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Boo Boo Kitty

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Boo Boo Kitty

  1. Boo Boo Kitty

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    Hi Sandy My link is Plastic Surgery Pictures, Videos, Photos, Pics, Before, After, Cosmetic Surgery But it is a site you want to check out, people post their plastic surgery stories. We rate our Dr's as well so you can see if yours has been rated! Good luck! I will be updating my pics today on makemeheal.com with my 3 week photos!
  2. Boo Boo Kitty

    I Did It - I Did It - I Did It

    CONGRATULATIONS Indigo!! WOO HOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You did GREAT! :scared2::thumbup::thumbup::thumbup:
  3. Boo Boo Kitty

    80's Trivia

    What about the hair band dudes with FAKE hair??? lol throw in the eyeliner and you have Brett Micheals. He should give it up!!
  4. Boo Boo Kitty

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    Well belly button news... It is a where they removed stiches and it peeled apart from the skin! It really isn't a big deal and it will heal. They didn't do surgery or anything, just put a big band aid on it with neosporin. I could have done that myself, but whatever! At least I know now that it is ok. I didn't get to see my PS today, so I got to ask another PS why I couldn't where spanx or compression. She said my Dr is 1 of 2 at the U of M who do not allow patients to use them. She said it was his opinion that they can cause tissue damage early on, and 3-4 weeks after he sees it as an uneeded expense. There really wasn't any reason not to, so I got a pair of spanx today. I feel VERY VERY weird in them! But we will see in the morning how my swelling is. She also told me once I am release to go back to the gym I will swell even more! I am glad she told me that. I miss the gym, I am going stir crazy. I hate it. BUT I will be back soon. I wonder if they miss me??
  5. Boo Boo Kitty

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Mum--I am sorry you are having a rough day. I can tell you even a roller coaster won't take your mind off it. It will take awhile before you feel even half way to normal. It is like a bad burn, it takes a hell of a long time to heal and you will always have the scar. BUT you can go on and make a life, just don't accept less than you want, need and most importantly DESERVE! You are worth it and so are your children! :scared2:
  6. Boo Boo Kitty

    Any TT paitents have belly button problems?

    Thank you so much for your reply! I appreciate you helping to take the time to calm me down! I am one to jump to drama! :sad: Thanks again for your help! I wasn't expecting an expert to help! Very cool!
  7. Boo Boo Kitty

    Wher'd my "Rep Power" go?

    I for one am glad. I added too much pressure to me as far as I am concerned. No one needs a popularity contest here! :sad:
  8. Boo Boo Kitty

    Please give advice

    I am not allowed to eat for 2 days after a fill. I am allowed to progress from liquids the first day of the fill to soft foods, but I am not allowed to eat food. Not being able to drink water is more than a bit surprising. Maybe he is overly worried about the amount of swelling you may have!
  9. Boo Boo Kitty

    Night time vomiting??

    It could be reflux, but it could also be allergies or snot. I was going through what I thought was acid reflux when it turned out to be snot form allergies draining into my stomach. There is no way to tell until you see a Dr. The good news is it can be resolved quite easily! Good luck!
  10. Boo Boo Kitty

    Just have to celebrate 100 pounds gone!!!

    Hip hip horay! Here's to Fran!! Congratulations Fran, you deserve it!! :sad::hurray: :frown:
  11. Boo Boo Kitty

    More pics! my rennaissance life!

    Crystal!!!!!!!!! Woooooaaaaahhhhhhhh you are one HOT mamma!! Wooo hoooo!! You both look amazing! Keep up the great work hun! Wow!!:sad::thumbup::frown::thumbup:
  12. I agree 100% with SanDiego. Just because she gets surgery does NOT mean she will loose weight. She has to want to do it and be willing to do the work. It isn't like the bypass where if you eat bad foods they just get sick. We can tolerate bad foods better than good foods sometimes and we have to make good food choices. We also have to committ to exercise and a new life. It isn't black and white, it takes a lot of work. She needs to want to have the surgery and be 110% committed to it. Just because she gets it doesn't mean she will loose weight. Does she want it because you want her to want it or does she want it FOR HER? That is the only way it will work! Good luck to her and you! :sad:
  13. Boo Boo Kitty

    Steady Losers 4ever!

    Steph--you really do look great! I am so happy! I am calling today on the belly button hole. It is SOOOO gross, I want to throw up...lol...I don't want to go see them though. Do you think that skin could grow over the hole?? lol... I am sure it needs to be stiched back up, what a bummer....ugh... :sad:
  14. STEPH!! WOO HOOO! Look at you girl! I am so happy for you and you look so happy! Great job! What an awsome reward on all your hard work girl! Hugs! Love you fan club! :sad:
  15. Boo Boo Kitty

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    Hey all Fran--the picture was taken in Seattle! I WISH I had been on a cruise there! I was there for a work conference and it was a brief moment where we got to venture out. That pic was taken in Pioneer's Station (I think that is what they call it.) Seattle is gorgeous I wish I could go back! As for the belly button--I am going to call today. It had a "blow out". I see tissue now! GROSS! I don't know what they are going to say. The left side about 1 inch to a half inch is now open. I put Neosporin on it but when I look at it I want to throw up....man....I am sure I did it by lifting too much, so I have no one to blame but myself....fudge.... DH took 3 week post op pics yesterday, I am going to try to post them later. I will post the belly button too....ewwww...lol...
  16. Boo Boo Kitty

    FINALLY-A New Grey's Anatomy

    OMG Billyjean! I never ever ever ever thought of that!! You should write soap operas! :smile2:
  17. Boo Boo Kitty

    First test of will... i lost

    I am so sorry for you loss. But please do not add to your pain by chastizing yourself. That is the last thing you need right now! So you had a bad day, we all do! I can't even count how many times I thought I failed just because of 1 bad day. Beating yourself up does nothing good! Remember the good times you had with your beautiful dog. In the end that is what matters. You were a good friend to her, and she wouldn't want her friend being mean to herself! Hugs
  18. Boo Boo Kitty

    Betrayal is a BITCH

    Mum! I am so sorry! I just found this thread. First let me tell you I thought the SAME thing that you did, "I would never stay with a man who cheated on me". But now I know that those are idealistic words from someone who had never been through it. My DH cheated almost 10 years ago. We broke up for awhile and I realized I really didn't want anyone else. We got back together and went through intense counceling and found out the reasons why he cheated. It wasn't about sex, we were missing something in our marriage and he found it elsewhere. It had nothing to do with me as a person! We are now doing well, but I can tell you there are days I still am pissed off. Once in a blue moon I bring it up and of course we fight. It will never be gone, but we made a choice to make it work. We now have 2 beautiful girls and making the life we always wanted. If you let HER take that away from you, you will always regret it. As for my gutterslut as I call her, karma is a bitch. About 1 year after the affair she had an accident drunk driving and spent 6 months in an ICU unit and nearly killed her best friend. After she got well she got to spend 6 months in jail and is STILL on probation. So yes, your gutterslut will get what she deserves in the end! I commend you for making the committment and choice to your marriage and your children. Someday you will look back on this and see how very strong it made you. You can't go through something like this and not grow as a person, a wife and a mother. But for the future set boundries and dont' let anyone cross them! Good luck! We are all here if you need us! And from one Mom to another, I know your children thank you for trying!
  19. Boo Boo Kitty

    I hate it when people post just to post.....

    You are so damn picky! Man I am NOT inviting you over to MY house!
  20. Boo Boo Kitty

    Boo Boo Kitty's PS Journey

    Hey all! Thanks so much! I am feeling really happy that I did it. The first few weeks were hard, but now it is worth it! Sue--THANK YOU! That is the best thing anyone has ever said to me! I want to be one that looks like she was never fat! Fran--I can tell you the first few days will suck and then it gets better! Just rest and breath lots and you can get through it. I am the world's biggest baby and I am ok now. It really is worth it, but when you first wake up you hate yourself. ( I did!) Global--I will post some of my before's here. I guess I forget not everyone knows what I look like before I lost the weight! I have been here so long I assume! lol... Gojag--Best wishes to you hun! YOU can do this too. If you want it bad enough you can do it. If you ever need help, ask! I am going to get DH to take pics today of the scars and stuff. I did find out last night that I ripped my belly button!!! I am so bummed. There is a huge "hole" in it. BUT I am not worried about it enough to get it fixed! lol...NO MORE STICHES!
  21. Boo Boo Kitty

    It's Kats turn!!!!

    Kat I know how the stir crazy thing goes. Amazing you even get it when you are in pain and drugged up! lol... I have never heard of this pain ball thing, how do they take it out of it is THAT big? I ended up on 5 mg od oxycodone, made me feel much better. My dr feels as well that you need to be out of pain to heal. I can tell you it does get better! Hugs to you!
  22. Boo Boo Kitty

    Banders and Irritable Bowel Syndrome

    I had IBS before the band only diarahia. I guess I am a lucky one. I have had 2 flare ups in the almost 2 years since being banded. BUT constipation is another thing now. If there is a preference I prefer the latter, at least then I can leave the house! My PS told me it is very common for IBS to go away or change after surgery, mostly because your eating habits change. I think he was right for me! I now use Miralax for the constipation works overnight for me. Good luck!
  23. Boo Boo Kitty

    Am I doing the right thing??

    Kerri I asked this question myself about 2 years ago. I can tell you for me it was the RIGHT thing. The worst thing for me was that I didn't do it sooner. I could NOT face turning 30 at 320+ pounds. I had done everything there was and nothing worked for me. I always failed. For me the band conquered the BIGGEST problem for me, my mind. It was always telling me that I was starving or hungry and it always made me eat. I can tell you that for family and friends, if you do this you are doing this FOR YOU, not them. While it is good to have them behind you, if they can't be then let them go on their merry way! I can tell you that I have lost a lot of friends who didn't support me, but have also learned who my real friends were and gained better relationships with them. It is easy for them to judge and say this is the easy way out. I can tell you if this is the easy way, then I wouldn't want to see the hard way! This has not been easy for me, but I wouldn't trade it for anything in the world! I have lost 165+ pounds and gained a whole new me. One that I like, one that is beautiful and most of all one that is healthy. No one can take that away from me! Yes, after some time you will be able to eat with friends again, socially. BUT you will learn a new way to eat and a new full. You won't be pigging out anymore and that is a good thing! As for the needles, don't look! They are a part of the game, but only every 6-8 weeks or more for a few seconds. Worth it all, let me tell you! Good luck on your decision, let me know if I can help you!
  24. Sidd So glad to hear you are doing better! Hope it all stays that way!
  25. Boo Boo Kitty

    Hi, fellow thirty-somethings =)

    lol....I agree NKOTB was an aquired taste when we were young and most of us kept it a secret. HOWEVER there was never any same in rocking out to Living on a Prayer or Janie's Got a Gun! I still listen to all of those! I want to see Journey this summer, anyone else seen them recently?

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