'm just full.
  11. FailureIsntAnOption

    Are you working out? Or...?

    I go to Curves 4 times per week and ride my bicycle all over the place. I love riding my bicycle. Some mornings I struggle to get up early before work to go to the gym but I always get my 4 times in even if I have to go in the evening after work. I only lost 8.5 pounds in the past 5 weeks but I lost almost 9 inches in this time. My point is that I've had to fight for each and every pound I've lost.
  12. Couple things I forgot to mention, be sure you are drinking enough Water. Try to drink at least 64 oz. per day. Take a chewable multiple Vitamin daily (Viactiv is a good one). Here are some other daily guidelines my nutritionist gave me to follow: Protein-70-80 grams Sodium- under 1000 mg Carbs- under 60 grams Sugar- I can't remember offhand (just be sure to limit yourself)
  13. The numbness is your extremities as well as the dizziness is from starvation. Which is also the reason you are not losing weight. If you do not feed your body enough calories it will go into starvation mode and hold onto your stored fat for nutrients. I'm also concerned that you are eating solid food so soon. I realize that different doctors have different post-op instructions but it is way too soon for solids. You need to go buy some Protein shakes to start on immediately. You need to buy the ones with at least 15 grams of protein. Slim fast puts out a high protein formula or you can try Carnation Instant Breakfast or Matrix2 or 5. Any whey protein will probably do fine. You can find a whey protein product in the health foods section of any grocery or drug store. I suggest you take in 1000-1500 calories per day. You will need to work at it to find out how many in that range you can take in and still lose weight at. But definitely up your calories. If I were you I would stay away from solid food for at least another 2 weeks and at that time move on to only soft foods for at least a week before advancing to solids again. Have you found yourself a follow-up care doctor in your area? This is very important. You need a doctor to check your blood levels for certain nutrients periodically for the first year. It would also benefit you to see a nutritionist to find out how many calories and what types of calories your body needs to remain healthy and lose weight. I also recommend that you go for a long walk for at least 30 minutes every day. The exercise will also help you with the depression. Sometime around 4-6 weeks post-op you can increase your workout or join a gym. Ask your follow-up care doctor exactly when it is okay for you to start working out. I hope this helps you. Let me know if you have any questions. Donna
  14. FailureIsntAnOption

    I am so flipping HUNGRY I can't stand it!!!!!!

    I felt the same way 2 weeks ago. It was a week prior to my period and all I wanted to do was eat. Here I am two weeks later, I have not had a fill since July 10th and I am so tight that I am full after just a few bites. This band is a much more complicated device then I ever imagined it would be. I haven't lost any weight in almost 3 weeks.
  15. FailureIsntAnOption

    So happy!

    Congratulations Jennifer! I'm so very happy for you and can't wait to get there myself.
  16. FailureIsntAnOption

    Bummed....a big DENIED....

    So would I. In fact, I did self pay. I had my band placed in Mexico for $7,000. The price quoted above for self pay in Colorado seems really fair to me. I would definitely do :thumbup:some research on Dr. Brown.
  17. FailureIsntAnOption

    Any Regrets After Lap Band?

    This sounds terrible. Do your doctor's know why this happened?
  18. FailureIsntAnOption

    Obama's trip to Montana a big stage!

    More close minded BS
  19. FailureIsntAnOption

    Turkey Neck and Wrinkles

    Hopefully I wont be too shocked at my wrinkly appearance when the time comes. I have tried to mentally prepare myself for the ugly, saggy skin. I hope to be able to get a tummy tuck some lipo on my inner thighs and a body lift. We'll see, since I have no clue what all that will cost. It is amazing to me already just how much my body has changed. Sex is now amazing, it always was good but now that he can get his arms around me and I am much more limber from exercising and my fat no longer inhibits us from other positions. Sorry for TMI but I just had to share.
  20. FailureIsntAnOption

    Not Sure What's Happening

    Try having just a slight unfill like maybe .25 or .5 cc
  21. FailureIsntAnOption

    Any Regrets After Lap Band?

    Once again Colorado you are correct. Don't know why I bothered to point out his hypocrisy he so obviously lacks the rational ability to see his wrongdoing. I was hoping he had just enough character in him to admit he was wrong and apologize but he isn't capable of behaving like a grown man since he has the mentality of an adolescent boy who stomps his feet, yells and screams and casts insults rather than carry on a grown up conversation. Have a nice day!
  22. FailureIsntAnOption

    Any Regrets After Lap Band?

    At the risk of getting you all fired up HH, WTF??? How can YOU possibly have room to talk?????? Do you not remember the way YOU have previously treated ME for stating my opinion??? Do you not remember berating and belittling me??? Calling me stupid??? Ignorant??? Ring a bell??? You "discount/diminish/dismiss" ME simply because I gave my opinion and told of my experience??? I think you have major issues with double standards or do your postings just depend on your mood for the day??? I know you will once again talk down to me and tell me I make everything about me, but hell, you've been down right nasty to me. I have the right to point out your hypocrisy.
  23. FailureIsntAnOption

    wth? i ate ALL DAY!

    Great outlook! Do you know what triggered this feast of yours? Depressed, lonely, bored? It would be good for you to figure it out.
  24. FailureIsntAnOption


    Ladies, You will begin to loose at a steady rate of 1-2 pounds per week very soon. Please don't be so hard on yourselves. Perfect restriction takes time to achieve. In the meantime, make sure you eat enough. If you don't, your body will store fat. Be sure to exercise at least 30 minutes per day (AT LEAST). You didn't put the weight on overnight and it isn't going to come off overnight. Be patient and do everything right and it will happen. Also, fills should be done as YOU need them. Do not compare your fill levels to others. The amount of fill you require is as individual as our personalities. Good luck!
  25. FailureIsntAnOption

    Getting filled TOO Much?

    Anges, I have the old style 10cc Allergen band that only holds 4cc fill. It took me a while to realize that I could not compare my fill level with some others on this site. I am comfortably filled at 2.28cc. I have great restriction and cannot eat more than 1 cup of food. I don't know why, but I was able to eat more up until two weeks ago and haven't had a fill since July 10th then all of a sudden I can't eat much and this has been going on like I said, 2 weeks. I'm loving it though. I can say that my eyes are now much bigger then my stomach.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
