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Boo Boo Kitty

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Boo Boo Kitty

  1. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    WOOO HOOOO Steph! Good for you girl. Isn't it great when you are sure something is too small and you try it on and you fit?? I think that is the best part of all! Getting to shock yourself! I went shopping yesterday with DH. It was scary for me. I am now just an XL so there is no need to keep shopping at Lane Bryant. I went in there and he pulled me back...lol....It's funny someone else has to remind me of that. I got to shop at a "normal" store which scared me... All I got was some 14 shorts and a tank, but it felt so good to not to have to rummage through for a 3 or 4x! :eek: Transformer, I hope with more stress comes more pay! Sounds like you deserve it! Cluad, girl you sound like me stacked on top! IT DOES HAVE ITS ADVANTAGES! LOL... No one hardly recognizes me anymore, until they see my boobs. I have a shirt that has an arrow pointing up that says "My eyes are up there" I have never worn it, my BF got it as a gag gift,lol...I am sure you understand!
  2. Boo Boo Kitty

    ABC 06~April Chat

    Hello all! How are all of you doing? I am in the middle of major life crisis, but band is doing great. Anyone else actually excited to get a new bathing suit this year? I am! lol....first time in years!
  3. Boo Boo Kitty

    Breast lumps and ripples

    Hey guys, Wanted to give you an update on me. I got an ultrasound from a 2nd Dr. Ruled out blocked milk duct and cysts. I go to a breast specialist on the 19th. I can't stand waiting, but they couldn't get me in sooner. The 2nd Dr did not want to do a work up. With my family history she felt it was better to send me to the breast guy rather than her do a work up, and then have to send me there anyway. I am still not sure if that is good or bad, but at least she took me serriously! I will let you all know how it goes!
  4. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hey girls, Brandi you just look awsome! We are all so proud of you! Sorry guys I have been so MIA, I am just overwhelmed these days. I go to a specialist on the 19th. I just can't get over how long in between things they make me wait. I am pretty depressed over it. I know I will feel btter once I find out that it is all nothing... Jill--sorry you've got health issues too! Poopy...good to know though that you aren't doing things wrong. :Banane01: Good luck!
  5. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hey girls, How have you all been? How did we all do at Easter? I am trying to hang on. Life keeps dumping more and more on me. I go to a specialist on the 16th, for the lump. My DH kidneys are shutting down and he is being a complete ass and acting like it is no big deal. He had a bunch of tests today and more on Thursday. On the plus I am like 3 pounds from being 100 pounds gone! lol...I did get a fill Friday even though I know I shouldn't have with the health issues. But I needed it to keep my sanity!
  6. Boo Boo Kitty

    Breast lumps and ripples

    Thanks guys. I have never had a mammogram, but obviously I am going to now. I just don't know how to deal with Drs when they don't listen. I always cave, and what gets me is I am NOT a caving kind of girl. I have the biggest mouth ever. I don't know why I can't speak up about my health.....blah....
  7. Boo Boo Kitty

    Stool is Too Hard and Big - Help!

    If the juice is FRESH squeezed it will work. Like a charm, stay close to the potty!
  8. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hi Girls, I have missed all of you so much!!!! I am sorry it has been a week or more now. I am going through something and I need you all..... How is everyone doing? How are those restrictions going? I feel like I am totally lost and have no clue what is going on, but that is me sometimes! I don't really want to post what is going on, but I know if I don't you will be wondering.....SO! I am at the scariest point in my life. I found a lump in my breast last week. It is about the size of my pinky finger in length and very hard. I also have rippling on my breast, decreased sensation, ect. Well I thought at first I was crazy, and tried to ignore it. But then my DH saw the ripple thing and asked if that was due to weight loss. I started crying and had him feel the lump. He felt it too so it is not in my head. I went to the Gyno yesterday. My Dr was in surgery so they had to "squeeze" me into some other chicks scheduale after I got there. I don't know if she was just too busy or what but she totally blew me off. She did a touch exam of the breast, but asked NO medical history, no family history. NOTHING. She said she wasn't sure what it was, but since it was only there a few days she thought we should wait. I am not joking. She told me I was due for my yearly in 3 mos. if it was still there then they would do an ultrasound....what the hell?????? SO obviously I am looking for a new Dr on Monday. I want a second opinion. If she had taken the time to do her job she would have found out that I have an Aunt who died at 35 of breast cancer. Just 5 years older than me. I have never been so scared, or felt actually more alone in my entire life. I can't tell my husband all these dark things in my head of dying ect. Of course Mom is not helping only making me feel worse. And my best friend lost her sister at 27 to breast cancer, so I haven't even told her. I can't tell her until I know something. Ok, now please before you start, NOT ONE OF YOU feel sorry for me PLEASE! I think you girls know me better than that! I know that you are all sorry. I don't want that. I am not trying to be mean, I need you all to help me be strong! I also want to give you all my email, so if I drop out of sight again you can reach me..... brandalyn07@comcast.net Ok, I am so so so so so so sorry to burden you guys.....I love you all.....I just need someone to talk to, and you all are great.
  9. Boo Boo Kitty

    Anna Nicole Smith has died

    Wow! I didn't know it was on the autopsy. Last night on E, I believe they were talking about 3" scars, but of course I fell asleep! lol...
  10. Boo Boo Kitty

    HelP!!! Bathroom problem

    ROTFL...and her saying you can use a straw to poop was better!?? lol...
  11. Boo Boo Kitty

    HelP!!! Bathroom problem

    Holy crap....lol...this one made me shoot Water on my screen....lol.... :clap2:
  12. I did that one tooo.....ugh....the memories.....blah..... :angry
  13. Boo Boo Kitty

    What Peeves you?

    lol..don't get me wrong if when she grows up coffee is her addiction of choice, I can not fight it. I am pot a day gal, but at 6, lol....no way! I don't ever want to hear my kids swear even at 25! lol...I don't swear now to my parents, I feel funny....lol...
  14. Boo Boo Kitty

    Homosexual Liberal Atheists ~ What's UP with that?

    I am with you 100%. WHAT EVER HAPPENED TO WE THE PEOPLE??
  15. Boo Boo Kitty

    Anna Nicole Smith has died

    What do ya'all think the B12 shots were about? Do think it is possible she was a wls paitent??
  16. Boo Boo Kitty

    Mommy dearest, the destoyer....

    Guys I just need to vent. I have had a horrible day, all because of my mom! I spent the day cleaning out the closets and such. I was excited as hell, you know! Getting rid of the big girl clothes. Just seconds after telling my mom I was so excited to be getting rid of size freaking 30 clothes, she says "Don't you think it is too soon? What happens if you backslide? I don't think you should get rid of them." She crushed me. This is the woman who just had and RenY last month. She knows how it feels to be fat, and she had to do that??? She has been in competition with me all my life. I hate it. I hater her, sometimes. Why did she have to break my heart...
  17. Boo Boo Kitty

    Mommy dearest, the destoyer....

    I love this too! I have since talked to my mom, and tried to be agreeable. Right now it just surface "niceness". I hope to get over it soon!
  18. Boo Boo Kitty

    Fell Off The Wagon

    Hey it happens, the good thing is you know you did wrong and want to NOT to it again. We all have done it at least once! Just pick yourself up, take this as a lesson to heart and go forward! Good luck!
  19. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Maurd--That sounds great! I bet you could really make some happy memories for some parents with those little hats, and just think it would be something that would be kept forever! Nat--I am sorry life is coming at you full force right now. Have you seen "The Secret"? It is how what is in our life is brought in by us. BK--you are doing so much better at exercise than most of us! That is something to really be proud of! Good luck on the fill. I have not even lost a pound this month, but I am ok with it now. I did loose 2 sizes in clothes. I am looking forward to my fill next week though! Hugs to all my girls....
  20. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    VA--That is a great question, I would love to know the answer to that one as well! What makes you think you stretched the pouch? Does it get smaller again once we get a fill?? Jill--I am right there with you girl, I agree it is something in the water!
  21. Boo Boo Kitty

    Mommy dearest, the destoyer....

    WOW! I think you all hit the nail on the head. I don't need her approval, I am 30 now, I think I will be ok without it! Thank you all so much. When is the party? I am ready to burn these tents I have that were once panties! Really thank you so much to all of you! I know that all my friends here would help me make sense of this! BIG HUGS!:kiss2:
  22. Boo Boo Kitty


    I agree and I would say it, but I am that way! lol...
  23. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    YAY!! I do the same thing too! I wonder if we will always have the fit chick mentality?? Speaking of which my mom really upset me today.........grrrr.... I spent the day cleaning out the closets and such. Getting rid of the big girl clothes. Just seconds after telling my mom I was so excited to be getting rid of size freaking 30 clothes, she says "Don't you think it is too soon? What happens if you backslide? I don't think you should get rid of them." She crushed me. This is the woman who just had and RenY last month. She knows how it feels to be fat, and she had to do that??? I got so upset I yelled at her. She is the one person that I expect to support me because she IS there, but no I can't even get that. What a freaking brat....she has been in competition with me my whole damn life. I hate her sometimes. She had really better hope that I do not do a chapter on her, which I could.... I can't stop crying tears of anger and bitter pain, all from mommy dearest....
  24. Boo Boo Kitty

    whats everybody eaten today

    I used to love Taco Hell, and all of the other fast food places, but since the band I have changed so much. It now makes me ill....ugh.... I love Texas, I lived there when I was first married. I miss the Texas sun...
  25. Boo Boo Kitty

    whats everybody eaten today

    Lianna send some zuchinni this way! :girl_hug: Thanks Davya....I feel like a total jerk today...I have been grazing on these freaking nuts but I love them! :mad:

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