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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FailureIsntAnOption

  1. FailureIsntAnOption

    Here we go!!

    You sound like you are super motivated. I'm so glad for you because you will most likely see your weight drop off faster with that kind of motivation. I too was/am super motivated. I'm now and exercising fool. I just made up my mind that I was going to be active and enjoy it if it kills me (which it wont) and I will succeed and so will you with that attitude. I'm really happy for you. Please keep me updated on your progress.
  2. FailureIsntAnOption

    Banded 6/12/09 and dont' think its working!!

    It seems like everyone here has given you good advice so there really isn't much for me to add except that once I got my band I was very anxious to start exercising. I began walking the day I had surgery and as soon as I was 4 weeks post-op I joined a gym. I'm a ALL or NOTHING kind of gal. I work out everyday for a couple of hours and I think I am loosing pretty quickly. I've lost 57 pounds in a little over 3 months. You will see the weight falling off in no time so hang in there.
  3. FailureIsntAnOption

    problems with kaiser

    Hello, I have Kaiser So.Cal. and they gave me the complete run around in regards to WLS. I attended the orientation and was told they were not doing the lap band procedure and that my only options were to do the 6 months options classes and see their surgeon about gastric bypass or go to Mexico for lap band which is what I did. It was kinda nice because I didn't have to jump through hoops but I also then wasn't allowed to attend the options classes so I had to seek my own education which turned out just fine. The only downfall to what I did was it cost me $7,000 out of pocket. Kaiser is doing my follow-up care and everything is going well. I did find out after paying for my surgery that I was given erroneous information at the orientation and I could have indeed had lap band done through Kaiser. Stick with the Kaiser run around if you can't afford to self pay because you will be so glad you once you have the surgery. I have lost 57 pounds in just over 3 months and for the first time in my life I feel like I am in control of my weight. Good luck to you.
  4. FailureIsntAnOption

    New Look and Jealousy

    I'm quite sure my father wasn't referring to his spouse. He was meaning neighbors and work aquaintance's, that it was better to keep your personal life personal and your professional life professional. I have experienced some instances at work which led me to believe my father was right. Like I said, I am a very friendly person by nature so it is difficult for me to be totally private.
  5. FailureIsntAnOption

    New Look and Jealousy

    There is some really good advice here. My dad once told me that "familiararity breeds contempt". He didn't believe in being friendly with his neighbors or his co-workers and believed in keeping his business private. This is difficult to do if you are a friendly person by nature though it is excellent advice.
  6. FailureIsntAnOption

    3 interviews!!

    I hate companies like that. They need to get their crap together before wasting the time of the applicants.
  7. FailureIsntAnOption

    1 yr. post-op measurments

    That is AWESOME!!! You are truly an inspiration to me. CONGRATULATIONS BIG PAPA.
  8. I looked it up and a stone is 14 lbs.
  9. In my line of work a stone is 12.5 pounds. So I was thinking she weighed 475 pounds to start and now weighs 275.
  10. FailureIsntAnOption

    I don't care: A Michael Jackson Rant

    I can't believe that the City of Los Angeles foot the bill for all the hoopla when the city is in such extreme financial trouble. This blows my mind!
  11. Wow! I have nothing nice to say so I'm not gonna say a thing.
  12. FailureIsntAnOption

    a lil lap-band humor....hahahaha..:-)

    Very cute! Thanks for sharing.
  13. FailureIsntAnOption

    New Look and Jealousy

    First of all, CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR SUCCESS! What year were you banded? The lady that owns the gym I go to has lost 160 pounds from gastric bypass. She was telling me that fat people she used to be friendly with no longer like her because she is no longer fat and they are mean and jealous. She warned me that there is a lot of this behavior out there, but I am somewhat naive as I believe that most people are kind and loving. I guess the reaction of this guys wife of feeling insecure with your friendship of her husband is really somewhat of a compliment to you that you are now so attractive she views you as a threat. I can see where things can now be tough to maintain a relationship since the wife's ugliness has come out. It was okay for you to be friends with her husband while you were fat but now that you are beautiful she wants you to stay away. I wonder if this means her husband is attracted to you? I would drop her a note or email telling her how much this offends you and how you have always viewed her husband as a father figure and have no interest beyond that of friendship. She is the one who should feel bad not you. You haven't done anything wrong dear. Congratulations on your weight loss. I know what a huge achievement you have a accomplished.
  14. FailureIsntAnOption


    Actually I received a number of private messages in regards to the Comic Book Guy. Whatever! You are a legend in your own mind. Keep thinking this way, when you fall flat on your face I will be the one there busting a gut.
  15. FailureIsntAnOption

    I wish I had the ability to correct other peoples spelling on here

    I'm not assuming anything. Just think you had a duty to inform.:biggrin:
  16. FailureIsntAnOption

    I wish I had the ability to correct other peoples spelling on here

    I would have gone one step further and showed her boss, the principle? or principal? the notes and express your concern.:thumbup:
  17. FailureIsntAnOption


    LMAO... I don't care about winning I just want him to eat until he blows up.
  18. FailureIsntAnOption


    Yeah well, somebody needs to kick that jackass in the balls. What a whiney biatch.
  19. FailureIsntAnOption


    HH, Last time I checked this was a PUBLIC FORUM. Anybody can view and anybody can comment. Sorry if I intimidate you by my presence Comic Book Guy. "This is a very bad thread"
  20. FailureIsntAnOption

    I wish I had the ability to correct other peoples spelling on here

    Some of you people are just too damned perfect. What the hell are you doing on LBT with us common folk?
  21. FailureIsntAnOption


    The behavior I have experienced on this website in the past week is truly sickening. I personally have been attacked and called names as if I were in a grade school playground. This site is about supporting one another and if the forum moderators are unable to control the behavior of grown adults on this site then those so called grown adults should be banned from this site. I don't care who you are if you can't behave and play nice you should not be allowed to play at all.
  22. FailureIsntAnOption

    The journey starts today

    Congratulations on taking the first step toward a happier and healthier life.
  23. FailureIsntAnOption

    Liver diet? Should I be doing that?

    It is my understanding that not everyone has to be on a liver shrinking diet. I believe it depends on your BMI. Friends of mine, husband and wife both had lapband surgery from the same surgeon as myself. The husband who was 400+ pounds had to be on a liver shrinking diet pre-op but the wife did not. She was 280 pounds. I had a BMI of 53 and did have to be on a liver shinking diet. If this is something you would like to do, ask your surgeon if it is alright for you to do this and ask for the info.
  24. FailureIsntAnOption

    Hi All, new member.

    Hi Jerry. You are so funny. Pre-op diets can be torturous but well worth it. Keep up the good work. You will be glad you did.
  25. FailureIsntAnOption

    Looking for information

    From my point of view I would begin a daily exercise regimen for your entire family. Such as an evening walk or family bike ride. This will set a great example of a healthy lifestyle for your children and perhaps be able to turn things around for your daughter. I would also make fast food off limits. Clean out your fridge and your cupboards of all unhealthy processed food and only stock healthy nutritious Snacks and meal fixins. You will be surprised how much easier it is once the junk is gone. Now I'm not saying that you or the kids shouldn't have a treat every once in a while, I'm just saying don't keep it in the house. I love my band and it has motivated me to make the commitment to start a healthier lifestyle. I have lost 57 pounds since April 1st of this year. I feel great and I am in the best physical shape of my life at this very moment. I do believe that if I had the same commitment to diet and exercise prior to banding that I may have been able to achieve the same results. However, I lacked the will power prior to banding so it took something as drastic as banding to find the will power inside myself. My entire family has joined with me on this journey and has made the choice to eat healthier and exercise daily. What a difference this is making in my husband and children. I wish you much success on your journey and applaud you for your desire to find healthiness for you and your family. Good luck to you!

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