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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by peaches36

  1. I was banded on June 17 2009.Had 5 fills,had to get slightly unfilled Dec 1 2009. Got another fill on January 14 and WOW I think I know what restriction really feels like:) The problem I have is my eyes dont know that I can't eat very much. I am working on taking smaller portions because I am wasting a lot.I'm not a left over person. Any ideas on how to keep leftovers interesting?
  2. peaches36

    Me 5 months Post Op 71 lbs down!!

    Thank you and Good luck to you!
  3. peaches36

    Biggest Loser Fall 09

    I agree I like her hair dark as well.I was really happy for Shaye:)
  4. peaches36

    Me 5 months Post Op 71 lbs down!!

    Thank you:)
  5. peaches36

    Me 5 months Post Op 71 lbs down!!

    Thanks and yes you can!
  6. I got a fill 12 days ago and now I can't hardly eat a thing.I don't like the feeling of being uncomfortable when I eat. I can't eat a cup of food at all. Chicken gets stuck. I called the doctor about getting a little unfill tomorrow. I also have gotten sick 4 times in the last week:( I have lost 7lbs in 12 days. Which is ok with me. Is this what your sweet spot feels like?
  7. peaches36

    Is this my sweet spot?

    Thanks eveyone! I went in today to get a little unfill. The doctor took out what he put in 12 days ago.He said I should be ok. I should be able to eat about a cup of food at one setting. But again everyone is different. I already feel so much better:) I'm 2 lbs away from 80 lbs in 6 months. So I am doing GREAT!
  8. peaches36

    Is this my sweet spot?

    Thanks yeah I can't even do 1/2 cup right now and I'm gonna miss my chicken:( I have been eating really slow so that's why I called to get a little taken out since I have been throwing up.
  9. Thank you very much:)

  10. peaches36

    5-09 Before surgery

    From the album: My Journey

  11. I had the same problem,about 2 months post op and it lasted for almost 2 months.I still have a little of it but not as bad as before.My dr. also had me take Nexum with Advil. Good luck!
  12. Hello,I was banded on 6-17-09 and when I sleep on my stomach I have a burning feeling by my port.It hurts really bad.I have asked my doctor about this at my 1st fill and he said it would get better. Does anyone else get this burning feeling?
  13. peaches36


    He didn't say what was causing it.Just it would get better.So I'm unsure.
  14. I had my surgery on the same day and I know where you are coming from.At this time I have no restriction.I can eat almost everything.I have lost 24lbs my 1st post op visit.But I want to know also will this all change with my 1st fill in 2 weeks?
  15. peaches36

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    Thanks and good luck to you as well:)
  16. peaches36

    SMMC LB support group chicas

    I was banded on 6/17 by the same doctor:)I am doing very well.Glad to see that there is another person in Kansas with the same doctor.
  17. peaches36

    Any June banders out there?

    My date is June 17 and pre-op liquids is only for 2 day.I'm very thankful of that.I'm getting banded at Shawnee Mission Medical in Kansas.I can't wait!
  18. Hello I'm new to the site and I have really enjoyed reading all of the good post.I got my surgery date today for June 17:) I am a little nervous though I must admit.I look forward to the new journey.
  19. peaches36

    Hello from Kansas

    Thanks to everyone,I will be getting banded at Shawnee Mission hospital also:)

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