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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by peaches36

  1. Thank you Joyce! Yes it has been a GREAT tool. I still can't believe the new me
  2. Yes in the whole year I only met with him 3 times. His assistant does all of the fills. But my experience has been GREAT down 111 lbs in almost a year. Not quite goal but very close, 20lbs to go:thumbup:
  3. Hi Bandmom I was banded by Dr. Hoehn also. Will be 1 year in June. I agree about the support group hours. I have been to one that Malley has. It's open to anyone in the area. Good luck with your journey!
  4. Congrats!! I know the feeling, so YEA!!! Good luck on your journey:)
  5. peaches36

    cant stop

    Awwww thanks Diana! Good luck on your journey:rolleyes2:
  6. Ok I have lost 101 lbs in 10 months!!! YEA:thumbup: But I didn't think I had good restriction. Boy was I wrong!! I got only .30 of a fill and I have been burping and hiccuping every since 1:30 pm today. After trying to eat 5 spoons of soup. I will call my doctor in the morning if I can make it through the night. I am miserable.
  7. peaches36

    cant stop

    Feeling so much better!! I did go in today and the doctor took out some of the fill. Which wasn't much to begin with but too much for me I guess. He did agree that I got some air in my band or he said it could have just been a nerve that was causing the reaction I was having. Still have very little,but much better!!! It is so weird cause everyone is so much different, I don't have 5cc in and I guess I'm at my spot. Something must be right though cause I am losing weight:) Lost 3 more pounds overnight:thumbup:
  8. peaches36

    cant stop

    Thanks! I think what worked best for me was portion control. Only eat 3 meals a day and no snacks. I do workout about 4 times a week and 2 times with a personal trainer for the loose skin. It's helping a lot. Good luck with your journey:) I love my band:thumbup:
  9. peaches36

    cant stop

    Thanks everyone:) I didn't sleep much last night. But I do feel a little better this morning. It is starting to calm down a bit. But I am still going in today at noon. I can't stand to be uncomfortable:(
  10. peaches36

    cant stop

    Thanks and good luck on your life time journey:) I have a feeling he put air in my band. That's why I think I have so much discomfort. I have had about 8 fills and 1 unfill and never felt like this. Even when I was too tight.
  11. peaches36

    Problem throwing away food

    Wow great post!! I have this same problem still,even after losing 100 lbs. I still don't want to waste my money.LOL But I have wasted a lot of food in the last 10 months.
  12. Relax it's not that bad. You will learn quick what to avoid. Also remember small bites and chew and chew. That really makes a difference.
  13. Yea!! Good to hear you are doing ok. Now walk,walk walk as often as you can it really helps with the gas pain.Congrats and welcome to the band club:)
  14. RIGHT!! you'll be fine:) keep us updated when you can.
  15. No that is not how you should feel after a fill. Sounds like you may need a bit of an unfill. I have a 10cc band and have had 7 fills and 1 unfill for a total of 4cc in my band. I had good restriction for a while and have lost 99 lbs in 9 months. Going for another fill after Easter. But everyone is different. Good luck:)
  16. Kendra good JOB!! You are well on your journey of a life changing event:) Good luck on Thursday! You'll do well. I was just like you 9 months ago.Now I'm still in shock.
  17. Relax!! It wont be as bad as you may think. Things will go smoothly:) You will look back 6 months or more and say WOW that wasn't all that bad after all. I still say "why did I wait so long to do it." I wouldn't change a thing. Good Luck:)
  18. To be honest with you as you have seen I have lost almost 100 lbs and if I want it I eat it. Now I may not eat as much of it or I get a kids meal,and not every day. As far as burgers the meat has to be really thin for me(like a shooter from steak and shake, I even ate some of the bottom bun cause it was toasted). Everyone is different cause some people can eat bread and rice. I choose not to. As you get restriction you will know what works best for you.
  19. Oh ok:) Yes I can make that pledge! LOL I am almost there and I wouldn't change it for anything:thumbup: Keep me posted on how you guys are doing.
  20. Yes it was really nice meeting you both! However I can't make the pledge:( The meeting was ok,but I really didn't get anything from it. I will maybe attend another one.I would like to keep in contact with you both. Kendra good luck with all of your pre-op orders. You can do this!
  21. I will be there as well:) I have been having a hard time these last few weeks. I can eat almost anything! Scheduled for a fill in a few weeks cause I'm hungry a lot more and I have came a long way and NEVER want to gain that weight back! see ya all there.
  22. Funny thing is I thought It was just me.I get a runny nose when I'm full.
  23. Do you know what time it starts?
  24. Yes I am down almost 100 lbs in a little over 8 months! For me portion size is the key. I do have restriction and it's great! I Love my band :) Thanks for asking and Good luck to you.

  25. Hello! I was banded at Shawnee Mission 8 months ago. I still need a support group. But I'm 97 lbs down:) Good luck! I Love My Band!!

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