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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by txorchid

  1. Hello I had lap band surgery on 7/15/09. Ever since I came out of surgery, I have not had any bladder sensation. I am just making a point of emptying my bladder every 2 hours or so. Has anyone ever heard of this? I am a month post op and still have the same issue. Absolutely no sensation. My dr advised me to see a urologist, which I have an appointment with at the end of the month. I am just getting concerned that this may be permanent. Any insight would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.
  2. I am just shy of my ten month bandiversary and have lost 100 pounds! Holy cow....I can't even believe it. I still have about 50 to go to reach goal. A very special thank you to CROD123 who has been such an inspiration to me! Her and I met on the boards here when she formed a local support group. She doesn't know just how much she has helped me and even better, has become such a good friend! Love ya Cheri! For those who are considering the band, let me just say that it is one of the best things I have ever done for MYSELF! When people ask how I am so successful with the band, I tell them that I risked my life to have this surgery, and I am not going to have done that in vain! I have young children and I not only want to be around for them, I want to LIVE and PLAY with them. I can run now for the first time in a long, long time. Anyway, good luck to everyone. These message boards are priceless and are a big part of my success too!
  3. txorchid

    100 pounds-gone forever

    Mommy2Ps Here are some of the things I have done consistently that have contributed to my success: 1. Eat a lot of protein. I try to get 60-75 grams per day. 2. Eat a minimum amount of carbs. I try to keep my carbs under 50/day. Once you get good restriction, that will be easy to do because you will not be eating bread anymore. 3. Get in some form of exercise, even if it is just walking around the block for 30 minutes/4 days per week. Once the weight starts coming off, you will want to do more. 4. When you hit a plateau, change things up a bit. With your diet, or exercise plan. 5. Keep your appointments with your doctor. Get your fills when needed. 6. Get your 8 hours of sleep every night. 7. Go to support group meetings. I currently go to 4 or 5 different support groups. You will meet like minded people who are enthusiastic about sharing their success stories. You will find yourself taking a little bit of each person's info and applying what works for you to your journey. 8. When you reach a mini-goal, do something nice for yourself. Get a pedicure, or buy some new perfume. Try to make the treats non food related. 9. Let yourself have food treats occasionally. Once or twice a month I allow myself some ice cream. If I buy it, I buy the no sugar added kind. It tastes pretty good. The importants part here is planning it. I don't feel guilty if I have planned a treat. Didn't mean to turn this into a book. Those are the things that come to mind. Good luck in your journey and let me know if I can answer any of your questions.
  4. txorchid

    heart palpitations anyone?

    I have had this problem when I have been on very low carb diets and ended up at a cardiologist's office. It ended up that I was deficient in magnesium. Apparently when one consumes low carb foods, there is a risk of not getting enough magnesium. I take a powdered magnesium supplement called "Calm" and it does the trick. I would definitely go to your doctor to make sure it is nothing more serious. But it shouldn't hurt to start supplementing with magnesium too. Good luck.
  5. Howdy! I was banded on July 15, 2009 and have lost 73 pounds, all postop. My weight loss seems to speed up right after a fill, and then slow down until the next one. I'm looking forward to great success in 2010!
  6. We are traveling for Thanksgiving. Hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday.

  7. YES. Sorry, but I am supposed to get these messages in my email and they are not coming. I will be there. Do you know what big store it is near? How many are joining us? I will email Kristi also. Look forward to it.

  8. Cheri,

    Good work. The 15th would be better for me, as my parents are in town thru then. I can meet anywhere really. I think a coffee shop is a good place. Where are they located? Maybe the Starbucks near Baybrook? Or perhaps one closer to you? I will weigh myself tomorrow. I feel like the weight loss is so slow now. I started walking last Monday with 2 other girls. We get up and meet at 6:00 am. We have been walking 1.8 miles in 30 minutes. Plan on doing it every M-F. Hope you are having good success with your band. Look forward to hearing from you.


  9. Cheri,

    I went out to dinner with family and friends and indulged in some nachos. Nothing spicy. I have had pain since Friday. I go to the doctor tomorrow, but I have been worried. You are doing great at 31. You are very steady. I tend to lose a bit and then nothing for a couple of weeks....would much prefer the steady. Hope all is well with you and family. I am free the next 2 Sunday afternoons. I will let you know when the Houston Area Bandsters will have their next meeting for our area. Talk to ya soon.

  10. The cravings are at bay for the moment. I found some wonderful almonds. They are cocoa roasted almonds and only have 1 gram of sugar. Let's definitely meet and maybe try and get some others to come too. If you want to go to the Park Plaza support group, let me know and we can go together. I'm going to see my doctor on Tuesday for my 3 month post op, I am hoping for the big 50! I am at about 46ish right now. It has really slowed down. I got stuck over the weekend on scrambled eggs and ham. It turns out I have trouble eating in the morning. I have been drinking protein shakes for breakfast and then real food for lunch and dinner. Not doing too well on the exercise, but I will get there. Have a great evening and we'll talk soon.


  11. Cheri

    It was so great to meet you. I think we are a lot alike, not just the band. Our hatred for seafood, yo-yo dieting, etc.....LOL Let's definitely get together again real soon. Have a great evening.

  12. OK.....Hope Kristi shows up. I did not hear from her.

  13. Ladies, Can you meet Friday morning for coffee?
  14. Kristi, I had to do 2 weeks of liquids post op. It was tough. Glad you do not have to suffer. Just remember to eat slow when you are on mushies.
  15. Awesome! How are you doing since being banded? You must still be on the liquid phase. Congratulations and I am looking forward to a group meeting.
  16. I'm still interested if you are. Have you heard from anyone else?
  17. I am doing well, down 40 pounds. I had my 2nd fill 2 weeks ago and have some restriction, but will probably need another fill in October. It seems like I have better restriction in the morning. I have been in contact with a personal trainer so that I can start a solid exercise plan. Let me know what I can do to help start the group. Thanks.
  18. I was banded on 7/15/09 in Houston and I would love to be part of a support group, although Dr. Spivak is not my doctor. If it is open to other individuals, then count me in. I live in the Friendswood area.
  19. Hi. I too am in Houston and was banded on July 15, 2009. My port is up high too and I did ask my doctor about it. He said I had too much stomach fat and he was afraid if he put it lower, then he would have a hard time doing the fills. Hope this helps.
  20. NO, thankfully I've never peed on myself. When I wake up in the morning with a full bladder, I can't feel that it's full. I will go about making breakfast for the kids and think, I better see if I need to pee. You know that sensation that you need to urinate, I don't have it anymore. The nurse in the hospital just said that it was probably the anesthesia. Well, after a month you would think the anesthesia effects would be worn off. I am glad I am seeing a urologist. Other than that, I am doing great.

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