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Boo Boo Kitty

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Boo Boo Kitty

  1. Boo Boo Kitty

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    5.25.08 19 days post op Hey all, I updated some before pics on make me heal.com. BUT I wanted to share this pic my DH took of me today! I think it is, no I actually KNOW it is the first time I saw my waist! HOLY SH*T! I am so happy today! It is tiny. All else, I can be pissed about my boobs but my waist is more than I ever imagined! And sorry for the hair and lack of make up. I am not too proud to admit I am one of those girls who needs those things! lol... As for the pneumonia it is all gone! I am feeling better everyday. Saturday went to the zoo with the girls and was able to walk the entire time! I was happy. Today I am wiped, but that is ok! As for my port, it does seem to be going down. But it still hurts me everytime I move. I am sure I will have to have a surgery to move it. It still sticks out, but not as much. I am going to the band Dr a few days before I go back to the PS. I have no idea why the PS is so against me going there, but I personally don't care either. Long run, it is MY BODY not his!
  2. I personally love Herbalife shakes. They have a huge variety, but they taste awsome. I love the chocolate and the Cafe Latte. Tastes just like a Starbucks! YUMMY!
  3. Boo Boo Kitty


    I agree. All I am saying is there is a HUGE HUGE difference in spanking once in awhile and abuse. They are not the same thing. I commend those who can raise children with never having to spank, but why try to be idealistic and say what works for one child works for another?
  4. Boo Boo Kitty

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    I thought I did a good job, he changed his mind in the operatiing room. BASTARD! :biggrin:
  5. Boo Boo Kitty


    I think there a reasons to spank and reasons to not. I spanked my daughter when she was 5 or so when she refused to stop running in the street. I had done time outs, talking to her, locking the doors, you name it--everything. Finally when she nearly caused an accident I spanked her. She had put her life in danger as well as others. I can tell you that she never did it again. There was no other choice. I think it is easy to judge others without being in their shoes. As for Dr. Phil, I think he PHD should be revoked. Sorry, he is full of it.
  6. Boo Boo Kitty


    I feel there is CLEARLY a difference between spanking and child abuse. To think they are the same thing is ridiculus! I can say I have only spanked my daughters who are 9 & 7 less times than their ages, but the times I have had have not been child abuse. It was a last resort and makes the point clear.
  7. Boo Boo Kitty

    100 lbs! You did it! Now tell me how.....

    I have lost over 160 now. I was banded 8.01.06. This is what I did..... I ate between 800-1300 calories a day. I work out 1.5 hours a day. I do both cardio and weights. I eat godo choices. I look at the calories of EVERYTHING I eat, nothing goes in my body unless I know how much it is! I track all of my exercise, and food intake on a free website http://www.mypyramidtracker.gov/ I think the most thing that it took was changing my mind. I decided I no longer wanted to be fat and took it to heart. You have to change your mind before you can change the body!
  8. Boo Boo Kitty

    I am really struggling

    80's chick, I am sorry to hear you are having such trouble, but first off there is NO REASON to count yourself down now. You haven't been banded long enough to call yourself a failure chick! You need to understand that being depressed is going to make your food choices harder. The #1 thing you need to do is to take temptation away from you as much as possible. Clean out your house, and try to get your head straight. You can do this, you got banded for a reason. Everytime you want to make a bad food choice REMEMBER THAT REASON! Read every label, of everything you put into your mouth. It is a good way to stop yourself, trust me! We all get into that beat myself up mode, but don't let yourself stay in it. It sucks and you will hurt yourself more. Love yourself more than food, you are worth it! Hugs, you can do this! :cursing:
  9. Boo Boo Kitty


    I think it depends on how you feel. My DH couldn't wait, but he had to for about 10 days...lol...and for me that was a bit too soon!
  10. Boo Boo Kitty

    It's Kats turn!!!!

    Hey Kat! Keep sleeping and rest lots sweetie! I am so glad Rick is waking you for the breathing! That is where I failed 100%! Speedy recovery hun!
  11. Boo Boo Kitty

    FINALLY-A New Grey's Anatomy

    Tourture is an understatement! I miss it already. Does anyone else watch Private Practice? Is it gonna come back?? :cursing::drool:
  12. Boo Boo Kitty

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Peanut butter is my favorite food, I eat it everyday in my protien shake...yummy! check out www.ilovepeanutbutter.com They have pb that should be illegal! SOOOOO good! :cursing:
  13. Well I have successfully taken off 162 pounds now, and I thought that was the hard part. That unfortunately has been far from true.I am more terrified now of my weight than I ever have been. Food and exercise controls my thoughts, my sleeping moments (which have become rare) and my waking moments. Why is the battle of the brain in weight loss harder than the battle of the buldge? No matter what anyone says to me, I see the old me. The lady with the "good personality" that everyone liked and no one respected. I was fat and disgusting....I am coming to the point where I feel no different now. Why has my head not changed with my body? It seems the battle with weight, no matter where you are at is never an easy one. Loosing weight challenges your body, but sometimes leaves your mind in the aftermath. I am not connected to who I am, I stay connected to who I once was, and it is a very lonely place to be. I wish I could see me, but I don’t. I don’t know who I see anymore.
  14. Boo Boo Kitty

    weightloss = affair ??

    WOW! I think this is EXACTLY on the money. I am here now. My DH doesn't think I want him anymore nor that I deserve him. (He is fat now). It can put a huge strain on the relationship. While I haven't cheated it is damn hard to hear about it 24.7 how I am going to do it.
  15. Boo Boo Kitty

    FINALLY-A New Grey's Anatomy

    I just watched the last episode. I Tivoed it... ANYHOW...Seriously? REALLY?? I can not believe they ended the show like that! My damn DH is saying McDreamy is going to die in a car accident or something. I am going to kill him now! HOW COULD THEY DO THAT??? :cool2:
  16. Boo Boo Kitty

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    He choose in surgery to not do the horizontal cut all the way across the bottom of the breasts. By not doing it he changed the stitch on the verticle cuts across to tighter and more pursed together. His thinking was that it would save me a huge scar on each breast and make them better. It didn't work, I didn't see it at first but they are now dropping and not what I had hoped for at all. And I don't want to go through that again. So sorry all I didn't mean to hijack this thread! lol...
  17. Boo Boo Kitty

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    Tara I agree, I LOVED NBOTB, when I was young. I went to 27 concerts and met them several times. That being said I do not want to see them now and ruin all the great memories I have when I was young. They were teen heart throbs for a reason. No one wants to see that resurected, makes me want to cry. I think some like Aerosmith, Rolling Stones, ect can do it because they never really left. They have been involved in music the entire time, they are trying to bring back a dead career!
  18. Boo Boo Kitty

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    Hey Denise I had my PS on the 6th. He wants to talk about revision ALREADY! He says he made the wrong choice on my breasts, and they moved my port. It now sticks out 1-2 inches out where my diaphram is, looks disgusting! It hurts like hell too.
  19. Boo Boo Kitty

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    Hey all! I am doing better now, the pneumonia is almost gone (fingers crossed). How are you all doing? Anything new going on? Anyone else heard the NKOTB thing?? Seriously touring again? I think some things should just stay gone! lol...I loved them, but they need to stay in my mind...
  20. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady Losers 4ever!

    Jill! Congrats to you sweetie!! WOO HOO!! Girls are so much fun! SO happy for you! Where is everyone else??
  21. Hi Sidd Sorry you are having such a bad time! I had a horrible time with fills. I am what my Dr called "hypersensitive" to fills. I was only able to tolerate .10-.25ccs at a time in my 4 cc band. Anymore than .25ccs always always caused problems for me. It took a few fills to figure it out as well. But since it is your first fill the HB concerns me. If I were you I would call the Dr and see what they think. They may tell you to wait it out a few days because of the swelling or they may want to take some out. Not everyone can tolerate fills much, I am one of them. It took 9 fills and unfills for me to get to my sweet spot, and I have the small band! SO for me fills were a pain! (Worth it but a pain!)
  22. Boo Boo Kitty

    Band Removed Yesterday

    Sondra I am sorry to hear you have had so much horrible trouble! I am glad to hear you have a good Dr now. I hope he continues good care! Good luck to you on your road for recovery!
  23. Boo Boo Kitty

    living with the lap band

    Hello all newbies! Samantha--how you are feeling is all normal. I felt overall yuck for several weeks after my banding, it will pass. Your tummy is still swollen alot from surgery so being filled up by liquids is to be expected. Take Mylanta strips for the gas, it really helped me. There are lots of things to expect as you go along, but the easiest way to deal with them is step by step. If you are on just liquids right now as you progress to soft foods that full feeling becomes more. You will be amazed the amount you don't eat now. Once you get your first fill the feeling will change again. For me it took 3 fills to get to really feel good restriction, and it never last more than 6-8 weeks. When I was getting fills I had a total of 9. I have a 4 cc band but I could never tolerate more than .10ccs at a time so it took a long time to build to my sweet spot. It all takes time so just take everything day by day! You will never be drinking when you eat anymore, and what you can eat will change. I can not eat bread, Pasta or rice. They tend to expand and hurt my tummy. Otherwise I eat whatever I want in small amounts! Good luck to all of you! :confused_smile:
  24. Boo Boo Kitty

    Kink in my tubing :(

    I am glad to hear it doesn't interfere then! I would hate for you to have to live with the band until August not working! SO whatever you are doing, keep it up!
  25. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady Losers 4ever!

    lol...do margaritas hurt?? YES if you have too many! lol...but a few will never kill ya! I feel weird without a binder as well. I feel like everyone has one but me. I tried an old spanx on today and chickened out of it...lol....I wore it for like 5 mins and freaked out. My boobs look fine to me, but maybe he sees something I don't. I posted post op pics on my PS thread. I had to upload them to makemeheal.com. Photobucket deleted them! WTF...lol....:confused2:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
