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Boo Boo Kitty

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Boo Boo Kitty

  1. Boo Boo Kitty

    New York Times article about WLS

    This was the most riduculas thing I have ever read. I have been searching to find an address to write him. Anyone have any ideas?
  2. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    HELLO my ladies!! I have missed you all so much! Ok, Claud it was a pleasure hanging out with you, no matter what! I enjoyed the tour, San Diego is gorgeous! I can't wait to do it again with you! :car: I had a great freaking time, and I don't even know where to start! lol...first I want to show you all me at the Awards banquet... Ok here is the fun stuff...I met and hung out with Freddie Ravel!! NO JOKE! He is an awsome singer/pianist/Latin Artist. He just rocked! Then I got to meet Jack Canfield, you know motivational speaker/billionaire/Chick Soup for the Soul author! BUT wait girls, he is going to help me with the book! NO JOKE! He told me to email him and he will help me find the steps to get the book rolling! BUT he was not the only one who wants to help me with the book. I am going to write and article that may be published on Entreprenuer.com!! AND I met another publisher who wants to talk to me about the book! I am on cloud nine!! WOO HOOO!! I had a freakig blast. I went out everynight. I got about 5 hours TOTAL of sleep the whole time I was there. GOd bless concealor and coffee. lol...I had so much fun. Claud--went to a Salsa bar had the time of my life! I loved it! I drank way way way to much, I even got on the plane today drunk, no joke! lol... I lost 4 pounds though!! WTF?? lol... NONE of my friends knew who I was, it was great. Everyone was talking about me, I felt like the Belle of the Ball truly. I would walk into a room of 800 and stand out! I am just so happy! I feel like this trip was life changing for me! Oprah, I will be seeing you soon!
  3. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hey my girls! Just a quick post I am running around trying to pack for the trip! I will post pics of Claud and I getting into trouble when I see her! Love to all! ==
  4. Boo Boo Kitty

    Random Off Color Comments!

    Ok, I am really pissed today. I colored my hair red. Well I went to a class today and after the class the teacher made a totally random off color comment that not only creeps me out, it pisses me off... He told me that I have becoming "Jessica Rabbit" for him and the red hair topped it off... WTF??? I asked if that was good, he smiled and said "yes"....I didn't say anything and just left class. ok I am totally creeped out, and now I am in the positiom where I want to call him out on it. BUT I have about 4 weeks left in class plus finals. Do I call him out on it or let it slide for now? I am 99% sure he is hitting on me. But maybe not. Am I overreacting?
  5. Boo Boo Kitty

    Random Off Color Comments!

    It was creepy, not joking. He emphasized "my" when he said it, like I was his personal toy or eye candy almost. Made me very uncomfortable, I felt like I should have been dancing on the tables for that kind of attention!
  6. Boo Boo Kitty

    Do You? You know use that word!

    Green-- I agree that we being white can never know the effects of racism truly, but I truly believe that is not an excuse to contribute to it. I think making a snap judgement based on skin color is wrong. Making a judgement on the person's speech or how they carry themselves is not wrong. I am the granddaughter of a Plosh Jew, and the Great Grand daughter of a Concentration Camp survivor. I did not have to live that like my GG to have it affect me. She taught me many things, the biggest that hatred and words can become much more.
  7. Boo Boo Kitty

    Damn bitch scale....

  8. Boo Boo Kitty

    Shapewear! Anybody used these?

    I have these Josette, I swear by them. You know now I have a ton of tummy skin, I would never ever in a million years wear a dress without them. I think I have 12 all together! I have every style there is, the long, the short, ect. I love them!
  9. Boo Boo Kitty

    Oh god.

    Man Lauren! Good luck to you! I will stop complaining about my exams coming up, they look like a piece of cake now!
  10. Boo Boo Kitty

    Do You? You know use that word!

    Respect for others as human beings should never be earned. I disagree with how someone speaks should be a basis for whether I respect them or not. Whether I like them may be another story, but respect is always given. How can I expect someone to act respectful of me if I am not giving it to them? I would never use the N word, nor do I hold company with those who do. It is a form of abuse and punishment, plain and simple. I don't want to be called a Whore or something like that based on the way I look so why in God's name would I ever call someone a name with racist connotations attached?
  11. Boo Boo Kitty

    I am miserable!

    I have had bad experiences with fills until we figured out my body can only handle .25 ccs at a time and not the typical .50ccs. I would be misreable. BUT also remember that some is due to sweeling. After a fill I was told to go back on 3 days liquid, progress to mushies ect. It helped me! Good luck, if you have that much pain maybe you need a slight unfill.
  12. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Transformer--lol...should you be disturbed, nah! lol...I for one love the 80s. As long as they aren't hypercolor suits you have no worries! lol...You couod sell them to a vintage shop if you aren't going to wear them! That is where I buy alot of my clothes now. Sorry to hear about your DS,that sucks! Nat--what a beautiul comment from your Dad! He sounds so proud of you! You deserve it sweetie with all your hard work! Sweet--wooo hoooo a Medium!! You beat me there! I have a few medium tops but my boobs are a bit big! Congratulations to you! :eek: Nikki--who cares what anyone else thinks...lol...screw em if they don't like it! Claud--see you tommorow! WOO HOO!! Steph--congrats on the 12 sweetie! Great job! I hope she uses you as an inspiration to get surgery! Love to all! Hugs
  13. Boo Boo Kitty

    Random Off Color Comments!

    That is what worries me, I just want to get out of his class and be done. I wrote down word for word what was said. I am pulling a 4.0 in the class and printed out the grade report as of last night. I think the thing that bothers me most is he is my teacher. I want to make sure this doesn't affect me in class. I am going to ignore it unless he says something again. I pray I don't have to go to office hours or anything! Thanks guys!
  14. Boo Boo Kitty

    Can you start over?

    Vicki I have not had to start over with the band. I believe whole heartedly it can be done! I think you just need to recommitt to yourself, not your band. You need to frame your mind that you can do this, and you can! Best of wishes to you! You can absolutely do this!
  15. Boo Boo Kitty

    TheGh0st's Extended Tummy Tuck w/Lipo

    Wooo hoo Diane! Look at you girl! You look awsome!
  16. Boo Boo Kitty

    Damn bitch scale....

    I agree completely, I ran mine over in a truck!
  17. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Brandi--Yummy yummy marine again eh? Good for you! If he was not haning around the hoochie mamas that wait to snag a military man you've got a good one! I spent 5 years as a military wife and have seen it all! If he can resist those whores (yes, they really are) you may have a keeper! Those women throw themselves at them and tell them that they are open to anything and don't want a relationship. I have fought off my fair share of them and seen DH's friends fall in bed with them! So good for you on finding a good one! And of course you in that outfit, good lord girl! Rock it you hottie! Transformer--lol...1988 is coming back in style! I like the email...I watched Sicko this weekend, you all need to see it! Sweet--I am soo sorry! lol..I couldn't help myself. I have never been an 8 in my adult life! You will lbe here with me soon! Steph--no I have not seen that commecial, thank god. lol...unless you drip a hottie in it...lol I have no interest, and even then I only want the eye candy! lol... Claud--I will pm you my flight details later sister!
  18. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hey Ladies! I had my best friend color my hair! She did an awsome job! I am now even more red headed than I am naturally! lol... What do you all think?
  19. Boo Boo Kitty

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Are we talking the fish or the band? I eat about 1/2 cup to 1 cup of food and do great, everyone is different. BUT if we are talking the fish...lol..yeah too much food!
  20. Boo Boo Kitty

    I made it!!!

    Doing the Happy Dance...yeah yeah yeah baby! Congratulations to you!
  21. I use the USDA site to track calories. It also breaks down all nutrient requirements such as protien, Vitamins ect. You can also do exercise. It is free. USDA - CNPP - MyPyramid Tracker
  22. Boo Boo Kitty

    Tall bandsters

    Brandy you may be surprised that you may go past your goal size. I have now and I got some fill out, but to my surprise I have actually made a lifestyle change and keep loosing!
  23. Boo Boo Kitty

    So who would you like to meet?

    lol...Where was your trip to? I leave on a business trip this week. I can't wait. But I hate to fly. UGH...I will be taking my friend Jack Daniels with me or I won't make it on the plane!
  24. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Baby--hey sweetie! Congrats to you girl! I am not a December bandster, I am thread crasher...lol.... Brandi--where do you plan go get 20 pounds from? You are a freaking 4!! I went on a shopping spree for San Diego, I have way too many clothes and shoes now! lol...BUT I got a killer suit girls in guess what size....an freaking 8!!!!! I Have never been an 8 in my adult life!! Kay---bring us back some money from Vegas, no strippers though...lol... Sweet--being snowing here, but it is Natalie's fautl...lol.. Claud--Call me when you get out, I am going to PM my flight details to you later. I don't have a passport but I do have a license. Hugs to all
  25. Boo Boo Kitty

    Hello Everyone

    Welcome Heather! I have 2 girls and honestly I did this for them. They hated having a fat mommy and me not being able to go out with them. The surgeryhas paid off big time! I am very happy. Good luck to you!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
