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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by peaches36

  1. Yes I know exactly how you feel. I just had a complete unfill 2 days ago.(5cc) I had a virus and was very sick as well with heavy coughing and a lot of throwing up. Which got me very swollen. I have been banded now for almost 2 years and have been very successful with my band,so this is very scary for me since I can eat a lot more than usual. However I am doing GREAT. Good luck and hang in there.
  2. peaches36

    Getting Worried

    This same thing happened to me last week. I got to the point where water or food was no longer going down. So yesterday I had to have a complete unfill.Dr said I was very swollen from all of the throwing up that I was doing. I have been banded for almost 2 years in June so it was pretty scary at 1st but today I have done well. Just watching portion sizes and counting down the days until I get my fluid put back in. Good luck!
  3. peaches36


    From the album: My Journey

  4. peaches36

    My Journey

    The new me :)
  5. peaches36


    YIKES!! I had to have an complete unfill today I have been banded for almost 2yrs in June and I have lost almost 120lbs. But over the last week I had a very bad cold and lots of mucus. My band got really tight and I did a lot of throwing up and could not get anything down. So now I have to wait a few weeks to get a fill put back in. I am so scared!! I don't want to gain a lot of weight back. Other than that I LOVE my BAND
  6. peaches36


    I am going to up the exercise.
  7. peaches36


    Thanks Mimi great advice!!! and you are so right about the band working the way it should. I feel GREAT today and doing well.I can do it with Easter dinner and all
  8. peaches36


    Thank you so much. I do plan to stay focussed.
  9. peaches36

    Sooo confused about my last fill!! HELP!

    Hello I have been banded now for almost 1 year and a half now and I know exactly how you feel. I have had this happen to me more than once. It happened last month where before the fill I could eat a lot more and was getting really hungry between meals. So I went in for a little bit of a fill and within a week I went back in to have it taking out. I am now back where I was before the fill but still losing even though I feel as if I'm eating more. So I'm going to stay where I am for a while longer. Good luck and hang in there :smile2:
  10. peaches36

    I lost 111 lbs in ! year!!! :) Feels GREAT!!!

    Thanks! I feel like a new women:) I guess my secret has been portion control and working out. It's a hard journey but very well worth all the hard work I have put into it. Good luck to you all
  11. peaches36

    1 Year!!

    You are so right! I thought the same thing when I got off of the scale. I am not upset one bit! I love the new me:) Much success to you.
  12. Tomorrow is my 1 year of being banded!!! I have lost 111 lbs but the last month I have gone up and down about 4 lbs over and over. But I will soon lose those and keep them off. I went from a size 26-28 pants and a 4x top, to a current size 14-16 pants and a large top. I feel GREAT have never wore those sizes ever in my adult life. This has been an AWESOME journey! I still have about 20 lbs I would like to lose before I hit my first goal and then maybe 20 more:) Just wanted to share :devil_smile:
  13. peaches36

    1 Year!!

    Thank you very much!
  14. peaches36

    1 Year!!

    Thank you!
  15. peaches36

    1 Year!!

    You are so right,it's been the hardest to get off. Thank you and much success to you:)
  16. peaches36

    1 Year!!

    Thank you so much. Yes maintaining is going to be the key to my success. I'm going to be very prayerful:)
  17. peaches36

    1 Year!!

    Thanks! Keep at it you can do it!
  18. peaches36

    1 Year!!

    Thanks and Congrats to you too:)
  19. Glad you are doing much better. Yes you can stay under that 300! Good luck it's a GREAT feeling :thumbup:
  20. Kendra I know your pain have been there 2 time in a year my self. But you still have to try and get in liquids soup,jello etc... and protein shakes. Once you get a slight unfill it will be so much better.
  21. Yes I will tonight it's saved on my home computer. Thanks for the reminder

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