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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by russell

  1. russell

    Not feeling so great:(

    I was the same way about my band. Had it put in on a Fri and was determined that I was going back to work the following Thurs and Fri. Keep in mind I am a pharmacist and work 12 hour shifts on my feet!! Will to make a long story short - it did not happen. They were lucky I came back the next Monday and sat on a stool for a week and had everything brought to me. Also the diet afterwards SUCKS. I was starving, and I still can not eat or think about jello. I moved up my weekly diet quicky too, my body let me know if something was not right. I was very lucky - never had a gas pain, not one time - sorry. Not to burst your bubble, but didnt fill a thing after my first fill - like nothing had happen. It was very disappointing. had a 2nd fill and can fill the restriction!! It will get better I promise!!
  2. russell

    Still Here.... Been awhile

    Dont worry, I was feeling normal hungary pain before my first fill. I was scared that something my have gone wrong, like my band slippin. I went for my first fill so excited that I was going to start dropping the weight, but it didnt happen. I was very frusating, cause you have aspent all this money and went through this journey not to see any results. Have had a second filling and I can feel the restriction. Somedays are tighter than others, but all in all much better. I have hit a plateau and worried that I am one of those few that it just dont work for, but then I eat something and can feel the restiction and realize I can make this work for me!!!
  3. russell

    Thinking about me for a change.

    Excuss me for asking- why did you get unfilled?
  4. russell

    Tomorrow is the Seminar

    I was the same way about keeping the band decision just between my husband, my sister (also has had gastric bypass) and I. I didnt tell ANYONE else till I had everything arranged and downpayment paid. They were not going to talk me out of it!! Most of everyone was very supportive, when they realized that I was doing this with or without their approval. Wouldnt think twice about doing it again - life changing decision!!!!!

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