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Boo Boo Kitty

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Boo Boo Kitty

  1. Boo Boo Kitty

    Spouse not supporting the new you?

    I wasm 16 and thinner than a rail when we met almost 15 years ago. He should know the person I was then skinny. I don't feel like my personality changed at all fat, I was still me just hidden under weight. Most people have told me that they are surprised that I haven't changed in personality. Which I find weird... As for us, the last few days have not given me much reason to hold out hope.
  2. Boo Boo Kitty


    I agree Lucy. Although I have no problem watching sports on the tube. Look how far that gets me. But as far as my DAH being my first love he actually wasn't. I had someone just before him who was my knight in shinning armour. I regret everyday of my life that I let him go... blah...
  3. Boo Boo Kitty

    Post Nasal Drip after Banding ?

    Good lord why the heck is the insurance company making such a big deal over singulair? Insurance sucks most of the time and we can't live without it. I am not worried about the pot hurting, but the mess...lol...
  4. Boo Boo Kitty


    The man I want is sweet and supportive and shows me love not just affection but love. I think about leaving most days, but it seems when I am at my surest I shoud go, he does something sweet or says something to me (when he thinks I am alseep) that shows me just the way it could be, the way I want. I have been with him 15 years, I know no one else. Maybe that is why when he lets me see a bit of the man I love I choose to stay. I just feel like I want to be happy, but maybe what I want isn't possible. Is there really a perfect partner or are they something we create in our mind and no one else can live up to the dream?
  5. Boo Boo Kitty


  6. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Happy 4th of July ladies! :cool: Here is to our independence with weight loss! WOO HOOO!!!!!!!!!!! :biggrin1:
  7. Boo Boo Kitty

    Courtney Love has the band??

    I absolutely agree. I can't even count how many people treated me as if I was dumb when I was bigger. It stinks...
  8. Boo Boo Kitty

    Post Nasal Drip after Banding ?

    I saw those on Oprah. I just can't bring myself to do that. I can not believe that a woman did it on Oprah...lol.. Let us know how it went today!
  9. Boo Boo Kitty


    Ah....yes this kiss. I think I remember what it is like. I think the last time I got THAT kiss that makes your knees buckle, was when we broke up and I was daiting someone else. My DH wanted me back, I said no, he kissed me, and well the rest is history.... The soaps make everything seem so damn easy...lol....except the women never know who their baby's daddy is...but hey that could be a good trade off for that kiss right??
  10. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Good lord you biking women! Woo hoo!!! Yeah! I need to take a page from your book and get on the bike! Brandi--thanks girl. I finally feel like a normal person now...lol... Nat--you can do it sweetie no problem! Do it by 12/07 that is my bday...lol... I am sorry you have tooth drama. That sucks. I hate it! Steph--sorry Aunt Flo is messing you up, she is such a witch! Claud--glad to see you sweetie! I missed you. You can do it sweetie! We all know you can! Banannie--just throw the scale away. Get rid of it. Scales suck..... They shouldn't be the only way we feel good!
  11. Boo Boo Kitty

    Courtney Love has the band??

    If Courntey Love was my mom I would seriously consider emancipation no matter what my age. Some people should just not be allowed to reproduce, she should be on top of that list with Micheal Jackson!
  12. Boo Boo Kitty

    Post Nasal Drip after Banding ?

    Claritin did not work for me for crap...if I were you I wouldn't waste my time with it. I used to live in Texas for a few years so I know how bad it is there! It got 1o THOUSAND times worse. Just never go without med for it and you are ok. I didn't take mine yesterday, after our discussion and paid for it at bedtime....ugh....
  13. Boo Boo Kitty


    Hello all. I was invited to this thread by Faith. I see the topic of the time is waxing. I am not brave enough for anyone to see me down there...rotfl....
  14. Boo Boo Kitty

    Spouse not supporting the new you?

    Actually I think it has gotten worse, I never even thouoght about that! He is just so disconnected. I hate it.
  15. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Brandi Girl you are freaking ROCKING! You should be proud as hell, no matter if the scale is being rude or not. You are working your butt off, it will pay off!
  16. Boo Boo Kitty

    Post Nasal Drip after Banding ?

    Glad to help! One thing if you do forget to take it, you might not even actually know until you get sick. My Dr told me it is because the pouch is so small when you eat, the product of the drip has to come out some way, and it will be your mouth....gag.!!! Had they told me that before I had surgery I would have never gone without meds for it!
  17. Boo Boo Kitty


    Congratulations to you girl!!! ANd hey, if it was a NICE car and he looked hot why not??? Just kidding I am married...lol....
  18. Boo Boo Kitty

    My doctor is putting on phentermine

    I used it too and thought I was in heaven. No cravings, never wanted to eat ect. But then, I became contantly shaking, blurred vison. I couldn't sleep at all so I had to start taking pills to sleep. I became addicted to them and when the Dr tried to pull me off, I got ugly. Use with extreme caution, because as one said everyone is different. I did loose a lot of weight that came right back after I quit it....
  19. Boo Boo Kitty

    Post Nasal Drip after Banding ?

    I have a huge problem with this, but the drip goes right down into my tummy. I have to have Zyrtec and Benedryl at night. It helps A LOT! If I don't take it I am constantly throwing up. Even with the big hassle, it is still worth it to get the band and deal with the problem. Just make sure you have a good medication to avoid the draining into your stomach. Trust me on that! Good Luck!
  20. WOW! Thank goodness you had an angel on your steering wheel! Glad to hear you are ok, sorry about the moose.
  21. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    WTH....rotfl.....omg....Brandi! :eek: I was laughing so hard I cried. What a great PSA! I am glad that ALL Brandi's even those with an i instead of a y are crazy! lol....my DH was thinking of doing it, and since all we do is fight, I am thinking it would be a great idea for him. Mean, bitch aren't I? lol.... I had a truly awsome day yesterday. I went swimsuit shopping because I have to have one for Cedar Point. Anyhow, I went to Fashion Bug, I was truly upset because they had nothing in my size, well....the girl comes over to me and asked me if I need help. I was upset and told her there was nothing in this store in my size. Without even asking what size I was she said "That is because you are on the wrong side" YEAH!!! So she walked me over to the other side. I have never been there before....lol....I got a suit and a LARGE shirt...a freaking LARGE!!!!!!!!!!!! NO more 4X!!! EVER EVER EVER again! Happ belated birthday BK! I am glad you had a good day!
  22. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hey girls Just checking in on all of you! Finals are over for me so I have a few months to relax again....ahh....no more stress eating yeah! I chopped all of my hair off yesterday, maybe a mid goal crisis?? lol...but I am loving it still on day 2 which is a plus for me! I will try to post a picture! How are all of you doing? Maud--glad to hear you have made a recommittment. You can do this girl, we all can! Brandi--next girl next door eh? Are you sure old Heff can handle a hottie like you? A no, stay red. Red is where it is at! lol... Nat--so glad to hear you are feeling so good You deserve it! Hugs to all! I will be back more now, I promise! BTW, chapter 4 done in the book!
  23. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Nikki--thanks, congrats to you on your weight loss! Sweet---HAPPY BIRTHDAY to yoU!!!!!!!!!!!! YEAH!!!!!!!! :kiss2::clap2::kiss2::clap2: I agree though, your doctor sounds nuts. NAt--sounds you are rocking it girl! Keep up the great work! Beavers--Congrats on the life change, and good luck. I am sorry he wasn't your knight in shining armour but I don't think you need anyone to save you either! Va--I hear ya hon, the problem is it is so damn easy to drink the calories along with the fun they bring! lol....good luck! Steph--How are yoiu doing?
  24. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hey girls! What is up to all my HOT ladies? I am doing better. Things are going well. Had a scare for a bit, thought the band was leaking turns out PA can't count cc's....lol... Looks like you all are still rockin'! Great to hear it! Nat --you can do the gym girl! I belong to Planet Fitness. It rocks. It is open 24/7 so I get up at 4 am (Yes 4 freaking am) to go workout there. Bonus I can tan there too so I am not so damn white. Do you have one there? It rocks there let me tell you!! Brandi--if you are only a crazy b*tch for 4-6 days I am jelous! lol....I am a b*tch the week before adn during. My DH calls me the Raggin' Dragon. (Yes he is an ass...lol) I am back to the book, thanks for asking! I had to take a break because I was on emotional overload. For my thesis @ school I am going to do it on the Sociological impact of WLS. You all will help me, right? And Claud---I agree you are gorgeous Diva! I am down now well over 100 after loosing what I gained back during the "possibly leaking" dybacle....lol... feels good!
  25. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hey girls, Just wanted to pop in and say hello. Sorry I am not here at all... I miss all of you! BUT radiation tires me out so much. Soon I will find out it the pre cancer cells are bye bye! YEAH! :star: How is everyone doing? Keeping up all the great work?? Hugs, I will be back more I promise!

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