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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by peaches36

  1. Yes I know exactly how you feel. I just had a complete unfill 2 days ago.(5cc) I had a virus and was very sick as well with heavy coughing and a lot of throwing up. Which got me very swollen. I have been banded now for almost 2 years and have been very successful with my band,so this is very scary for me since I can eat a lot more than usual. However I am doing GREAT. Good luck and hang in there.

  2. This same thing happened to me last week. I got to the point where Water or food was no longer going down. So yesterday I had to have a complete unfill.Dr said I was very swollen from all of the throwing up that I was doing. I have been banded for almost 2 years in June so it was pretty scary at 1st but today I have done well. Just watching portion sizes and counting down the days until I get my Fluid put back in. Good luck!

  3. YIKES!! I had to have an complete unfill today :( I have been banded for almost 2yrs in June and I have lost almost 120lbs. But over the last week I had a very bad cold and lots of mucus. My band got really tight and I did a lot of throwing up and could not get anything down. So now I have to wait a few weeks to get a fill put back in. I am so scared!! I don't want to gain a lot of weight back. Other than that I LOVE my BAND :)

  4. Hello I have been banded now for almost 1 year and a half now and I know exactly how you feel. I have had this happen to me more than once. It happened last month where before the fill I could eat a lot more and was getting really hungry between meals. So I went in for a little bit of a fill and within a week I went back in to have it taking out. I am now back where I was before the fill but still losing even though I feel as if I'm eating more. So I'm going to stay where I am for a while longer. Good luck and hang in there :smile2:

  5. Happy bandiversary!!!! Congrats on your success! I'm with you! This last 15 have been a NIGHTMARE LOL! I suppose if we look how far we've come, honestly, how upset can we be, right :-)!

    Lots of luck to you!!

    You are so right! I thought the same thing when I got off of the scale. I am not upset one bit! I love the new me:) Much success to you.

  6. The farther down we get, the harder it is. Now I know why some people seem to be working on 10lbs for ever. I have enough restriction, I just need to be patient. I want to be at goal before my bandiversary. You have done awesome. They say the average is 50lbs a year so you are doing awesome!! Hugs!!

    You are so right,it's been the hardest to get off. Thank you and much success to you:)

  7. Tomorrow is my 1 year of being banded!!! I have lost 111 lbs but the last month I have gone up and down about 4 lbs over and over. But I will soon lose those and keep them off. I went from a size 26-28 pants and a 4x top, to a current size 14-16 pants and a large top. I feel GREAT have never wore those sizes ever in my adult life. This has been an AWESOME journey! I still have about 20 lbs I would like to lose before I hit my first goal and then maybe 20 more:) Just wanted to share :devil_smile:

  8. I am in the KC area. Live out in the boon docks, but work up by Crown Center. I was banded by Dr. Hoehn. Tried Malley as my friend went there but insurance wouldn't pay for him but would for Hoehn...No complaints though. Except that their support group meets during the work day hours so I can't go..............

    Hi Bandmom I was banded by Dr. Hoehn also. Will be 1 year in June. I agree about the support group hours. I have been to one that Malley has. It's open to anyone in the area. Good luck with your journey!

  9. Good morning Peaches,

    I am so glad that you are feeling much better! That band of ours can be tricky:sneaky:, can't it?

    I am sure you are going to reach your goal weight soon and like I said before, you are an inspiration to me!

    Keep in touch.

    Awwww thanks Diana! Good luck on your journey:rolleyes2:

  10. Feeling so much better!! I did go in today and the doctor took out some of the fill. Which wasn't much to begin with but too much for me I guess. He did agree that I got some air in my band or he said it could have just been a nerve that was causing the reaction I was having. Still have very little,but much better!!! It is so weird cause everyone is so much different, I don't have 5cc in and I guess I'm at my spot. Something must be right though cause I am losing weight:) Lost 3 more pounds overnight:thumbup:

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