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Everything posted by infallible

  1. It also depends on what you do. I work as a programmer, so I'm just sitting in a chair typing. I had my surgery on Wednesday, and I could have gone back the following Monday if I had to. But I had a bunch of sick time to burn off, so I just took as much as I could. But the rate of healing is different for everyone, so there are no guarantees. Even so, 3 days away is probably the bare minimum that I could have done, even with my non-physically demanding job.
  2. I can't speak from any personal expertise, but everything I've read says that throwing up too much can mess things up pretty bad, as Shay said. Up to needing another surgery to fix things. I made it a personal goal not to throw up, but I failed that mission today. I don't know your experience, but I think that chewing food and monitoring bite size is far superior to the discomfort I felt today.
  3. I'm just under 1 month in, so I can tell you what happened with me. I was hovering between 260 and 265 up to starting my pre-op diet. I first started tracking my weight 2 weeks before surgery, and was at 259 then. A few days before the surgery, I was at 255. A few days after the surgery I was down to 251. In the month since, I've only dropped an additional 2 pounds, bringing me to 249 (as of Wednesday). But I'm not complaining about that, because I'm back to "real" food, but haven't had a fill yet, so I'm feeling hungry, and still getting used to eating less and slower.
  4. infallible

    No Hunger at all! Is that Normal??

    I had mine done at the beginning of the month. For about that first week, I didn't have much hunger at all. It did come back, though I haven't noticed it as often as before. I think all this is to be expected, though, and once they start doing fills on you, it'll be adjusted so that you don't really feel hungry, but I can't speak to that part yet (first fill is a week from today).
  5. infallible

    EA Sports Active Personal Trainer for the Wii

    FYI, for those that are looking into this one, Nintendo is releasing a sequel/update to WiiFit soon called (simply enough) WiiFit Plus. Odds are if you find the EA game too difficult, WiiFit Plus may be the better option.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
