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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FailureIsntAnOption

  1. FailureIsntAnOption

    My first big NSV!

    That's awesome! I am at the teetering point as well and can't wait. Congrats!
  2. FailureIsntAnOption

    Fills under fluoroscopy

    LMAO!!! Have a good day!
  3. FailureIsntAnOption

    Fills under fluoroscopy

    Thanks for your input. That's pretty much what I thought. Donna
  4. Mom's give the best advice.:thumbup:
  5. Yes, please check with your surgeon as Aleve is a form of Naprosyn which is an NSAID which I was warned to stay away from with the lab band.
  6. FailureIsntAnOption

    Diffence between "stuck" & "full..Need Help!

    Thank you so much! I found your post extremely helpful. Donna
  7. FailureIsntAnOption

    Fill - too tight!!

    I've been too tight for two weeks now and have been hoping for it to get better. I have noticed that once I PB I cannot get anything down most likely from swelling. When this happens I try to stay on protein shakes and smoothies. Today, finally I was able to eat a salad with grilled chicken so I believe that it is getting better. If money is the issue I would just give it a little longer and treat your stoma with tlc. Just my opinion though as I am sure you will get many varying opinions.
  8. FailureIsntAnOption

    5 days post op and depressed...

    Funny, those exact words came to my mind during the first and second week post-op. "What the hell was I thinking doing this to myself". I assure you all that once you begin to feel better from your surgery and are able to east something substantial and begin loosing, you will be so happy with your decision. Hang in there! I promise you all that it does get better.
  9. Please check with your surgeon before taking anything but Tylenol for the pain. I'm pretty sure Aleve contains aspirin. Prior to surgery I was on one 81 mg aspirin daily to thin my blood and my surgeon wont let me resume taking it until six months after my surgery.
  10. leseid, Do you realize that Motrin is and Ibuprofen product and is a NO NO for lap band patients as well as aspirin?
  11. FailureIsntAnOption


    I'm really glad I saw this thread. I have DDR but never thought about using it for my weight loss. I think I will be digging it out of storage this weekend. Thanks for the idea. Donna
  12. FailureIsntAnOption

    How soon post-op can I start exercising?

    I too began walking just hours out of surgery. As I felt better I walked longer and faster. Good luck!
  13. Get up and walk frequently. You can try Gas-X. My surgeon told me to lay on my side and it helped some, not completely, just some but I was able to sleep that way. I was very uncomfortable in the chest area. Hopefully within a couple days you will be feeling better.
  14. I used rubbing alcohol. It worked for me.
  15. At my Kaiser orientation I was told you must loose 10% of your body weight based on weight at orientation. Kaiser makes you attend 6 mos. of options classes before you even get to meet with a surgeon. It's a long process. You also have to show how you have attempted to loose the weight on your own in the past so you may want to be prepared with this info. for orientation so you can get your Options registration paperwork turned in at the time of orientation. Good luck to you!
  16. FailureIsntAnOption

    Happy bandanniversary to me!

    Congratulations! I was wondering if you are still riding your bike? Last I heard your seat was killing you. I love riding my bike and tomorrow my husband and I will be going to the beach to ride again. It's a good ride, mostly flat ground but long distance. I love it.
  17. FailureIsntAnOption

    Second Fill

    Check with your doctor about what foods he/she recommends. My doctor said I should not eat beef for the first year.
  18. FailureIsntAnOption

    please help

    Sabertooth, There are some really great people on this forum with real band life experience. I sincerely hope that the experiences shared here will help you to make an informed decision in conjunction with any factual information you obtain. Good luck with your decision and whatever journey you should decide to take. Donna
  19. FailureIsntAnOption

    hello everyone,

    She was right. This is a good place to start. You will find great support here from people just like yourself. I suggest you start walking since you don't have exercise equipment. Maybe even consider joining a gym. I have a membership with Curves and I really like it because it is all women, real women who need to loose weight. I have found so much support there and made so many friends. The total workout is 30 minutes but by the time you stretch out it's more like 45 minutes. Good luck with your journey and feel free to ask all the questions you want. Donna
  20. FailureIsntAnOption

    5 days post op and depressed...

    Hang in there, it does get easier. If you aren't already, I suggest you start walking for at least 30 minutes each day or even twice a day. The exercise will help with the depression.:thumbup:
  21. FailureIsntAnOption

    Banding out of the USA

    Crista, I will get the info. to you sometime today via private message. I had no problem finding follow-up care here. I actually have Kaiser So. Cal. and they have done my follow-up and have referred me out for my fills. Because the clinic Kaiser referred me to does not fill under fluoroscopy, I have elected to return to Mexicali for my fills which by the way are included in my surgical cost. I have since returned there for two fills. I also located a few other clinics that would have done my follow-up but it just seemed foolish to pay for a service I could have elsewhere for no fee. I will talk to you later. Donna
  22. FailureIsntAnOption

    Very Worried!!!

    My surgeon's office preaches protein. The protein will help to reduce the hunger and stand by you longer. Buy some IDS or protein bullets to get you through this.
  23. FailureIsntAnOption

    Banding out of the USA

    Crista, I would like to apologize to you for getting a little testy in my post last night. Please understand that I have been harassed by HH numerous times in another thread entitled "Please Help" and quite frankly have had enough of him trying to undermine my credibility, calling me names and inferring that I don't know what I am talking about. I mean come on, a person would have to be a complete idiot not have researched all wls and surgeons before making a choice. I have begun steps to stop this individual in his tracks since he seems to have some sort of vendetta against me. Or better phrased "cease and desist" I wish you luck in your decision and if you are interested in those referrences I promised you I will be happy to send you names, telephone numbers or email addresses so you may talk to more people. HH did however give some good advice in regards to speaking with wasabubblebut. I urge you do do this. Final note to HH: THE PEOPLE WHO COME TO THESE FORUMS ARE NOT INTERESTED IN THE DRAMA WHICH SPEWS FROM YOUR LIPS AND FINGERTIPS! YOU NEED TO GET OVER YOURSELF. IT DOESN'T MATTER HOW LOUD YOU SHOUT FROM THE ROOFTOPS HOW INTELLIGENT YOU THINK YOU ARE OR HOW IMPORTANT YOU VIEW YOURSELF. IT SEEMS TO ME YOU MAY HAVE SOME SELF ESTEEM ISSUES THAT NEED TO BE ADDRESSED. KNOWLEDGE ISN'T SOMETHING YOU CAN BEAT INTO PEOPLE AND YOU REALLY NEED TO LEARN HOW TO RELATE TO YOUR PEERS. Have a good day! Donna
  24. FailureIsntAnOption

    Banding out of the USA

    FYI...one of the LBT forum moderators had Dr. Aceves perform her conversion from lap band to gastric sleeve her name is *Susan* you may want to pick her brain as well.
  25. FailureIsntAnOption

    Banding out of the USA

    What HH said in regards to doctor's in the USA not treating patients for follow-up care who had surgery out to the country is complete BS. Also, Mexicali is completely safe and has had no incidents of violence in the recent past because I have done my homework and besides I have spent time there over the past few months as well as others that I can put you in contact with to put your mind at ease. I have traveled all over the country and to many areas of Mexico and have only felt unsafe in TJ. HH doesn't know me from Adam but seems to have some kind of issue of being the authority on everybody else as well as trying to undermine my personal experiences with his criticism. I have told you from own MY personal experience that I have received excellent care from Dr. Aceves and his staff and I have been there and am speaking from personal experience which HH is not. Dr. Aceves has performed over 3,000 WLS and the hospital is state of the art. Only a lawsuit minded individual is worried about having legal recoase. If you go to a good surgeon instead of a hack you don't have to worry about such things. Obviously HH didn't do his homework or he would have not made such a mistake. There is an old thread I can refer you to that will totally enlighten you in regards to this individual if you so desire please message me personally and I will provide references from Dr. Aceves patients as well as the thread info. that will make you laugh your A** off.

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