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Boo Boo Kitty

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Boo Boo Kitty

  1. Boo Boo Kitty

    What am I doing wrong?!?

    I agree it is WAY too soon ot be declaring a failure. I didn't loose that much my first month, and I am not a looser! You are building the tools to give you a new life, they don't happen overnight. You are doing great! Keep up the good work! 12 pounds a month for 1 year = 144 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!! See not bad at all girl, keep it up!
  2. Boo Boo Kitty


    Hi, welcome to the board! There are lots of people that may have problems with their band, but you have to remember everyone is different. There is a complications thread, that may be a good place for you to start looking. Just remember eveyone is different, so don't get scared if you are looking for bad! lol... MY side effect---I having a hard time keep myself in clothes, I fall out of them so fast! :confused:
  3. Boo Boo Kitty

    Is lapband for me?

    That is what concerned me as well. But I think if you are REALLY ready you can do it, but I think you need to change your relationship with food. You may want to start that with therapy. It can set your mind in the place it needs to be. Good luck in whatever you choose. I think ultimately you have to decide if you are ready for the band.
  4. Boo Boo Kitty

    sweet spot

    For me, the sweet spot has been elusive.......lol.. But I am doing great loosing so I guess I shouldn't complain. I have had 9 fills/unfills total and that makes me almost at goal now. I think that the sweet spot is different for each person, but I am ta 3.75 now and can say I never found it. lol...or may be I did and I missed it??
  5. Boo Boo Kitty

    Calling Chickie....

    Let me be the first to second the call out! lol...you deserve it girl!!
  6. Boo Boo Kitty

    This is a big, hairy whine!

    I went on that food tour as well. I actually gained liek 11 before the pre op and lost it....lol....but hey whatever I am sure neither of us will ever do that again! And, no I don't honestly think they will turn you away for not loosing enough. It would be nuts. If you could loose that kind of weight on your own in that amount of time you wouldn't need the band, let's be honest!
  7. Boo Boo Kitty

    Who would you rather marry?

    lol this is how I feel and I am NOT kidding....swearing off men all together. Sorry guys!
  8. For me how much depends on alot of things. How long I ahve had the fill is the biggest 1. If it is a new fill or refill to previsou point I have to be more caerful, and can pb more easily. If I am on my period, I can expect it more, alot of ladies will tell you that aroudn that time their band is tighter. AND if it is raining, which causes my allergies to be bad, I will pb alot that day. FOR me it is not violent, just gross slime that has to come out. I know the warnings signs of when it will happen and if I am paying attention I can avoid it.
  9. Boo Boo Kitty

    ABC - September 2007 chat

    Robin congratulations to you as well! Is your insurance covering yours? That has been my big challenge, finding someone to help. No I can not believe that I am here, if you told me a year ago I would be here I would have laughed my a$$ off. I am basically only a few pounds from my goal if you don't count the weight of the skin. I can not wait!
  10. If you go past that point you are decribing you could PB. I pb when I get something stuck, or when I have an onset of my nasal drainage, or if I eat too fast. Sometimes I just get it, and not sure why, but generally I know it is my fault. It can be avoided for the most part, listen to your body!
  11. Boo Boo Kitty

    *sigh* I guess I need to do some whinning.

    UM, NOOOO do not do self pay! I had this problem, and you know what I did I found another Dr. You should as well! Evne if you did do self pay and kept that Dr they would not be supportive of you anyway, so find someone who will help you! Good luck, No self pay!!
  12. Boo Boo Kitty


    Welcome to the forum! I would never ever give up my band. :confused: Feel free to ask away! I am almost at goal, and getting ready to schedual a tummy tuck and breast lift.
  13. Boo Boo Kitty

    Who have you had enough of ??

    OMG, SO happy to have found this thread... I have had enough of stupid people. I have had enough of people that think they are just always right. I have had enough of the ole' man I married. UGH.....
  14. Boo Boo Kitty

    HELP! Song question from 80's to early 90's...

    Is it that Du du duh, "I am sitting on the inside on someone who'se looking in.." du du du du dat da.... ugh now it is stuck....
  15. Boo Boo Kitty

    ABC - September 2007 chat

    YEAH!! I am so close to goal I can taste it...lol... I am checking now for plastic surgeons for a tummy tuck and breast lift.
  16. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    My christmas goal is to be all done! lol...tummy tuck and breasts included.
  17. Boo Boo Kitty

    Attn: Catholics - Communion

    So, this was not sarcastic? I had no problem telling her my experience and told her she should ask her Dr. You told her there was no problem. This is my problem with what you have done. I am sorry if you feel I am being sarcastic, and yes your comment here set me off. Your sarcastic and downright RUDE comment made me defensive. I have simply pointed out you can and should give your experience but not pass it off as gospel as you are doing. Sorry if you don't like the truth. I do not mean to be rude, but I am intolerant to those who think they are always right. I have never attacked anyone unless prevoked. Your sarcasm breeds mine, and for that matter others.
  18. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Brandi--lol..I am sorry but you could see the good thing is that you grew, right??? lol...I am so sorry hun! lol... You will make goal by then, so don't worry. We all know you can make it! Steph--great job girl! Keep it up, those damn oreos didn't hurt you! lol..
  19. Boo Boo Kitty

    Big Brother 8...anyone?

    OK, here is the run down from me...lol... Dani is the girl in school who wants everyone to like her but goes around your back and talks about you, you know the popular bitch... Dick is the school bully. Beats the crap out of everyone, runs the playground, but really a big baby. Zach is the smart kid who just played dumb and now is a threat, the one you would never suspect as throwing off the curve.... Jameka is the sweet, sensitive one who can turn if pushed, but very true self I believe. SO Dick got made because someone called him out on the playground and now he needs to do more than act tough!
  20. Boo Boo Kitty

    Attn: Catholics - Communion

    How did yu know what she could or could not do?? YOu assumed. Assumptions are dangerous. I am glad that she has made her decision, but I will not back down from the fact that you gave out wrong information. I am asking you to be considerate and understand that not everyone willmake wise decisions from reading this board.
  21. Boo Boo Kitty

    Attn: Catholics - Communion

    Gosh, this sounds like you ARE telling her what to do, OR am I rading wrong? No I am NOT nit picking anything. I think 100% what yoiu did was WRONG, as I said it is ok to tell someone YOUR experience but to tell thtem they are NOT GOING to have problems is 100% wrong. I am not nit picking, and anyone that knows me on this thread, and MANY MANY do will tell you that when I tell anyone anything I tell them what MY experiece has been, but they need to check things out for themselves!! FOR ME, that is part pf being a responsible human being! I would hate to be handing out random adive without being a licensed professional andf telling them they will be ok WHEN I AM NOT THEM, nor DO I HAVE THEIR body! CALL it nit picking, call it whatever you want I call it being responsible, and I think may many would agree with me. I have been on this board liong enough to know that not everyone is the same as you so imply whether you agree that you said it or not!!
  22. Boo Boo Kitty

    Attn: Catholics - Communion

    Good for you that you have never PB'd or choiked on your saliva. My problem is that you are handing out advice that is not for you to do. You can tell someone about your experience, but to blanket and say you are alike is just plain crazy.
  23. I thought I was the only one! lol... I keep protien bars in the car!
  24. Boo Boo Kitty

    Attn: Catholics - Communion

    Oh, I am sorry I didn't know YOUR wafer was different than my dissovable wafer, for me the wafer itself caused my mouth to salivate and caused an instant pb. BUT of course I didn't know YOURS was different! Yes, I am being sarcastic.....
  25. I agree with Sue. Until you have the band you can't judge how someone feels. When you have lost restriction it can become VERY frustrating, it is a tool but is also a tool that needs to work, if you have no restriction then the tool may not be working! I found your comment to be rude and offensive as well.

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