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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by FailureIsntAnOption

  1. FailureIsntAnOption

    No Pre Op Liquid diet

    John, My pre-op diet was similar to yours. My surgeon called it the liver shrinking diet. Apparently it works because my liver wasn't too fatty. Good luck to you!
  2. FailureIsntAnOption

    Today is a good day.....

    AWESOME! :huh2: How many times per week do you work out? Just curious since I go to Curves also. I go 4x/week. Keep up the great job!
  3. Jen, I believe weight loss just depends on each individual. I am at 3.5 mos. post op and I have lost 58 pounds. My start weight is much higher then yours is so my weight will naturally come off a little faster then yours in the beginning. Please do not rate your weight loss on that of others. As long as you continue to lose you are successful. Are you exercising regularly? Exercise will help you lose faster.
  4. FailureIsntAnOption

    How long does port stay sore?

    I guess I am pretty fortunate that my port was placed at the front of my stomach. I can lay comfortably on both my sides and stomach for long periods. It hurt pretty bad for about the first 10 days before the pain subsided. After that it was just a subtle reminder that I had surgery.:smile2:
  5. I am just under 4 months post-op and I have not noticed any difference in the amount of hair I lose. I have hypothyroidism and have always lost around 20-30 hair strands in the shower each morning. This is just an estimation since I don't actually count them. I hope all of you have had your TSH, T4 & T3 tested to rule out hypothyroidism.
  6. FailureIsntAnOption

    How long does port stay sore?

    My surgeon told me that it is common for the port area to be sore up to 6 weeks after surgery. I believe the the soreness for me only lasted a few weeks. I did not experience any pain or soreness at the port area after my fills.
  7. FailureIsntAnOption

    Jealous People

    I've been fortunate in that most of the people in my life have been very kind and very supportive. I do have a sister however who doesn't even talk to me anymore and I believe it is because she can't stand the fact that I am in a healthier and happier state of being then she is. Here is how I look at the situation with my sister. She can jump on board and be loving and supportive or she can wallow in her own negative energy without me. It really is her choice to make, not mine. Don't let others derail you from your goal. Stay on track and enjoy the journey. Life is just too short to spend it around miserable people.
  8. FailureIsntAnOption

    Calling All Self Pay People Who Had Surgery In Mexico

    I don't think it is true. I know of 2 people in their 60's who went to Dr. Aceves for the lap band. Just give Nina at his office a call and ask her.
  9. FailureIsntAnOption

    Calling All Self Pay People Who Had Surgery In Mexico

    Hello, I was self pay and had my surgery in Mexicali, Mexico in April of this year. I have had no complications whatsoever and the experience was all positive. My surgeon was Dr. Alberto Aceves. Finding follow-up care was not a problem for me.
  10. FailureIsntAnOption

    SCARED of being put to sleep!

    Don't worry you really wont feel all that groggy when you wake up. I felt pretty wide awake when they woke me up in recovery. My surgeon gave me a sedative just prior to surgery so I didn't experience any major anxiety at all. Sure I was a little nervous but it wasn't bad. Do you have some sort of breathing exercises or meditation you can do to remain calm before surgery? In my experience, I worried more about the surgery then was really necessary. It really was very uneventful. Good luck to you!
  11. FailureIsntAnOption

    hard time breathing???

    I believe what you are feeling is normal. For about 5-10 days post op my chest felt very heavy and at times it seemed difficult to take a deep breath. When they pump your chest full of gas and use instruments to work in the chest area it just leaves you feeling tight and sore. If you are in doubt as to whether what you are feeling is normal or not, I wouldn't hesitate to call your surgeon's office. This is what you paid for so check with him or her.
  12. FailureIsntAnOption

    Anyone lose friends after Lap Band?

    Wow Susan, I am so, so sorry for your loss.
  13. FailureIsntAnOption

    please help

    I disagree with you both. He is still rude, nasty and arrogant. I haven't yet heard anything that warrants his behavior. So I'm gonna just unsubscribe from this debate. Feel free to continue on with all the excuses you like...............but quite frankly, I don't even care anymore. Goodnight ladies!
  14. FailureIsntAnOption

    Anyone lose friends after Lap Band?

    Sorry Beth, that is just sad. Your friend sounds a tad bit jealous to me.
  15. FailureIsntAnOption

    Anyone have a lack of Support?

    Pokes, I have had wonderful support from the people who love me. There were some concerns from certain family members about my going out of the country for surgery but this is a long story and quite frankly doesn't matter to me what any of them thought of my decision. Has your doctor ever done thyroid screening on you? I just read a really interesting article about hypothyroidism and obesity. If she hasn't, she should. Be sure you research all the WLS procedures because in this regard one size doesn't fit all. Perhaps your doc just doesn't think much of the lap band but prefers another WLS. I would thoroughly question her on this matter. Also, take the time to document your past weight loss attempts. Show approx dates of each diet plan and your successes and failures and weight at that point in time. This is important when trying to obtain insurance company approval for WLS and it will show your doctor you are serious. I wouldn't let other people's opinions of WLS deter you from having it. Many people just don't understand. Good luck to you!
  16. FailureIsntAnOption

    please help

    We'll see, time will tell. Thanks for caring! I just noticed, we had the same surgeon.
  17. FailureIsntAnOption

    New and Scared

    Clap, clap, clap, I applaud you RM! Lotusflwr, Where in Mexico are you going and who is your surgeon?
  18. FailureIsntAnOption


    Those changes will certainly be good for you. Fast food is the devil haha. Sounds like you are on the right track. It's funny what we can accomplish when we set our minds to it. Something I did that I think was really a good idea is: Rid your house of all junk food. Clean out your refrigerator and your pantry. Only keep healthy, low calorie, unprocessed foods in the house. It is much easier to maintain a healthy lifestyle without all that junk food around. Good luck to you!
  19. FailureIsntAnOption

    Im approved!!!! Finally!!!

    Congratulations!! I'm happy for you.
  20. FailureIsntAnOption

    So... got some work to do.

    Jason, This is the first time I have seen you post but find your excitement and enthusiasm very inspirational. You seem like such a happy go lucky upbeat person. I love it! Best of health and happiness to you Jason on your journey. I just know you will succeed. Donna
  21. FailureIsntAnOption

    If Your New and You Know It Clap Your Hands

    Foxxy, I guarantee you that after youf 1 month post-op diet you will be feeling much healthier and happier. Do call your surgeon's office and tell them what you are experiencing. If you are experiencing dizziness or weakness then you are not getting enough Protein. Perhaps there is something you missed in the post-op instructions. I remember experiencing a great deal of head hunger around 10-14 days out and feeling like I just needed to chew on something or I would loose my mind. This feeling will pass but you have to hang in there and follow your surgeon's instructions to the T. You can do it. We all got through it and you will too. Change your focus. Go for a walk or several walks if this is what it takes. Go to sleep if all else fails. Just hang in there. The results will make you so glad you did.
  22. FailureIsntAnOption

    please help

    Does this mean there is something wrong with expecting common respect and decency from our peers??? I think not! There is something wrong with those who have no boundaries in life and are intolerant of other people's opinions.
  23. FailureIsntAnOption

    please help

    I would also like to add that I, just like all of you, was trying to help somebody when I was verbally attacked here. It would be interesting to see just how all of you would react in the same situation. I guess I am just not good at being called names, belittled and berated and keeping my mouth shut. Sorry but I am just not made that way.
  24. FailureIsntAnOption

    please help

    Cantb2noty, I'm not gonna blast you because I agree whole heartedly with everything you said. It was well worded and I'm sorry for even letting a certain individual push my buttons. Thanks for your input. Donna
  25. FailureIsntAnOption

    Anyone lose friends after Lap Band?

    Wouldn't it be great if you could talk your friend into doing this with you? Then you can both support one another. I'm sure she is somewhat jealous of you. Why wouldn't she be? You are taking a huge step to improve your health and the way you look and she feels she is going to be left behind. I would encourage her all you can to look into making a change toward healthiness and happiness. Good luck to you on your weight loss journey.

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