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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FailureIsntAnOption

  1. FailureIsntAnOption

    I need some advice please

    Thank you Catherine for the information.
  2. Can somebody please explain to me what is meant by the term "sweet spot" and how do you know when you are at that point? Banded 4/17/09 First fill 5/30/09 1.6 cc
  3. FailureIsntAnOption

    Banded a month ago in Mexico

    I have experienced a greater amount of saliva but only when food gets stuck and right before I vomit. Did you recently have a fill? Perhaps your band is too tight.
  4. FailureIsntAnOption

    Marijuana Use After Surgery

    I do it all the time. Pre-op and post-op. You just have to learn to control yourself when you get the munchies. Otherwise, it's no big deal. As far as testing for it during pre-op testing, that's false. They don't look for that.
  5. FailureIsntAnOption

    Banded a month ago in Mexico

    Hello, I had my lap band surgery in Mexicali also. My surgeon was Alberto Aceves. The care in Mexicali also exceeded my expectations. I stopped loosing at about 2 weeks post op too. You will begin loosing again but it is not uncommon to stop loosing at this point. My surgery was 4/17/09 and I have lost 48 pounds. Make sure you are drinking enough Water and eating around 65 grams of Protein daily. I got my first fill at 6 weeks in Mexicali. After my fill I began loosing again. Be sure to exercise at least 30 minutes each day too. You may need to increase your calorie intake just a little. I began to loose once I increased to 1200 calories. Remember, the lap band is only a tool that will help you to eat less during dieting. It is not going to make you loose the weight. You will still have to eat less and move more to make the weight come off. Good luck to you.
  6. FailureIsntAnOption

    Hello New Here and Lots of Questions

    With all due respect, I disagree that if you are having doubts you aren't ready. Of coarse you will have some doubts, totally normal. I had so many concerns when I was wheeled through the hospital to surgery. All those doubts disappeared once it was done and I knew what I had to do. Catherine, If you are getting hungry between meals then you need a fill. You should not be hungry.
  7. FailureIsntAnOption

    Banded today - two thumbs up!

  8. FailureIsntAnOption

    Hello New Here and Lots of Questions

    I most certainly would do it again in a heartbeat. Think about all the diets you have tried and failed. I know I tried many times. The worst part for me was the constant hunger. Although I still felt hungry for about 2 weeks after surgery, the cravings have gone away and so has the hunger. Once you get your fist fill you will rarely ever experience hunger again. Yes if you eat the the wrong foods, eat too fast, or don't chew your food enough you will experience some discomfort and possibly vomit. It's still worth it! There is a learning curve with the lapband. But once you obey the rules you will have few if any problems. I had my surgery April 17th of this year and went through many different feelings about giving up food and never being able to enjoy food the same way again. This is totally normal. The band isn't a magical cure-all for being overweight. You will have to eat within the parameters of your band. You will most definately have to exercise. The whole key to loosing weight is to eat less and move more. The band will help you eat much less. You will have to change your relationship with food and eat to live not live to eat. I am truly enjoying my lapband journey. I have lost 48 pounds in 12 weeks and feel like I've been reborn. I have so much energy and have gone down almost 3 sizes. My husband and kids are so proud and supportive of me. For the first time in a very long time I enjoy going shopping for clothes. I still enjoy going out to dinner even though I don't eat as much and most importantly I feel great about myself. I still have a long way to go to get to my goal but I know now that I will succeed because I am now thinking like a thin person. My advice to you is to make the leap, have the surgery and become a happy, healthier person. The surgery is only about 30 minutes and the pain is very minimal. In fact, I would say it is more of a feeling of discomfort and it only lasts about a week. Good luck to you on your journey
  9. FailureIsntAnOption


    I have problems with dry foods such as meat and wheat bread so I focus on the healthy low-calorie foods I don't have trouble with such as cottage cheese and soft, cooked veggies or soups. Salads work great for me too. You cannot eat biscuits and expect to loose weight. I'm sorry if I come across as judgemental but how can you keep this from your husband??? My husband is my biggest fan and supporter as well as my best friend and confidant. Banded 4/17/09
  10. FailureIsntAnOption

    I need some help ..

    I have a Protein drink for Breakfast, a can of Soup or a small salad for lunch and either a salad, chicken & vegi, or a protein smoothie for dinner. I go to Curves 3 times a week and bicycle 7-10 miles 4 times a week. I also drink 5 or six Water bottles each day. I'm doing okay, weight is coming off slower than I would like but at least it is coming off. Good luck to you! Banded 4/17/09 First fill 5/30/09 1.6 cc 11 pounds lost on 10-day liver shrinking diet pre-op.
  11. FailureIsntAnOption

    Looking for your experiences

    Having lap band surgery is the best thing I have ever done for myself. It gave me the motivation to stick with it for the long haul. The band helps you to eat less by making you less hungry it's the diet without the starvation. I exercise daily and eat right and have more energy then I know what to do with. Good luck to you! Banded 4/17/09 First fill 5/30/09 1.6 cc
  12. FailureIsntAnOption

    Surgery in 11 days!

    Hello, Congratulations on making the decision to be healthier. Don't be nervous, the procedure only takes about 30 minutes and it's relatively simple. The first week and a half I felt pretty uncomfortable most likely from the gas they pump in during surgery. (no pain, only discomfort) I felt like my stomach was in my chest cavity and there was and elephant sitting on my chest lol. Also could tell there was a foreign object in my body. Once that feeling went away within 10 days I felt great. I returned to work 2 days later. I had a strange rash breakout that I think was my immune system recognizing the foreign object in my body but it went away after a couple weeks. The surgeon may or may not place a drain near your port scar but that just depends on the surgeon. It is normal for the port area to be sore and tender for 4-6 weeks. That was the worst area for me. I've had two c-sections so for me the recovery from the lap band surgery was nothing compared to the c-sections. Be prepared to crush any meds you may need to take but you will only need to do this for about the first week or so. Be prepared to exercise daily because you will need to exercise everyday to keep the weight coming off. I began walking the day I had surgery and did so for an hour everyday for the next month until I could start working out at the gym. Drink a lot of water. I also recommend the Special K-2-0 protein water available at walmart. It tastes good too. I had a very difficult time with the Isopure since I couldn't stand the taste or the floaties that were in it. The clear liquid phase is tough since you will be having food cravings but this is when I lost the majority of my weight. You will get through it somehow and the full liquid phase and mushies is much easier to stick with. Just be sure to get all your needed protein in so you don't feel week and dizzy. I purchased online IDS protein viles that helped me to get my protein in daily during clear fluid phase. I had no band restriction for the first 6 weeks and felt hungry in between meals. Once I got my first fill I felt so much more restricted. Remember to chew thoroughly and take small bites is VERY important and for me the hardest part. If I loose my concentration I tend not to chew enough and then the food gets stuck and comes back up. Be careful. You do not want this to happen for the first 6 weeks while you are healing since you run the risk of band slippage. You will do great! I have no regrets and I'm so grateful this option was available to me. Best of luck and success to you. Keep me posted on your progress. Sincerely, Donna Banded 4/17/09 10cc band w/.08 saline First fill 5/30/09 1.6 cc
  13. Fatleen, Why mixed feelings? From where I stand I hope I make as great of progress as you have. Congratulations! Banded 4/17/09
  14. FailureIsntAnOption

    2 Day Post Op!

    Daren, You are very lucky that 2 days post-op the pain is gone. It took about 10 days for my pain to stop. 31 pounds lost on pre-op is awesome. Your off to a great start. As far as the upset stomach goes you should contact your surgeon to see what you can take. Congratulations on beginning your new healthy life. Banded 4/17/09 10cc band w/.08 cc saline First fill 5/30/09 1.6 cc
  15. FailureIsntAnOption

    Loss of libido!

    My libido has certainly increased. I thought that it possibly had to do with the increase in exercise. I know my husband sure is enjoying my increased energy level. My bicycle riding with my husband has certainly increased his libido. Banded 4/17/09 first fill 5/30/09 1.6 cc next fill sch for 6/26/09
  16. FailureIsntAnOption

    Gross----Vomiting (not PBing)

    I've wondered that myself! Banded 4/17/09
  17. FailureIsntAnOption

    unsuportive hubby

    Igosnell, When I first mentioned wanting the band to my husband he told me I should just eat less and save all the money the surgery would cost. I'm assuming your husband doesn't have a weight problem because if he did he would understand your desperation. Put him on a calorie restrictive diet with you for a couple weeks and see if he still feels the same way. They don't understand that going hungry is painful. Make him see this and he will change his tune.
  18. Pixelsmack, Have you researched the gastric sleeve? Maybe this would be an option for you. I am a 45 year old female. When banded I had a bmi of 53. The band was my first and only consideration for WLS. I have Kaiser insurance and Kaiser was pushing the bypass to me and I am completely against it. I know several people who have had bypass and all but 3 of them have gained most of their weight back. One of them is in ICU with liver failure brought on by her bypass 6 years ago. One of them died and one other has had serious complications and multiple surgeries to repair these complications. I chose the band because of the low risk associated with it. I will use the band to its full advantage for weight loss and I will not give up. It will work for me because for me it is the only option I am willing to put my body through. I had my surgery in Mexicali, MX done by a surgeon who has performed over 2000 of these proceedures. Everything went well and I have no problems and I am loosing. Good luck to you and don't be discouraged. If I were you I would make gastric bypass my last option. Try the band first. Banded 4/17/09 Start weight/surgery weight/current weight/goal 330/319/288/170
  19. Hi Deekel, I have not taken the time to read other responses to your post. I am just going to give you my perspective here. It shouldn't really matter what anybody says or thinks about your decision to get the lap band. As long as you have a supportive spouse and you are ready to take this step then I say go for it. If I were you, I would have the surgery then let the people closest to you know what you have done and let them know you could really use their support not their criticism. You must go into this realizing that the only help the band will give you is in eating less/have a decreased appetite. You still will have to exercise a great deal of self control over what you put in your mouth. You will have to work just as hard as any other diet you have done. You will have to exercise regularly in order to loose and maintain. My experience since being banded 4/17/09 has been a huge learning curve. I am learning a lot about myself as well as the affect certain foods have on my weight. Since I am perimenopausel the weight is coming off even slower than I imagined. The emphasis here should be on that the weight is coming off. I exercise for 30 minutes 3 times per week and the other 4 days I take a long, strenuous bike ride with my husband. I weigh daily which at times is discouraging BUT, I can see the result of eating even just a little of the wrong thing. Thus, the learning curve. If you have tried all other non-surgical means to loose weight and have failed at keeping it off, but still are determined to loose the weight........I say go for the lap band! Much luck to you in making a decision and sticking with it.
  20. FailureIsntAnOption


    If you aren't eating enough you will not loose weight.
  21. FailureIsntAnOption

    New Bandster in Atlanta

    Hi Susan, I was banded by Dr. Aceves 2 months ago and wonder if I should have gotten the sleeve. Did you have any success with the band? Banded 4/17/09
  22. I feel the exact same way! Banded 4/17/09 w/ .08cc First fill 5/30/09 1.60 cc
  23. The band isn't going to loose the weight for you. You will have to work hard and follow the rules of the band. The weight doesn't come off very fast. The rule of thumb is 1-2 pounds/week. I lost 24 pounds the first month after banding but I exercise a lot because I wanted to loose 50 pounds before summer. I am still 11 pounds away from my first goal. It is important to set small goals along the way so as not to become discouraged. I am so very happy that I had the lap band surgery. I feel great and have so much energy. The band will help you to eat less without being hungry period. The rest is up to you. Good luck to you. Banded 4/17/09 First fill 5/30/09 1.6 cc
  24. Good for you! I felt like I was given a second chance at life when I got my band. I now live my life as a thin person even though I still have a long way to go. I have become extremely active. I go to the gym 3 times/week. I ride bikes with my active husband and have tons of energy since I'm no longer eating crap. My husband loves the new me. I am confident that I will reach my goal with my new band. I hope you will feel as good as I do. Banded 4/17/09 w/ .08cc First fill 5/30/09 1.6 cc
  25. I made the decision to have the lap band because the risks were'nt as great as with the gastric bypass. Malnutrition is a big problem with GB. Lap band takes some work, the weight isn't going to fall off by itself. You have to make healthy food choices and exercise. Lap Band is completely reversible should you have any problems. GB is permanent and re-routes your small intestine. It was not a difficult choice for me at all. I'm very happy with my band. Banded 4/17/09 w/ .08cc First fill 5/30/09 1.6 cc

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