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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by VividWoman

  1. VividWoman

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Hello Bandsters, Got my first fill yesterday. It was non-eventful. I didn't feel a thing. I received 2 cc's. I have to say that my appetite did increase during the last two weeks so this fill came at just the right time. Back on liquids with mushies on tap for tomorrow and back to food on Saturday. I have to say that although I am scared that I won't stay away from sweets, exercise enough or follow the meal rules consistently, I am still enormously relieved that I finally have help with this problem I wrestled with my entire life. I just have to keep reminding myself that it's not the total answer and that I am still responsible to decide what goes in my mouth. My clothes are getting big! I look down and see my arms and my thighs and am surprised to see them smaller. My belly is not getting in the way like it was, sleeping better, fit better in my car seat AND I can cross my legs! Soon it will be time to buy some new slacks for work and a few tops. I wonder if shopping will be more enjoyable with still much weight to lose. I hope so. Oh well...time for some chicken broth...yum! NOT! But of course nothing feels better than being thin!! :thumbup:
  2. VividWoman

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Hi Folks, just checking in. Congrats to the latest bandsters. I must say, no regrets on my part. What I learned since May 5 surgery date: I was worried when I gained 4 lbs after my post op appointment with the Doc. Seemed I couldn't shed those pounds. Then last Monday, those dastardly 4 lbs were gone. My clothes continue to get quite roomy. Magic moment happened last night when my husband said to me, your sweat pants are baggy in the seat. Ah...it's those little things that keep you going! LOL. Talk about bandster hell...I have felt hungry lately but always watch what I grab to eat. In fact, for some reason, my hunger demands protein, not sweets. I also find that I tend to desire small portions. I feel like I have actually changed my behavior and attitude towards food. Oh and the band....well it really does remind you that it is there when your bites are too big or you don't chew enough. It really is amazing! I am starting to love my band...my little buddy. Next Wed is my first fill. I am ready for it. I am so excited to start to lose some serious weight. As to how I feel, I take up less room, have more energy, feel more feminine, and self esteem is increasing. What a gift I (and Aetna) have given myself. Now I just got to pay for it all. LOL! My incisions, I have 5, healed nicely. I can feel the port under my right breast. Feels strange but I think it will be easy to find for the fills. Fingers crossed. For food, I moved out of mushies very quickly after 2 weeks of liquid. I eat lots of fish, green beans, tuna and chicken mixed with low fat Miracle Whip. I tried the FF may, sour cream and ricotta and hated it so switched to low fat and use it sparingly. Breakfast is smoothies with EAS protein powder and some fruit and weekends, an omelet with ham and cheese - small pieces. FF Jello and FF pudding for my sweet tooth, string cheese for lunch. I split everything with my husband - meat, fish, chicken, FF refried beans, and rarely ever throw food away (wasted so much food when pre banded). Hubby is losing weight. Last but not least, plan, plan, plan. I never get caught without something to eat - my food. As long as I have a plan, there's no way I will cheat unless I want to! I am writing like a fool because I am so happy with the decision to band. It's all good. :thumbup:
  3. VividWoman

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Congratulations Msdollaz! Are you feeling better today? I am willing to bet you are feeling much better now and know that you made the right decision. After a few days, the surgery becomes a distant memory as thoughts of "oh no, it's time for another Protein shake" creep in. One of the things I found helpful was to set alarms on my cell phone to remind me of what I should be drinking, Vitamins and meds I should take and when. It is critical that you try to get all of the liquids in so you don't feel really hungry. Getting all those shakes in isn't as easy as one would think. Will tell you Msdollaz, I am having a heck of a time filling the time when I would have been thinking about what great meal I was going to cook, shopping for it, cooking it and eating it. I have all this time on my hands! I also find myself watching the food Network and browsing recipes online. Guess I am still mourning my old stomach! For now I will daydream of my future healthier body as I begin to feel more flexible and lighter with the newer, better, improved one I have today. It's all good! :rolleyes2:
  4. VividWoman

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    WooHoo! Congratulations Singing! So happy to hear you have your date. It seems they make us jump through hoops to get this surgery but in the scheme of things it makes sense because it truly is life changing. It is not like getting your ears pierced! The knowledge that you have the approval and now the surgery date steels you for the next steps. Best wishes for the next leg of your journey!
  5. VividWoman

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Hi Singingintherain and Friends, Yeah, home and banded! Alas, I have my tale of woe to share, just this once and will look only forward from this time on.... So I get my band and now it's time for the Upper GI to be sure liquid is getting through the band and nothing! Arghhh... Then it's the waiting game... will they have to go in again and expand the band? A few hours later my doctor orders a steroid shot to reduce swelling around the band and they xrayed my abdomen in two views to see if they can spot liquid in my stomach and they did! Phew..home free but it meant staying an extra night so I could begin stage 2 again in the morning, so be it but of course the dollar signs start appearing in my head. (The insurance company will not be pleased). But not so fast...I threw up my first Stage 2 meal the next morning and had to stay in the hospital another night until I could keep stage 2 down. Good news, I came home yesterday. Staying the extra couple of days I am sure is a blessing since I was pampered and monitored more than if sent home next day. I came home to a huge bill from B and W from preop- thought everything was paid. Must sort that out. My surgery was at Faulkners...kudos to the staff there...they were wonderful! Ok so on to how I feel. Taking pain reliever every 4 hours. Have a little pain around the port as expected. Learning how to sip and am recognizing "over sips" and the need to be aware of everything I put in my mouth. My belly is full of gas...the noises coming out are comical. My Yorkies enjoy listening to it and sometimes bark at it! On a personal note, I am afraid to simply go with the flow less I experience a pudding surprise if you know what I mean. My husband will clear off the treadmill today (my clothes hanger) and I will try to walk 5 minutes every couple of hours to walk some of the gas out. I certainly haven't lost any weight over the last couple of days that I can see. I think I am bloated like a balloon. I feel serene though. I feel like I had a problem for so many years and have finally dealt with it in a mature way that will get me results. I don't feel anxious about food. My husband feels like he has to eat in secret so as not to tempt me. I assure him that I have no desire for it. I know that I will have my cravings but I also imagine my tiny little opening in my stomach and think I might have a little but I won't have a lot (when I can eat). I am certain I will go through many feelings and emotions over the next few months. If you don't mind, I will share them with all of you...get them out in print and decide if they are simply felings in the moment or representative of something more serious that must be faced and dealt with if I am to become that strong, healthy person I so want to be. I will say that this was the right thing to do for me. Finally I feel a sense of control and hope for a better future. I am proud of myself for sticking to it and getting to this point. It is quite an accomplishment and I am in the self-congratulating stage of my adventure!!! This was sort of a stream of conciousness post. I hope you will all forgive me for rambling. I can and will be more concise from now on. I swear I am still feeling residual anesthesia fuzziness even after all these days. Best wishes to all for a lovely weekend. Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms and Grandmoms.
  6. VividWoman

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Thank you SingingInTheRain and Luv2Teech7! I have eaten my 8 oz of soup, ff pudding and low fat milk, washed my make up off, put my PJs on, packed a couple of things, removed my nail polish, and am ready to go. Surgery tomorrow at 11:00 am at the Faulkner. Ready or not...here I come! Ciao all~
  7. VividWoman

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    Thank you so much Paige! I really appreciate the hearty welcome! I am feeling more hopeful today. After feeling elated with the initial news of my approval and preop meeting, I began to "mourn" my old self. I said goodbye to a couple of my favorite foods on Friday and Saturday nights and this morning, awoke excited with the prospect of being healthy and "smaller". I don't know that I will ever be a size 10 but man, if I could be a 14, that would be heaven! I am going to go through my closet today and pack up all my big clothes (before I lost my pre-op weight) for charity, and check out my smaller clothes - oh yes, I have those clothes that "someday, I will fit into" and pysche myself that indeed, I will wear them - this time, for REAL! From your post, filled with wisdom and experience, I will continue to remind myself that my transformation will not happen overnight but will be a long journey.
  8. VividWoman

    Brigham and Women/Faulker Hospital

    HI Everyone! I have been lurking around since December as I went through the hoops that insurance requires before approving lapband surgery. Here I am, just back from my preop and anticipating my surgery on Tuesday, May 5. I feel like a just ran the marathon to get here (not that I COULD run a marathon if I wanted to - LOL) but now I am realizing that the marathon has just begun. I am filled with trepidation - what happens if even with this surgery, I can't lose weight? Am I doing the right thing? Can I be strong enough to manage the band when I wasn't strong enough to know when to stop eating without it? Ah, the saga begins... Thank you one and all for your candid postings. The information you have provided has been so helpful. Warm Regards to all,
  9. Hello Fellow Bandsters to Be, I am thrilled to say that I have been approved and will have surgery on May 5. I worked the 3 Month Aetna Plan. Please see my timeline below. I too was concerned about the exercise element and in fact, wrote to Aetna since phone calling did not provide additional insight to my question. Here was their response: "Clinical Policy Bulletin #0157 states the exercise program must be physician-supervised and must be documented in your medical records every visit. You can exercise at a gym, although your physician is required to supervise your participation. Sincerely, Internet Response Team Aetna" So I joined Curves and made sure my Nutritionist recorded my visits. Long story short, I asked that they submit my case to Aetna 90 days from the date I saw my surgeon and a few days later I was approved! My doctor's office (they specialize in weight loss surgery) was unfamiliar with the 3 month plan but I did not let that deter me. I encourage you to follow all of the steps in the bulletin and stay positive. I wish all of you luck as you wait for your approval.

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