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About trishey32

  • Rank
  • Birthday 08/17/1953

About Me

  • Biography
    Married - 2 sons - 4 grand daughters
  • Interests
  • Occupation
    part time data entry
  • City
    Beverly Hills
  • State
  • Zip Code
  1. Happy 60th Birthday trishey32!

  2. Happy 59th Birthday trishey32!

  3. 5 years has passed since you registered at LapBandTalk! Happy 5th Anniversary trishey32!

  4. trishey32

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I forgot to mention. I have a 2.6 fill my last fill was a month ago and I have not lost anything with this fill. I do have restriction I know that.
  5. trishey32

    Slow Losers - Unite!

    I would love to join slow losers. My husband and I were banded 3/30/2004 Gene has lost 105+ lbs and I am only down 54 lbs. He is very supportive but I am going out of my mind. I am so disappointed I joke with my husband that I am going to ask the Dr for my money back. I just can seem to lose. I will lose 2lbs one day and a couple days later I may be up 3 lbs. I've been going up and down like that for almost a year. I seem to work so much harder at this than my husband. The Dr tells me it is always easier for guys to lose the weight. I am still so very frustrated. My husband is 10 lbs from being the weight he was when he graduated from high school. I just can't make under the 200lb mark. I know I don't exersice like I should. I can't do any distance walking I have a degenerating ankle joint. If I walk a mile at one time I pay for it for 3 days and the cycle repeats itself. I do try to ride an recumbent bike. But you know I get so bored on that. Talk about a whiner huh. Any suggestions. Oh yea I try not to compare myself to my husbands weight loss but that is easier said than done.
  6. I'm new to posting under my own name. I checked this place out under my husband's ID I finally decided to jump in. I want to join slow losers. My husband and I were banded 3/30/2004 Gene has lost approx 105 lbs but, not me. I have only lost 54lbs. I think that gets me into the slow loser category.

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