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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FailureIsntAnOption

  1. I know every insurance is different but I did read a post from someone that two years of obesity is all that persons insurance required. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.
  2. My mother always said it was much easier to loose the weight when you are young so hopefully you will loose more consistently then what I seem to be doing. I did a 14 day pre-op diet that consisted of high Protein only. Although I did drink some Protein Shakes at that time it was not required. Every surgeon is different so you may have to remain on the pre-op diet longer and it maybe all protein shakes. I lost 11 pounds on the pre-op diet and I didn't begin exercising until surgery day Oops. I am very happy with the results I am seeing. Let me know if you have anymore questions.
  3. FailureIsntAnOption

    a few questions.

    That's a good point. Since you have a few days before surgery why don't you call your surgeon's office and find out about the post-op diet they want you to follow. Then you can be all prepared ahead of time.
  4. FailureIsntAnOption

    I made it to the banded side of life!!!!

    Congratulations and welcome!
  5. Although I am much older then you are (45), my starting weight was 330 two weeks pre-op. Surgery day I was 319. That was only a few months ago. My surgery was April 17, 2009. What silly questions do you have? I will try to help you as much as I can. I actually have a daughter your age so I'm sure I will be able to relate to you.
  6. FailureIsntAnOption

    a few questions.

    You will need some clear Protein such as Isopure or IDS. I'm sure there are others you can purchase as well. I really don't think it will be in your best interest to return to work on Monday.
  7. FailureIsntAnOption

    To remove or not remove??

    I totally agree with parrotheadCathy
  8. FailureIsntAnOption

    No weight loss? Please Help!!!

    In my case I have to watch what I eat in order to loose weight even with the band. I do not eat junk food at all. I exercise daily and really work hard to loose the weight. My weakness is not chips, candy, Cookies or cake. My weakness is margaritas. If I could just not give into my cravings for margaritas I would have it made. Even though I do cheat with alcohol, I am still loosing weight pretty steadily. I recommend that you start keeping a food journal. There are several places online that you can do this or just simply buy yourself a small note pad and start keeping track of your food and Water intake. By doing this you will be able to look back and reference what you have been eating and figure out why you are not loosing. I eat between 1000-1200 calories each day. If I have a margarita or two, I try and calculate them into my daily calorie intake. But I always focus on getting my 70 grams of Protein and at least 64 oz of water each day. Without my protein I lack the energy for my workouts. I'm sure that if you check with your surgeon's office or meet with a nutritionist you can get a specific diet plan to follow that will aid in your weight loss effort. Good luck to you!
  9. FailureIsntAnOption

    I wish I had the ability to correct other peoples spelling on here

    I've noticed that lately when I am in the midst of typing a sentence I suddenly cannot remember how to spell a simple 4 or 5 letter word. Sometimes the word I'm looking for completely escapes my mind. I don't know if aging is causing this or perhaps medication, stress?????? Don't know but I sure wish I knew how to fix the problem because it frustrates the heck out of me. It is especially bothersome when some know it all feels the need to rip you apart over a simple misspelling or lapse of memory.
  10. FailureIsntAnOption

    How did you decide?

    There was a discussion last week you may find interesting if you can ignore the bickering. Here is the thread: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f178/please-help-98595/
  11. FailureIsntAnOption

    I FINALLY cracked my 8 week plateau..YES 8 weeks!!!

    Congratulation! I too just broke my 3 week plateau. I lost 2 pounds.
  12. Hi Jennifer, I thought the comparison was right on too. HH is such a jerk. I can't even understand why he is on LBT except to cause trouble. Have a good day!

  13. Anybody ever wonder about the long term affects of exposure to x-ray? How often can one healthily be exposed to fluoroscopy? When I go for fills, the Doctor, nurse and my husband who are all present in the room have to where special covers to protect them but I do not. My husband actually brought up this point and it got me to thinking. Is there a limit to how many times we can without damage to ourselves be exposed to radiation within a year or specified period of time to have fills? Just a thought!:thumbup:
  14. FailureIsntAnOption

    Love it or Hate it?

    I love my band. It has given control of my weight back to me. I'm sure you will find mixed reviews but, if you are committed to making the band work then you will do great. Enjoy the journey!
  15. FailureIsntAnOption

    What was I thinking?

    Having any surgery is scary. Just remember the surgery is very short. Only about 30 minutes. You will wake up in control of your weight for the first time ever. Be excited! Surgery day is the first day of your new life.
  16. FailureIsntAnOption

    19.8 lbs in 10 days...Is this normal?

    I agree that you should call your Doc. I remember not being able to eat much the first 10 days after my surgery. Not much appetite but as the days went by my appetite grew. I had a pretty big weight loss in the first month. Do call your Doc and ask though.
  17. FailureIsntAnOption

    Fills under fluoroscopy

    Anybody ever wonder about the long term affects of exposure to x-ray? How often can one healthily be exposed to fluoroscopy? When I go for fills, the Doctor, nurse and my husband who are all present in the room have to where special covers to protect them but I do not. My husband actually brought up this point and it got me to thinking. Is there a limit to how many times we can without damage to ourselves be exposed to radiation within a year or specified period of time to have fills? Just a thought!
  18. FailureIsntAnOption

    Fills under fluoroscopy

    I sure will. Enjoy your weekend.
  19. FailureIsntAnOption

    please help

    Does anybody here watch The Simpsons? Do you know the character Comic Book Guy? I do believe we have our very own version of Comic Book Guy right here in LBT. LMAO! If you don't know the character I urge you to Google it. There really is humor in everything. You just have to look for it. Have a fabulous day everyone. Donna
  20. FailureIsntAnOption

    Fills under fluoroscopy

    Hi Jodi, I have had two fills and both were done under fluoro and my understanding is they all will be done this way.
  21. I see that you are a Super Moderator. Is there something you can do to stop this Head Hunter guy from spreading his negative vile all over this forum. This guy is hell bent on tearing down women and has followed me from thread to thread calling me names.

  22. Thank you. Perhaps at some point if I come into some cash, I will convert. I'm not sure if it is the band that is working for me or it having it has given me to reason to work so hard at loosing. I guess either way you look at it it must be doing the trick for me.


    Have a great day!.

  23. FailureIsntAnOption

    please help

    Thank you Sabertooth for the kind words. However, I must disagree with you on one point. I don't think we are all here for the same reason. I do believe certain people are here with an agenda to harass, belittle and bully women and to stroke their own ego in the process. I believed as you up until a couple days ago that we were all here for the right reasons but I no longer believe that to be the truth. I truly wish you the ease of certainty in making the right decision for yourself. Sincerely, Donna
  24. FailureIsntAnOption

    Fills under fluoroscopy

    That's a good one. I just changed it cause the last thing I want to do is offend fellow nurses.
  25. FailureIsntAnOption

    Fills under fluoroscopy

    Will do. I have already emailed surgeon's office. Please don't take offense. I just saw another RN give some terrible advice to a thread poster that really concerned me. I too am an RN but I am not presently practicing.

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