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Boo Boo Kitty

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Boo Boo Kitty

  1. Boo Boo Kitty

    OMG, I am sick of this....

    NOT rid of entirely, I am still going to be a small D, large C or so. Maybe a full D. They are going to take out 500 ccs. It sucks because I am so freaking tiny now I coud wear a small without them in the way, plus my back kills me 24/7!
  2. Boo Boo Kitty

    TheGh0st's Extended Tummy Tuck w/Lipo

    Mine told me that was only necessary if you throw up alot. I don't think I will, but then again who knows with me. I am as nutty as a fruitcake...lol..
  3. Boo Boo Kitty

    PS Over spring break, can it be done???

    Yeah, I have thought about this more and more. I am not going to do it. I am getting a TT and a breast reduction. Last thing I want is to sit in class with drains. I just don't want to take a semester off and I take summer classes, but I am going to do it so I can get it done. It was supposed to be over xmas break but thanks to incompitence it didn't happen. I shouldn't push myself to get it done and be sorry later I think! Thanks Julie! You are a rock star, I don't think I am at your level! :eek:
  4. Hey I want the opioin of all those who have goneunder the knife already. After fighting on the phone I just got a call back from the U of M to schedual surgery. HOW LONG is recovery time REALLY?? They are telling me I would be off school for 4 weeks. I do drive there but there is no lifting, ect. Can I go back if I did on spring break? So we are talking having it and going back in a 1 1/2 weeks or so?? Can it be done? How soon were you back to work? Can I stadn sitting for 3-4 hours a day that soon? Thanks guys, I need responses! She is going to call me back today!! WOO HOOO!! THANKS Luv to you all!
  5. Boo Boo Kitty

    OMG, I am sick of this....

    Well guys just since this morning I have recieved 4 calls TODAY from the Dr's office. The manager apoligized profusely and said she will do whatever it takes to get me schedualed. She has no excuse or reason why. After all I saw the PS guy in September of LAST YEAR! She has no reason why I didn't get surgery in December. But what really upsets me is now as of Jan 1st my deductable is back up to $3k. If I had surgery in December I would have been responsible for about $500...BIG BIG difference! I will keep you all posted, looks like they are going to work hard to get me schedualed. I really want this guy. He specializes in WLS paitents and he is one of the top in the nation for transgendered ops. Sounds strange but if he can make a guy look good I should be smokin'...lol.. Green, you mean to tell me *I* have a face?? I was clueless. I thought my eyes were on my nipples....lol.... I don't know what I will do when I have eye contact. Man that scares me! lol... Transformer--in the end I know it will be worth it, keep that in mind. I just want to kick some butt right now....ugh....
  6. Boo Boo Kitty

    OMG, I am sick of this....

    I just let a message at the U of M where I am getting surgery. They refused to let me speak to the office manager. Then they offered to get me a new Dr. WTF?? I want my Dr. I told her that I don't believe Danielle is doing her job so why do I want a new Dr. After arguing she agreed to have the office manager call me when she "gets in". UGH... Wheestin I can't even find a sports bra in my size now. I am 34FFF. It sucks. I am going to get this PS done! UGH.. I am looking around today for new PS....
  7. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Nikki--our band baby will be a wee smaller---he will be 7 lbs 13 oz. :rofl: What does the Dr say about you not gaining? Could it be your just using up stored fat? Jill--congrats on yhe 7"!!! That is great! WOOO HOOO!!! I think this ia really NOT about the scales! I think bigger battles are won in the dressing room! Keep it up! I am very doped up today. I missed one class today already. I just don't know if I can go later. I took more pain meds and it is not like I can drive on those! Oh well, first week is easy anyways!
  8. Boo Boo Kitty

    OK when is enough, enough??

    I have been buying clothes (needed, at first) on a frenzy lately. I don't know why but I have been buying up clothes like there is no tommorow. My closet has now creeped into my DH's. I took over more than half. SO when do we have enough clothes? What do we really need in a closet to make our wardrobe work? I must be missing something because I have too much and still feel I have nothing to wear...why?? What are the closet essentials?
  9. Boo Boo Kitty

    Popcorn Question....

    I am one that gets stuck just on about everything, but popcorn. I only eat a few handfuls, but I love it!
  10. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady losers ;-)

    Hello my lovely ladies! I am feeling like shit right now. I just took a vicadin so excuse me if I get stupid....I do that on drugs. Anyhooo.....I was waiting to see if ya'll were gonna notice WHO is at goal?? lol...I am there girls! I feel so freaking awsome. I never in my lfe thought I would be here. I thought my goal weight was a joke! Makes me want my PS even more, someone help me kick the schedualing chick in the ass. I am tired of waiting. Back to school today, Kay I am so jealous of you! OH well, someday I will make big $$ and this will all be worth it. Mommy dearest had an "intervention" with me on the phone today as she called it. She said that I am too skinny and now becoming anorexic. She said she was going to talk to my Dr about taking my fill out. I am not f*ing kidding. MY MOMMY SUCKS! Ugh, but I can't let her get to me, I have too much going on that is good! Claud--Have a great time sweetie! Miss you! CALL ME sometime chica. Your snowflake misses you! ROTFL.....yeah, Claud called me snowflake at the bar....lol.... Kay--congrats to you sweetie on being done with school! YOU ROCK sister! Sweet--rock on baby girl! Love you all, I am starting to feel very good..... BTW I have an ultrasound and a Cat Scan on Wednesday! I will keep you all updated. Hugs!! Your adopted sister!
  11. Boo Boo Kitty

    OK when is enough, enough??

    Well I wanted to update all of you on this! I took alot of what everyone said to heart and did some work. Jack made me realize that it can be a problem and mine was. BUT my clothes habit wasn't just mine, it also had become my children's and my husbands. SO I spent the weekend clearing the monkey off my back. First I did organize my closet with categories as someone suggested here. While doing that I realized alot of my clothes no longer fit, but for some reason I was attached to them. So those clothes are now on Ebay. I had to let them go as I am never going to be a 2x or even an xl again! Then I did the same with my kids and DH. I also went through the mountain of dirty clothes. I got rid of anything that didn't fit the girls or that was just plain ugly...(thanks to my MIL who buys those) You will all be proud to hear, I am taking 10 bags to Goodwill, 4 into the trash plus the Ebay clothes. I do feel actually ALOT better! From now on instead of just buying clothes I am going to think about how they will fit into my wardrobe! I am sick of too much that isn't matching. I am going to learn to shop with a purpose! THANKS to all of you!
  12. Boo Boo Kitty

    Being banded 29th Jan and I might cancel :(

    I agree that you should not let your family dictate YOUR life. However the doubts you are having may be more about how you feel. Do you think YOU are ready or is your family giving you an easy out not to have surgery? Surgery was the best thing I ever did for myself, ever. I can tell you it is NOT THE EASY WAY OUT. If it is, than I took the wrong road. It is not easy, worth it but NOT EASY! If you want this, no matter what anyone else says you should do it!
  13. Boo Boo Kitty

    I did it! I DID IT! I did it!!

    Yes I will share them, at least MOST of them!
  14. Boo Boo Kitty

    I love u guys......

    Awwww I am sorry! Welcome to LBT and best wishes to you!
  15. Boo Boo Kitty

    I did it! I DID IT! I did it!!

    Yes, I will be having PS on my tummy and a breast reduction. I am still a FFF after loosing a ton! I am waiting on a date! I have treated myself to LOTS and LOTS and LOTS of new clothes...lol.. I do have a bad habit now. Thanks again to all!
  16. Boo Boo Kitty

    ABC - December 2007 chat

    lol...nope ABC stands for August Band Crew! :eek: I don't know why it is taking you here. You are more than welcome to stay but we have been banded for awhile!
  17. Boo Boo Kitty

    I did it! I DID IT! I did it!!

    I only eat 1/2 cup no matter what it is! :eek: I drink a ton of water as well. I do Crystal Light as well, or unsweet tea. That is key for me to not snack.
  18. Boo Boo Kitty

    I think I'm too fat for my first fill....

    I agree you should be fine. I got my first fill at over 299. I would be concerned if the Dr couldn't do it about his competence. Good Luck!
  19. Boo Boo Kitty

    I did it! I DID IT! I did it!!

    I thank all of you again. For those last 35 just get back to the basics! Protien shakes for morning, exercise hard and never eat more than 1/2 cup in one sitting. I measure my food out most of the time, even though I can eyeball it now. If I am eating and I am still hungry after 1/2 cup I stop. I have found that most usually I have just eaten too fast and it will pass in a few moments! Actually that works for anyone! JUST stick to it, platues will pass if you keep working out! I have been there. My last 35 or so took the longest.
  20. Boo Boo Kitty

    I did it! I DID IT! I did it!!

    Thanks everyone! Georgia--I also do 1/2 hour of weights. I switch that between legs and upper body. That has given me my killer legs, now if it could just work on the arms! :confused: I basically stay with the bike or treadmill. I once and awhile do the stairstepper, but not my favorite. Elipitcal usually once a week.
  21. Boo Boo Kitty

    OK when is enough, enough??

  22. Boo Boo Kitty

    I did it! I DID IT! I did it!!

    I started at 320, now 169.5 I am 6"
  23. Boo Boo Kitty

    I did it! I DID IT! I did it!!

    I had surgery on August 1,2006. On the 2nd I was already at goal this year. SO about 16 months.
  24. Boo Boo Kitty

    I did it! I DID IT! I did it!!

    I got another fill, evne though everyone else thought I didn't need it and changed the workout from bike to treadmill.
  25. Boo Boo Kitty


    Thanks Wasa. I hope he is doing better!!

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